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Everything posted by mac'ella
My boxer had a similar sounding lump on his lower neck/shoulder area that seemed to come up in two days we had photos from ten days earlier at the beach which showed nothing even when he was wet. It had actually opened up so I took him straight to the vet who took a swab which showed nothing, because it was so big and also the fact that he is 13 we chose to put him on anti biotics and see if it went down,two days later it burst open when I was bathing it with salt water,huge amounts of pus and clotted blood came away but there was no sign of pain, the vet wanted to wait a few more days.That night I also googled and found an article about insect bites causing histamines which create an enzyme which causes this type of lump I gave him some phenergen and the nexr day it was heaps smaller and healing up,it went within a week but then started to come up two weeks later,I gave him phenergen again and it went down and so far hasn't reappeared,this may be a coincidence but it might be worth a try, good luck and hope all is well soon
Hi Teebs good on you for taking this little one on,just wondering if the vet has tested for coccidia as symptoms sound like it ...good luck
Family Sues Council Over Fatal Dog Mauling Of Child
mac'ella replied to samoyedman's topic in In The News
its a similar situation to kids wandering off and drowning in a neighbours pool, or onto roads.the neighbours may think their kids wont go near the pool so why fix the gate but as so often happens its not their kids in danger,even the most diligent parents can be distracted for that short moment that it takes,Ive seen it happen where there was a party down the road, the roller door was left up a bit and one of the guests toddlers escaped out onto the road,luckilly I was walking my dogs at that time and was able to run and grab her out of the path of a passing car,when I took her back the parents werent even aware she had gone.They were so shocked at what could have been, but it was someone else who didnt shut the door properly so who would have been at fault?,the parents, the driver or the hosts? -
Nope - the black ones stand out in the dark, it's the brindle ones that completely vanish! Agreed... we had a black staffy and you could always see some contrast to the surroundings at night but our red blends in, even at dusk, brindles would be worse
Aussie I was wondering what area and which park this happened at.
try a reptile supply store I bought some in sydney when we bought our staffy pup as a precaution due to parvo in the surrounding areas
wish I had those hrs If you bring your puppy home on a day when you can spend the most time before going back to work it can at least get used to being fed before you leave for work then with plenty of toys to occupy it there should be no problem and as Esky said will sleep most of the time, a bit of play time before you leave might help as well.
Is that 12 mid day or mid night?
The worst dog we ever owned as far as killing other animals was a std dachshund which would kill any thing he could get hold of, but he was ok with our cat.My boxer was killing blue toungues he found in the yard then when we came across one when walking I picked it up and made him stay, then calmly held it near him and praised him when he didnt attempt to harm it, then I let it go and he just watched it crawl, off since then theres been no more casualties in our yard.I think he saw them as a threat and once reasured has left them alone As for hutches you can buy good metal ones with a slide on lid which if pinned are entry proof you can fit a weld mesh type wire as well which should have as many rivets as posible.I have some stainless steel 1/2 '' barrier wire (used in multi story construction) which you need an angle grinder to cut. Most avairy manufacturers have a good range and can fit heavier wire if asked.
We had several rabbits which shared the yard with our dogs never a problem except when our last one which used to play chicken with our boxer' zigged when he should have zagged,very unlucky but rabbits are quite fragile and he broke his neck on collision.the guinea pigs were often let out while the cage was cleaned and the only loss was to a hawk,we did however once find an escaped black and white rat (not ours)which wasnt so lucky.I think as others have said if he was intent on harming them there would be significant damage.
My sister was looking for a dog and decided to adopt a deaf red cattle bitch which was in the dog of the week.She lived up the coast so my parents agreed to pick her up for her, the story was she was 10 mths old which was false I had a deaf boxer at the time so knew how to interact with her. When I visited she was quite placid but probably sedated she was doting on my younger sister and mother but was standoffish with my father, she came to me OK. The next day was a bank holiday which my father and I had off as picnic days my mother and sister had work and uni,I went for a visit and she was inseperable with my father but hackled up and snarled at me, when my sister and mother came home she full on charged at them and bit my mother,we had no choice but to take her back after ringing the rspca.On arrival they said we had no idea about deaf dogs and wouldnt return the fees or even the lead we bought off them for her.they then had the hide to put her up for adoption again a few weeks later.It turns out she was 2yrs old and had been a kennel pet there since a pup. About the same time this happened there was a story on the news about a girl taking her two dogs there because she couldnt find accomodation with them,she asked if they would hold them till she found a house which she did but on returning found they had euth'ed both the same day without even taking them to the kennels. I would be very hesitant about dealing with them again but on the other hand who else has the power or facilities to deal with legal issues in cruelty cases etc unless the govt set up its own organisation which would have to be tax payer funded and probably run by the ex minister for this that and the other who wouldn't have any idea of what the job requires.
