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Everything posted by Allerzeit

  1. Ooooh - Rally-O - I'm totally dying to get into that!! We are just starting to look at it at Wang and we are leaving, I know Enya would enjoy it so much
  2. We get pretty similar overnight temperatures where we are now - we had -3 this morning too - but we will certainly be investing in some good thermals because the daytime maximums over there are definitely lower than we are used to :D Good thing we are both cold weather people Thanks for the info Tassie, we are just starting positive reinforcement training at our club in Wangaratta as well, so we are going through a bit of a learning curve at the moment Do you think either of the clubs will freak out if I turn up with a check chain on my 12 month old Rotty? He's really good on a check chain (which he is shown on as well), but because of his enthusiasm and strength I really wouldn't want to be handling him on only a flat collar yet - when he's got more training under his belt, sure, but not yet.
  3. With that voice, she's too scary to be cute! What an awesome young girl!
  4. That's awesome!!! Happy, happy birthday Ollie! :laugh:
  5. Hi everyone We are moving to Tassie in August, and I'm starting to look at what is around as far as training goes. We are moving to the Central Highlands area, about an hour 1/4 north of Hobart, so I think the closest dog training clubs will be Hobart Dog Training Club and Eastern Shore Dog Club. Anyone a member of either of these clubs? What are they like? Thoughts, recommendations? Any other clubs that might be closer to the New Norfolk area? Any help greatly appreciated by my poor stressed brain
  6. Well I hope to buggery that he's been reported to the ANKC and DogsSA!!
  7. OMG! I think I almost peed myself in excitement when I saw that the most recent post in this thread was by you, Jed!! How WONDERFUL to see you posting! Thinking of you lots and hoping you just keep getting better every day
  8. Around 550 last I heard ;) We've been doing a bit of work on the grounds too, so hopefully it won't be as mucky as it's been in previous years! Even better, hopefully it won't be raining, but if there's anything that can bring on a good dumping of rain it's our show
  9. Must pull my finger out and get Enya's entries in! We have a trial in Adelaide in a couple of weeks where I'm hoping she can pull of her last CCD pass, but if she misses that pass then we will definitely be at Albury Thanks for the reminder! :D
  10. Also, the schedule is on our website if anyone needs it http://www.wkodc.com (Hi Liz! Lesley told me yesterday that you posted this, that's why I came looking)
  11. Well, as far as rottys go, that's because they have dark mouth pigmentation!
  12. Hmmm, I have just reviewed my PM's and noticed that the person I was speaking to recently about her Rotty girl with the heart condition has a different name to furballs - so if it's not the same person, then I retract my comments in this thread, which I made knowing the background story of who I *thought* was the same person.
  13. In this case the condition - although not common in Australia, and as a result not routinely tested for over here (yet) - is a known genetic condition of the breed overseas and is routinely tested for in breeding stock in other countries. If I had a puppy buyer come to me and tell me that I produced a pup with this condition, there is no way known I would dismiss the condition offhand and go ahead and repeat the mating.
  14. I have previously spoken with furball, and she has informed the breeder about her girls condition. The breeder has denied that there could be a genetic component, and in fact is planning to repeat the mating (if she hasn't already done so).
  15. Don't worry, they're fine I order from them every couple of months and have done for a few years now, never had a problem
  16. Now I'm curious! What does the email say?
  17. I've never seen or heard of a wire haired rottweiler - not saying something strange like that couldn't crop up, but not something I've ever seen or been made aware of.
  18. Clyde is gorgeous and a brilliant worker, he's pretty much a famous longcoat in the rotty world because he always gets noticed at obedience trials :p As others have mentioned, longcoats do pop up every now and then - it's a disqualifying fault in the breed, but doesn't stop them from looking gorgeous and being brilliant pets
  19. PM me the name of the breeder if you like, and I will do some asking around to see if anyone know them
  20. Right, but it's fine to make a breeder who charges the same price for both main and limited register dogs feel like they are wrong to do so?
  21. Yes, exactly the words I have been trying to come up with. More hugs and love to you Sue and Stan Play hard at the bridge Ash, I know you will be ruling the roost up there in no time at all There will never be another one like you
  22. Oh my God! Please pull through Jed! Your wisdom is so very needed in the dog world! So many times you have been like this amazing voice of reason shining up out of the murky depths. You are needed and loved. :thumbsup: RIP beloved 4 legged ones What a tragic day :p
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