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Everything posted by sosboots

  1. I agree However In most states and territorys a barking dog is treated under the POEO Act more commonly know as offencive noise. Under this act a officer or ranger will come out and advice you of a commplaint, if there is a second then they have to prove excessive noise by installing noise readers that record the decibel and duration ( these are sealed and can record if they want to be smart and blow a horn into it) if found quilty you will be fined, however a dog would have to bark loud and long for that to happen but remember this Act also has time resriction in place. Also this is a double edge sword as you can also complain is their children are coursing you a real problem.. but only if they are... There is NO need to get into a neighbour fight if you can avoid it. Forgive spelling very tired..lol again sorry " POEO Act" = Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997
  2. I would strongly recommend against feeding powdered calcium. A decent quality puppy kibble would be a much better bet. :D Thanks , what about honey and eggs?? no need again with a good kibble?
  3. Thats no problem CW EW, I am learning alot about haveing dogs as pets. I thank you for the help but just a couple more then I leave you alone till my next prob..lol The Guard dogs needed a diet high in calories and nutrient so was special ordered and made for them, But I will find a dryfood for small dog and mix with Powdered Calcium Carbonate, Omega 3,6 and 9, rice and vegies I assume I dont want to give her a diet high in calories she still gets a lot of exicice but is a indoor dog. The Guard dogs also got honey and egg + shell mixed into the food twice a week, should I also give her the honey and eggs as well and if yes how much and how often?
  4. Hi, Thanks for the help. I did make a typing mistake I did mean to st she was 20 weeks old and not mths..sorry. because she is little I do spoil her by cooking chicken breats, liver, sheeps hearts, tuna and mix with cooked rice and peas sometimes grated carrots are mixed as well, at the moment i am feeding her small feeds 4 times a day, but I am changing the feeding routine because she is not eating all her food. I will Take her to the vet to get her eyes checked but what is with the tomato paste? will this remove the stains with out hurting her. thanks again for the help and advice.
  5. Hi, New to the site and new to owning a smallish dog, I have only ever had working Guard and security Dogs never as a pet, But know i own a little white pomeranian x corgi 20 mths old. three things...1. under her eyes looks like rust stains?? sometimes her eyes water and this staining is getting darker and bigger. should I be concerned with this? she dose not appeare to care. 2. she alwas trying to lick my hand, feet,face ect, why? should I be adding some minerials or salts into her water? is she lacking something? 3. every time she sees some one she knows she gets excited jumps up and down and pees every where, is this normal for a pup? will she grow out of it? or is there a problem? Thank you for any help you can give me. Boots
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