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Nahla + Teddy's Mum

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Everything posted by Nahla + Teddy's Mum

  1. For ours pups 1st birthdays I plan on having a puppy party for sure! We have lots of friends with dogs the same age and we get together all the time so the "kids" can play! Why shouldnt our special little ones get their own day too!! I say have a ball and post some pics of the event!!
  2. Teddy is my heart and Nahla is her Dads! It's funny because I chose Nahla and my OH chose Ted and we are now actually closer to the other! But I love both my dogs so very very much and swear they get sick of us kissing and cuddling them all night long! Nahla is also very close to her Nana as she used to spend all day with her when we went to work when she was young, they have a very special bond which I enjoy watching
  3. Good topic! Our's will go to my parents place! The live on 3 acres and the dogs love it there already! They run and play all day long in the bush then come back filthy dirty and happy! Touch wood there with us for their whole lives though!
  4. I agree with Wizzle! If it works for you and as long as she's happy and healthy thats all that matters!
  5. We let ours fall asleep on the bed and then we put them in their pens once they are asleep! Then I set my alarm 15 mins before we actually have to get up and we bring them back up for morning puppy cuddles which they ( and we!) absolutly love! As soon as they hear my alarm go off they shake their pens like crazy until we bring them up! Once they are asleep they usually have 1 toilet break and race back to bed again! My OH is such a softy and wants them on the bed but I know how bad it will be to break the habit if they dont go well! but we may try it soon! Everyone has their own opinion just like when raising kids I guess!
  6. Brave or stupid aussielover?!?! It was very difficult at the start but we wanted them to be the same age so they could grow old together and never be lonely! Now that they are both toilet trained and all the vet visits are out of the way its impossible to imagine only having one! They are best buds so its awesome to see! My mother-in-law taught Nahla "gentle" when we were living with her when she was mouthing having those crazy puppy running laps! We use it on Teddy now too and it works a treat! If they dont settle down they then get "time out" around the side to calm down! 9 times out of 10 they come back inside more relaxed because they know they have to be quiet to come back in! Were looking after my Mums dog who is 4 for a couple of days and she is just so confused as to why there is 2 of them! Poor thing cant turn left or right without having a puppy watching her! Nahla's the typical little sister and is her shadow now! Very cute though I must say!
  7. Hi everyone! We have 2 spoodle puppies 18 and 23 weeks old and I just wanted to know what dinner alternatives I could try? At the moment they are both on Tucker time dog meat and Advance biscuits. They have biscuits through out the day and then some roll at night but I wanted to mixed it up a bit and give them some variety. They also have treats during training time and pigs ears on occasions when I can supervise plus we gave them their first bones the other day and they loved that! Could I substitute the roll for bones on some nights? What does everyone feed their hungry lil pups?
  8. Hiya! We had to introduce out 15 week old puppy to her playmate when he was 10 weeks and she just would not leave him alone! He was timid and she was just bouncing all over him and biting his ears and tail - just in a friendly manner mind you. Took about 3 days for Nahla to realise Teddy was here to stay and now they are best buds! Cant catch 1 without the other! Just give it time and if Scout gets too full on teach the word "gentle". We were forever say "gentle Nahla" the first couple of days when she got too full on and she backed off a bit and just chose to watch where he went! Make sure your new pup gets time to explore by herself also without the other pup bouncing around her! Congrats on your new puppy!!
  9. Hello! We are away from the house from about 7am until about 5pm and the dogs are fine. We have 2 now but when we did have 1 we thought she was getting lonely and it was a long time to leave her hence the reason we bought her a playmate, although it wasnt easy at first having 2 puppies! A CKCS sounds like a perfect choice! My Mum has a cavalier and she is fine when left alone, most dogs just sleep all day long and as long as you leave enough food and water, some play toys and a big enough area for them to play in pup will be fine. Just make sure you spend lots of time playing once you are home and doing little training exercises to keep the mind busy! Having a dog is wonderful! I come from a real dog orienated family so I would be lost without one!
