Nahla + Teddy's Mum
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Everything posted by Nahla + Teddy's Mum
That is the cutest video ever!! We say "bedtime puppies" and they bolt to our room jump on the bed and settle down within seconds and go all sleepy and cuddly! It's a struggle to get them off the bed everyday! Gotta love our fur kids!
Has Your Dog Ever Protected You?
Nahla + Teddy's Mum replied to siks3's topic in General Dog Discussion
We had 2 men jump our fence trying to run away from police and they found themselves in our pool with our Goldie and our friends GSD we were dog sitting doing laps around it so they couldnet get out. I was asleep and woke up in my room with police lights flashing everywhere and the dogs going nuts! I bolted to my parents room ( I was about 14 ) and ran into about every piece of furniture on the way and wouldnt leave there room till the morning! Dad had to call the dogs away and get them inside so the police could get 2 very scared and wet men out of our pool! Our girl Goldie was very very protective of us from that night on until she passed. Makes a great story sitting around the bbq every summer! Lucky we can laugh about it because no-one got hurt and nothing was damaged! -
Pigs Ears - Are They Ok For Puppies?
Nahla + Teddy's Mum replied to kenneh's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
My puppies love pigs ears but they only get them when someone is home to supervise because of all the horror stories I've heard, I dont want to take any chances! Kongs are much safer and you can put different tasty treats in them and mine take a couple of hours to get through it all. It's so hard leaving them at first but it will get easier for you and puppy, try rotating toys every couple of days so he doesnt get too bored with the same ones. Nahla wasn't on her own for very long until we got Ted so the bordom and crying issue was solved right away! Enjoy your new puppy -
How Often Can I Feed Raw Eggs?
Nahla + Teddy's Mum replied to Nahla + Teddy's Mum's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Oh ok well thats good to know! Thanks I'll crumble up the shell next time and see how it goes! -
How Often Can I Feed Raw Eggs?
Nahla + Teddy's Mum replied to Nahla + Teddy's Mum's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Well my Mum came home the other week to find a full raw egg in her living room with a tooth size chip out the top and her dog sucked the egg out and didnt eat the shell! Thats why I was curious when Sheena said to give them the shell too! -
How Often Can I Feed Raw Eggs?
Nahla + Teddy's Mum replied to Nahla + Teddy's Mum's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
They are spaniel x poodles...realy the whole shell also? Wont that be sharp in their mouth going down? I'll start giving them 2 a week and they will love me even more!! -
Hi Everyone, Just wondering how often I can feed my 2 dogs, 9 and 10.5 months old raw eggs? I gave them I each on top of their kibble last night and about a week ago and they absolutely loved it! They ate everything in their bowl which they hardly ever do and I havent noticed a change in health so far so they seem to agree with them. Is 2-3 times a week too much? Thanks in advance
My two have a race as to who can finish their's the fastest! But they wont come back inside until they have both finished and until they have both had a drink! Sweet realy They also eat their biscuits in order of shapes, first the bones, then the triangles etc! I'm very OCD about my food and it looks like I have passed it on
My 2 are going through this now...Nahla at almost 9 months has grown up a lot in the last couple of weeks and seems to be more of a "dog" than a "puppy" now. We have noticed some personality traits change and she is becoming more relaxed and chilled out and not as hyper as she was. She is becoming better on the lead and always sits when asked first time, comes when called etc. Teddy at 7.5 months is the complete opposite! I had to check that he still had ears the other day as nothing was registering with him. He would not sit, not come, not heal on the lead and wouldnt follow us around like he always had. He started growling at Nahla and jumping on her when she was sleeping to get a reaction from her so I've had to work hard with him latley. I know this is just a phase and all dogs go through it differently but it will pass soon and I just have to stay firm and I will ahve great dogs on the other side! Good luck your not alone!!
