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Everything posted by Allerzeit

  1. She certainly sounds bright and happy, Anne - so hopefully that bodes well It's just lovely to hear of her being happy.
  2. Your dog IS amazing - no doubt But, YOU are amazing as well - the care and devotion you are showing Sophie, she is truly blessed to be with you Great report - hope the liver results are just as promising!
  3. Thinking of you Anne, and sending Sophie lots of cyber hugs and scratches Hope the appointment delivered more positive news!
  4. We have slippery elm powder that we have used on both the dogs and ourselves - magical stuff!! You can also get it in tablet form apparently - I would recommend this if using for yourself because the powder is foul :D Not that the dogs seem to care.
  5. Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and Sophie, Anne
  6. Alright - confession time Enya's first (and only) attempt at Novice... Not only did she fail EVERY exercise, except the one I thought she would have trouble with, but she also crapped in the ring By the end of it, the judge and I were in stitches! It was too damn pathetic not to just throw your hands up in the air and laugh Enya couldn't see what the problem was......
  7. :p I'm sorry to laugh - but that comment just caused my drink to come out of my nose :p Ahh, bless you for your sense of humour, Leo :D
  8. That's m'girl!!! You keep on surprising them Sophie Great to hear, Anne :cool:
  9. Keep on keeping on, Sophie Give her big pats and cuddles from me, Anne - so relieved to hear that she is still battling on!
  10. Thinking of you Shek. This is the most precious thing you can do for Jaida, to let her go on to her next journey, even though it breaks your heart. Jaida will thank you forever for your selflessness. Stay strong hon, you are in everyone's thoughts My heart is breaking for you
  11. Wangaratta Kennel and Obedience Dog Club have a website as well. The club is only very small at the moment, although starting to grow again after some significant changes in the running of the club - consequently the site does not have a lot in it at the moment, but the address is: http://www.wkodc.com I was going to recommend Jumba for hosting, although they are not the cheapest option around, I use them for all of our websites and they have been very reliable. I just checked the domain records, and funnily enough the TasDog site is also hosted by Jumba - http://www.jumba.com.au
  12. Shek, I don't know if it helps but... We made the decision with Stewie when he reached the point where he refused three meals in a row (he was a total pig before that), but he also had quite a distinct look in his eyes - I could tell he was just not interested in his surroundings anymore, he was turned inwards. The look was almost like he was asking to go - sounds corny perhaps, but there is no other way to describe it :rolleyes:
  13. Shek - :rolleyes: CnR - Just wanted to say I am thinking of you both. Sending strength to you both, I will light candles for Sophie and Jaida tonight.
  14. You're right there oonga How is Sophie today Anne? I hope she's picked up a bit. Thinking of everyone and sending mental hugs to you all.
  15. Oh Anne Thinking of you and sending thoughts of strength to Sophie
  16. Just checking to see how everyone is going and to send mental hugs to furry kids and humans Thinking of you all. SL - I saw Ollies update, sending extra prayers your way. Shek - are you finding that the drops are assisting with Jaida's pain? I was able to take Stewie completely off of conventional pain relief when he was on the drops, but when I took him back down to the half dosage his limp came back. After consulting with Robert, we ended up keeping Stewie on the double dosage. Good to hear that Jaida is taking the drops happily though - they smell absolutely horrible, I used to have to inject them into beef heart and chicken necks to get them past Stewie's nose. Anne - how is Sophie today? Thinking of you and sending healing thoughts to Sophie!
  17. Anne, You are in my thoughts as always. Hope Sophie is feeling happy today, cuddles to her from me please
  18. EXCELLENT!!! :rolleyes: I'm so pleased for you and for Sophie! Keep on keeping on my girl! Anne - I've not heard of metronomic therapy before - can you tell me what it is? I'm very interested to learn more, because you are obviously doing something very right for Sophie :p
  19. Thinking of you and Sophie today, Anne - fingers and paws crossed for positive news
  20. Still thinking of you and sending you thoughts of strength, Heather Just can't believe it :D Hope you are playing happily at the bridge beautiful boy
  21. Oh no I have been dreading seeing this post ZnQ, and when I saw you had posted I was half afraid to come and look in case it was the news I had been fearing. Beautiful Zed, rest peacefully. Play, with all your strength and beauty, at the rainbow bridge will all your new friends. Watch over your people, and send them the strength to continue on, until you all meet again. RIP Zed, taken too soon and never forgotten
  22. Thanks for the advice IDWT! I will make sure we check both girls thoroughly each day. I've ordered some Advantix, and it is on the way as well, so they will definitely have a treatment of that a few days before we leave. I'm probably being a worry wort, but so what
  23. Thanks Cockerlover, much appreciated :D
  24. Thanks Scarlet Yes, I think I would rather err on the side of caution and treat them just in case. I can grab a three pack of Advantix and that should do the two of them for the duration :D
  25. Hi everyone We are going to be travelling to NSW next month to a dog show in Bargo, staying for the weekend. Now, I know nothing about ticks, so please excuse the possibly silly questions - any advice would be much appreciated Does anyone know if we would need to treat the girls with a tick preventative for going to that area of NSW? Following on from that, what tick treatments would you recommend? I was looking at Advantix last night and wondering if it would be safe to get a packet of the 10 - 25kg one, give one dose to Molly (she weighs about 15kg) and 2 doses to Enya (weighs about 35kg), instead of buying one packet of 10 - 25kg for Molly and a separate packet of 25kg + for Enya. I'm such a tick newbie Thanks for any help Trace
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