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Owners - Your Help Needed!
mac'ella replied to luvmypuppies's topic in General Dog Discussion
My dog Luca is a rottweiler x staffy. I rescued him when he was about six months old (he's turning two this year) and brought him home to live with three cats and eight chickens. I was really worried that bringing my first dog home would really disturb the peace around here, but with a bit of patience and planning everyone has really surprised me. I made sure Luca had a big walk before he came inside for the first time, and that the cats always had somewhere to go which was 'their' space. I built two outdoor cat runs that only they have access to via cat flaps, and there are also three of those six feet high climbing posts for them to escape to when they need some time out from Luca. I think the main thing I wanted to achieve was to get everyone working as a pack. If Luca ever gets too boistrous for the cats, he goes into some timeout or I redirect his attention to his favourite tennis ball or squeaky toy. He also reposnds really well to me saying 'gentle'. The cats actually do a great job of keeping him in line as well, and it took about 2 months or so for things to settle down. Now (almost two years later) they are all at the point of licking eachother's faces and sleeping together in the beanbag. They also eat together but I make sure that I always supervise meal times. Lots of rewards for good behaviour and always make sure your cat has somewhere she can escape to. Best of luck! I have a staffy, boxer, cat combo, no problems at all,I had another boxer when we bought the cat as a kitten then this boxer followed by our previous staffy and now our present staffyThe main thing is to supervise introductions and praise the dogs when they do the right thing and as advised previously good refuge places for the cat,as for meals its more likely the cat chasing the staffy off her food. -
Giving Joint Guard - Help Please?
mac'ella replied to violetmay's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I had similar problems with joint guard at first with my 13yr old boxer, until the hunger took over.I have now started using SeaFlex joint function treats which seem to be working better and he also seems more alert and has more stamina,he was even chasing the edger today,he has no problem eating them just takes them and they are gone in 2seconds -
I was told yesterday that the authorities are not only rescuing injured pets but also collecting dead animals to check micro-chips so that at least surviving owners know their outcome.
I was wondering what degree of malformIty would justify PTS? I am in total agreeance in this case but if its a case of non debilitating cases would a lot of breeders pts a pup so others wont know their dogs have a potential defect, or find it a pet home. I have 2 such dogs a white boxer which 13yrs ago wasnt accepted like they are now and a STB with a shortened toe, which the breeder was going to keep as a pet himself until we offered to take her as we wanted a pet only which would be desexed.
Arthritis Prevention Products...
mac'ella replied to Michelleva's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Have a look on My shopping .com.au they have a list of different suppliers and the price difference on products varies greatly, just check expiry dates as to whether you will use the amount in the time frame.There is a lot of info on most products. -
are the rats eating the spilled chicken food in your neighbours?If so approach them about using feeders on raised hanging platforms with mesh covered trays under them so that there is less spilled food for the rats.Since I started using this method (and also my neighbours pet bird died) I havent had mice around my aviaries.
when my fatherin law passed away his chi went to live with my brother in law on the coast he has 3 grown sons who werent impressed about taking her for walks untill the girls started wanting to pat her, now its gone from.... its your turn to walk her to... no its my turn. She has also turned into a tough little mutt so that she doesnt embarass them too much with their male friends.
Hi Im heading down to Batemans bay area tomorrow and was wondering what the tick situation is like. We will be at Tomakin,dogs are dosed up on proban and looking forward to the daily checks.
hes in good hands with Marilyn and Jim Gill
I was walking my dogs when a nice brindle staffy decided to join the team and followed me home,my daughter tried to check his collar for a number and copped a head butt to the mouth for her troubles.I then took him to the vets to check for micro chip and he seemed to know where to go and the vet knew him straight away,he had been brought in previously by other people but the owners (new to the area) hadnt fixed his escape route yet.
love the ones of the roos its amazing how they just sit there in the boat like they know he is helping them
I wonder where she goes ''IF'' she buys a car does she buy one from a dealer who repairs any faults and guarantees the vehicle or does she buy the private sale, one little old lady job in the local classifieds.then when it breaks down she can see how much the mechanics charge per hour.
years ago my father found a cocker spaniel running around on Chapple rd Bankstown,he called it off the road and similarly it had a collar and phone number which he rang all day but no answer.As it was a local number to me where we had just built he decided to bring it home and keep ringing and he finally got an answer and it turned out it was from our street 10 houses down. It turns out their mother was minding the dog while they were working and it escaped her yard,one way to meet your neighbours,