  10. We are exhausted! We dont have water in their pens just their bed and newspaper. We have tried sleeping them together and it didnt work well! They just snapped at each other then started playing in the middle of the night! The weird thing is that they dont have water during the night but everytime we get up to let them out they both do a wee, sometimes a poo and then race back inside to go back to bed! Its almost like they dont realy want to get up because we have no trouble getting them back into bed and asleep again! Its so frustrating. Were scared that if we put them into another room they will just cry to be let out as they know not to go in their pens now so we dont want to take a step backwards in their toliet training! Arghhhhhh
  11. Just an update - we were doing so well with only 1 wee break then last night there was 4!!! They went outside at 9pm then woke at 10:30, 12:30, 2:30 and again at 4pm then when we got up at 6am!! God knows how they managed to wee after not having any water after bedtime at 9pm! They both did a wee everytime too so its not just 1 of them! Not sure where it all came from! Going to the vet with our boy this arvo for his last vaccination so i'll ask her what she would recommed to do and if there may be a problem We are so tired today! At the moment they sleep seperalty in pens on either side of our bed, should we maybe try to sleep them together and see if this helps? Maybe they are after company at night too?
  12. I feel for you Sal! We have 2 spoodle puppies and they are very energetic and crazy at times! The best thing about having 2 is they keep each other entertained all day and night long! We were waiting for the naughty behaviour to come but the worst thing they do is pinch our socks and put them in their beds! They dont even chew them or anything! Maybe try to do quick training session's with her so she is focused for a little while and under your control, make sure its quiet around you if possible so she doesnt have any distractions. We find taking our dogs on a good 30 min walk in the arvo realy settles them down for the evening until the 9pm "lets do 1 more crazy run around the house biting each others tail until we pass out" thing they do just before bed! Only lasts 5 mins but after that they are passed out in their beds! I also do 2 rounds of training sessions a night for about 10 mins each and after that they seem to calm down and want to show off their new tricks! Good luck I know it all gets easier and hopefully soon you will be able to enjoy her a little more!
  13. Oh thank god for your post! My pup Teddy is now almost 16 weeks and he still hasnt got it! He was doing so well then last week took big steps back! We take him out after he eats, drinks, woken from a nap and after a play session with our other pup ( who at 22 weeks is now trained!!) and when we realise he hasnt been out in a while but sometimes he just does it right in front of us with no warning! He will be looking at us and all of a sudden we hear it splashing on the tiles! We dont make a fuss and clean it up with "Piss Off" which is so far working well. When we do take him out a encouraging " do wee's" is all it takes and he know's what we want so does it and we praise with treats and cuddles! He peed 5 times in 5 mintues the other night and only 3 were caught outside! We couldnt believe it! He still usually wakes 2 times a night to go out also! But I know we just have to be patient and it will happen! Our other pup Nahla hasn't had an acciedent in about a month and were are pretty confiedent in her that she's now trained. My Mum's dog is 4 and she said she wasnt realy well trained until 6 months so our dogs dont seem so abnormal after all. Just like kids I guess some puppies are slow starters! Lets hang in there and hope for success very soon!!
  14. Aw your new pup is so cute!!! We had that problem with Nahla the first couple of weeks. They do grow out of it but all we did was a high pitched yelp and then ignore her until she calmed down, if she didnt we would put her in her pen until she did and then bring her back out to redeem herself! We got Teddy at 10 weeks so he was mostly over it by then. If they do catch us now when we are playing with them they lick our hand and put their head on our body to say sorry! Its very cute then they go all mental again! Good luck with your new pup!
  15. Thanks for all your reply's!! Last night I monitored their drinking and noticed that they didnt have any water after about 8pm and they slept until 5am! Which for us was awesome!! We went for a big walk at 6pm so they gulped when they got home and that may have been enough I guess! Once they are asleep they are so good...we ahve never had a problem with crying and whinging, they do sleep seperatly because Nahla likes her space and Teddy just stretches out so much! They are together all day so some time out from each other does them good we think! Thanks for all ur advise i'll keep watching theri water and toilet breaks and hopefully have a full nights sleep soon!!