Dogs And Relationship Break Ups
Nahla + Teddy's Mum replied to Teal's topic in General Dog Discussion
So sorry to hear about the situation you have found yourself in :D If this ever happened to me I would keep both dogs. I could not live without them now so the thought of them being taken away from me is devastating to say the least. I, like you do EVERYTHING for them but there is not doubt in my mind that my OH loves them to death just as much as me. I also wouldnt seperate them because this happened to a friend of mine and her dog was never the same. Not saying it would happen to you but the dogs personality changed and she was what you would call "depressed" and just has never bounced back to her old self. But then again I've had another friend who seperated his dogs and he got another so the dog wasnt without a buddy and the dog was perfectly happy. Maybe you could take both dogs and your ex could come visit them after work/on weekends? He may find the pressure of taking care of 2 dogs full time to be a bit much to handle if he hasnt contributed a lot in the past? I went away for 4 days with work and OH was sooo glad to have me back just to take care of the dogs!! He realises its not as easy as it sounds! I hope everything works out for the best for you and your doggies! -
I love the one with the Jack Russell saying "Please??" I know! There's such cute stuff for doggies on ebay! I've gotten jackets, food bowls, id tags, treats and toys! I always look for free shipping too!!
Just did an ebay search! http://shop.ebay.com.au/?_from=R40&_tr...-All-Categories I got custom made dog bowls with their names on them from ebay and they look so good, everyone comments on them!
I sat next to a lady with a guide dog earlier this year and about half way through the flight I asked if I could give him a little pat and she was so lovely she let me walk him down to the toilets just to stretch his legs! I was very hesitant to even ask because I know of the strick rules but she was so laid back and we had been talking the whole way so far. I helped her get off the plane and gave her doggy Oscar a treat! highlight of my trip!
Help - Whats A Moddle ?
Nahla + Teddy's Mum replied to Bisart Dobes's topic in General Dog Discussion
Is this a different dog to your two Cocker x Poodles? Nope same dog just cut out the cross to eliminate situations like these! To me a dog is a dog I couldnt care less what it is or isnt crossed with but a lot of people do not share that same view. I dont comment on discussions on this forum very oftern because everyone is so negative and nasty and it reminds me of an all girls school playground at lunch time. The reason I posted in this thread is to just let people know it is a nickname for the cross breed and most people know that. When people do ask me if my dogs are pure breed I tell them of course not their mother is a cocker and father a poodle and somewhere along the line a owner got fed up saying all that and nicknamed them Spoodles! From now on I will say other half insted of OH and original poster insted of OP and in my honest opinion insted of IMHO - just may take me a little longer but all well will avoid all this I guess! -
Help - Whats A Moddle ?
Nahla + Teddy's Mum replied to Bisart Dobes's topic in General Dog Discussion
Well one of the rules on this forum is that you call the dog by their name ie Poodle x Spaniel or Poodle cross ''This site was created for pure bred dog discussion The primary purpose of this forum is to promote and discuss pure bred dogs (as recognised by the ANKC) so we ask you respect our aim when visiting here. If you own a cross breed dog, you are also welcome here, but we ask that you refer to it by it's proper name (eg a pug-x or cavalier-x instead of the designer term 'pugalier'). Please do not start threads asking what breeds people think make up your cross-bred dog or to express your outrage at the latest designer dog you saw. We prefer to concentrate our discussion on the pure bred dog (ANKC recognised). '' So does that mean the original poster broke the forum rules too? "Please do not start threads asking what breeds people think make up your cross-bred dog " It was not her dog but she was still asking what breeds make this dog. -
Help - Whats A Moddle ?
Nahla + Teddy's Mum replied to Bisart Dobes's topic in General Dog Discussion
Meh I dont realy care what anyone else calls my dogs I know what they are! When I told people they were a poodle cross they asked cross with what so I said cocker spaniel and they said oh so they are "spoodles" then? Me - Yeah thats about right!...I guess you'll all be horrified that when I call them both I call them "Spoodz" just another nickname!? I didnt think I was breaking any law's by following a nickname everyones know's? Huff no-one wants to have fun anymore -
Help - Whats A Moddle ?
