I took 3 pups from Griffith Pound in September...1 died and 2 were pts a few days after being in quarantine due to parvo. I knew Griffith Pound was a risk,but I had room and thought I could help these three.
I reported it to the Ranger at the time, Anthony, and made mention of the fact that the other Ranger had let the pups run from their pen to the outside area, all over the dirt and concrete near the entrance of the pound. Not a good practice and I nearly said keep the pups...but I wanted to give them a chance. The pound should even implement basic precautions for quarantine like bleach baths for shoes, etc...the Ranger could even contact rescue groups about surrenders without taking the pups into the pound at all....Duty of Care!
I know of one dog from Griffith Pound that was tested for parvo at the vets, test -ve, was given a C3 and then 3 days later was off its food, vomiting etc, yep parvo.