  16. Hi Everyone, Just wondering what people's view on taking water away for puppies after say 8pm at night? I've read so many things but wanted to get opinion's from people who have done it or tried and it didnt work? Our pups are 16 and 21 weeks old and are still waking for 1-2 wee break's in the night. They currently have water until bedtime which is usually around 9:30pm. Also 1 of them will wake us up if they need to go should we be waking them at certain times? We havent had a full nights sleep in month's and we realy realy need to get this sorted out!! Any advice would be great! Thanks :-)
  17. Oh god I can relate!! We have 2 puppies and my OH came home 1 day to find me in the bedroom crying and the pups outside crying!! It just gets all too much sometimes! But we can not imagine our lives any other way now! its hard to imagine we were ever without them they just bring so much love and happiness into our lives its wonderful! I was talking to my mum the other day about it and she just sat there and laughed and said it will be 10 times harder when we have kids!! We have decided puppies forever now!! :-)
  18. we have placed a mat next to the couch and are trying to get her to go there..... I think its going to take a bit of work but I think it will be worth it to eat dinner without a lil puppys head on my plate Yes it took us about 3 nights to master it! We can now make them stay there and walk around the whole house and come back to treat them if they are still there! oftern we see a little furry head pop around the corner to make sure we come back!! Eating dinner in peace is so much better!!
  19. Hi There! Just wondering how we go about walking our 2 puppies 15 and 20 weeks old. We have been given the all clear by our vet to take our youngest Teddy out after all his vaccinations and he actually walk's very well naturally which is great!! Our other pup Nahla just wants to run everywhere and pull constantly! Thinking it might be better to take them seperatly until they get the hang of it and are walking properly? I sometimes have to take them by myself without the OH so trying to keep 2 puppies to the left and walk beside me is sometimes a struggle! We are booked in for training classes starting in 2 weeks but just though id ask for anyones opinion that also have 2 adorable puppies? :-)
  20. I agree with the mat thing! We have 1 in the kitchen so we dont tumble over them all the time and 1 in the family area for when we are eating and they have to stay on the floor. A simple " on your mat" then a sit and stay with a treat usually does the job! They just want to be with us so as long as they can see us they are fine! Then they get rewarded with a cuddle on the couch if they were good puppies and usually fall asleep under a sleeping bag together!
  21. Hiya, Our 2 pups are allowed to jump up on the couch when ever they like but if we are eating or we have people over, when they jump up we pick them up place them on the floor with a stern"stay down" .Took them a couple of days to get it without using treats ( we dont like using them too much as we had a couple of upset tummy's 1 day!) We have a paw print mat that they can lay on when not allowed on the couch if they wish and they usually just find some of their toys and play. Once were done they usually stay on their mat or come sit at our feet and wait for "come up" then curl back to sleep!
  22. Hi Goldee! When we take our 2 pups ( 13 and 18 weeks old ) in the car we let them lay on blankets from their beds so they know that they are safe and their favourite toy and treat them when they are quiet and still and they got the idea pretty quickly! We live very close to a park but I also drove them there so they associate the car with a reward at the end ( the park and a ball!) I also found not talking to them helped because they would get realy excited and want to jump around or try to get to me! The radio helps too as it drowns out the sound of the big scary car!! Goodluck!!
  23. Yeah weather has been crazy the last 48 hours! We found our youngest puppy Teddy had burrowed himself under his blankets this morning to hide from all the thunder and rain! Its been realy cold too so keeping both puppies rugged up at night has been a challange! Helps for toilet training as they wait until morning to be let out as they have figured its too cold at 3am to do wees outside!!
  24. OK great thanks i'll try the umbrella trick tonight!! We cant spend too much time with her outside as we all have the flu from this silly Perth weather that has just come across so when we are bit better play time and walkies will be in the rain when possible!
  25. Hello, Just wondering what to do when its raining outside as our 17 week old puppy wont go and "do wee's"! There is a small area where she wont get wet from the rain but I think she gets all nervous and doesnt want to go as this is not her normal "spot". We waited for a good 20 mins last night but it just got so cold ( she has had a small dose of kennel cough) and all she was doing was sitting down watching the rain so we bought her back inside and as we were walking down the passage way she squatted and did a wee!! Should I maybe use puppy pads and put them outside the laundry door where she would usually go outisde or just wait until she finally goes? Our other puppy is 12 weeks old and he couldnt care less about the rain! So we are taking them both out at the same time and hoping she follows but no luck so far! Any advise would be great!
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