Nahla + Teddy's Mum replied to Bisart Dobes's topic in General Dog Discussion
You are perpetuating the incorrect belief that "spoodles" are a real breed. You should make the effort to explain to people they crossbreeds. I was saying that they already know that they are cross breed's so there is no need to. I even had 1 lady at the park snap at me because when I did explain she told me of course she knew she wasnt stupid and stormed off! -
Help - Whats A Moddle ?
Nahla + Teddy's Mum replied to Bisart Dobes's topic in General Dog Discussion
Well I actually have 2 "Spoodles" but I only call them that because saying cocker spaniel x toy poodle is just too long! Were Aussies! We give everything nicknames and thats all I see it as, I know my dogs are not pure breed dogs and I dont pretent they are its just easier to say and these day's people know exactly what I mean so I dont even have to correct myself. I dont think it matters what breed your dog is, it matters how you take care of them and the life you give them. -
When Nahla was little she wasn't too keen on the car and would cry and try to get on my lap but as soon as we got Mr Chilla - aka Teddy - she learnt off him! So hopefully Elbie will take notes from Hoover and realise the car isnt so scary after all! Both now will jump in as soon as we open to door and they stare out of the window with not 1 peep! Nahla even sleeps in the car now so hopefully you will get the same results!! We usually got to pretty exciting places when were in the car so they look forward to it ( although they do bark once we turn into the vets! )
Guess What I Just Bought The Sibs!
Nahla + Teddy's Mum replied to W Sibs's topic in General Dog Discussion
Careful though, putting a pool on the grass will quickly kill your new grass! If the pool will be a permanent fixture, maybe leave a patch without grass for the pool? Yep OH already thought about that and we have nicknamed a section of our backyard "Puppy Playground"!! Hoping to get it all done for Nahla's 1st birthday -
Guess What I Just Bought The Sibs!
Nahla + Teddy's Mum replied to W Sibs's topic in General Dog Discussion
Love love love it!!! I cant wait until our grass is finally layed so we can get the pups a pool too keep them cool in the hot Perth summer! -
I love you Ted but...please stop waking me up half an hour before the alarm goes off! Although it is very cute to get a lick on the nose then have your big brown puppy dogs eyes looking at me first thing in the morning it would be better with a bit more sleep!! Take a hint from Nahla who does not move until I pick her up to go outside!!!
My 2 pups are going through they same thing They are 8 and 6.5 months old and got de-sexed 10 days ago and almost instantly they have become more fearful of everything!! barking all the time at nothing and in the middle of the night and early morning. We are hoping when they get their stitches out this afternoon and we can start taking them for big walks again that it will stop. We have been doing more training with them at night time to keep them more focused but the lack of exercise is realy showing! Fingers crossed they get through otherwise we will have to seek some help as the neighbours may start to complain ( I even had a dream about a council man turning up at the house!)
Hi Everyone, Just wanted some opinions on my little Nahla barking all of a sudden a lot more than usual in the mornings and evenings. Up until about a week ago it was the occasional bark when she heard a noise or something spooked her when she was outside but in the last week its becoming more frequent. She also has started barking inside for no apparent reason every morning, OH gets up at 5:30am for work so pups are awake and playing but she will run through the house barking and it is very loud and we have housemates so I'm starting to feel realy bad! I also am not sure if she barks all day when I am at work so relying on our neighbours to let us know if she is getting too vocal. Both pups were de-sexed last week so I'm thinking it may be the lack of walks she is used too and socialisation causing this? Ted is not a barker at all and we hardly ever hear him but when we do if they are outside usually a quick "puppies inside" will stop them barking and come racing in or " ssssshhhhhh" and " no barking" but this hasnt been working as well lately. Maybe its just a growing up phase thing she is gowing through but any advice or suggestions would be great! Would like to stop it before it becomes a bigger problem!
I didnt even notice mine teething until I stepped on a tooth one night inside! They didnt get mouthy or sooky but I did give them frozen carrots ( watch out for orange poo! ) and ice-cubes to munch on! Make sure you keep an eye on his canine teeth to make sure he looses them. Nahla didnt loose her's and has to have them taken out when she gets de-sexed this Friday. Ted's came out naturally!