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Everything posted by Allerzeit

  1. Hi guys :D When we were still in Victoria, we used to take our dogs to a greyhound muscle man (I don't know what to call him - he wasn't really a chiropractor as much as an overall muscle manipulator man - we just called him our greyhound man ) who was just magical at picking up any strains, sprains, pinched nerves, etc and fixing them. I'm wondering if anyone knows of anyone similar in Tasmania?
  2. Thanks koolietas I'll give Eastern Shore a ring and see what their pricing is like as a comparison
  3. Hey Tassie people Anyone in the south of the state - who would you recommend for doing hip / elbow x-rays? I've just had Neo's x-rays done last month at NHVH, and while the x-rays were good, the price was over $650 for a single dog. I'm now in the process of organising to get Feonix done, and I'm going to struggle to afford to fork out that sort of money again. I will use them again if I have to, but I would rather find a less expensive vet if possible, so before I start blindly phoning around I was wondering if anyone has used anyone other than NHVH for x-rays?
  4. Too true! We had 3 hours in the queue when we came over
  5. The kennels are like the cages you see in a vet surgery, banks of cages - I think it was 3 levels, not sure - with the largest sizes at the bottom and smaller cages above. They were ok, I had no complaints about them, they were just basic cages with a paper mat and a little bowl of water. I'm sure our dogs weren't terribly impressed (some moreso than others..... Enya, I'm looking at you...) and they were VERY happy to see us the next morning, but they seemed to travel fine. Take your own bedding for your dogs to lie on, otherwise they will be on a piece of paper in a metal cage. Also, when you collect your paperwork as you go through the checkin, there will be a yellow tag thingy that you hang from your rear vision mirror - this tells the people directing the traffic onto the boat that you have animals, and they will put you on a kennel deck. I wasn't told about this tag when I was given my paperwork and it was stuck in the middle of everything else, so I had no idea that I should have had this tag hanging in my windscreen, and ended up on a non-kennel deck and had to walk 5 dogs down stairways to get them into kennels. Not fun. The only other problem we had was that people were taking the biggest cages regardless of dog sizes - small dogs in big beds, put into the big bottom kennels - which meant that I had to lift a 20kg Border Collie and a 35kg Rottweiler up into the second level of cages (the smallest of our Rottweilers - thank god we managed to secure 3 bottom kennels for the other 3 Rotts). The Border Collie wasn't that much of a drama, but getting a Rottweiler up into the second level and then DOWN from the second level the next morning, by myself (all 5 foot of me) wasn't a lot of fun, and was frankly bloody dangerous. So if you have large dogs, be aware that you might have problems getting a bottom level kennel and if you have smaller dogs, please be considerate and don't use up the bigger kennels at the bottom We are travelling on the boat again in February, but only with 3 dogs this time - we will be using the kennel facilities again.
  6. You and me both, Sam, you and me both And, I have never met a Rottweiler who doesn't absolutely love pulling a cart as much as we love seeing them do it - bloody attention seekers that they are I still remember being involved in a German festival as a young child (in Hahndorf, I think) - riding in a cart that was being pulled by our adult male, Ch Auslese Bacchus :D Here is a page on our website, which includes a photo of Bacchus and his cart - http://www.allerzeit-rottweilers.com/beginning.html
  7. Great, Tassie - it will be good to catch up with you again Is it in the same area as the Royal Show, and if so, do we setup in the benches or outside somewhere? Long range forecast is looking good - predicting 18 degrees next Sunday I'm so used to not bothering to enter shows in January - I'm used to it being more like 40 degrees at this time of year
  8. Anybody planning to go to these two shows next weekend - I'm just trying to work out who we can track down and pester
  9. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, Troy Thanks so much for your continued dedication to us DOL tragics
  10. Yep, true - cooked or uncooked From the DPI website: http://www.dpiw.tas.gov.au/inter.nsf/WebPa...ART-6SA36R?open
  11. Not sure how much help I will be, but I'll put my hand up Being a rottweiler owner, the importance of training and socialising dogs to have good manners is something I feel very strongly about.
  12. Oh thank GOD! It sounds promising so far, fingers crossed your vet is right and it's just a soft tissue injury from Daegs being a nutter! As for is what she's suggesting necessary, well I guess it's peace of mind and knowing for sure - but I do totally understand where you're coming from in both the GA risk concerns and the costs involved. I would be doing the same umming and ahing in your shoes, but I think I will still have to rob the credit card and go ahead with it, just to know for certain
  13. Oh, God, no - please, no!! Thinking of you, and praying that it's not! :D :D
  14. I can't remember the last time we had a pup born with rear dew claws - front dew claws, absolutely, but not rear. Rear dewclaws are a fault in rottweilers, so something we deliberately aim to avoid producing. We haven't removed front dew claws for a few years now, and we have 4 out of 5 dogs here with front dew claws, none of which cause problems - but all of their dew claws are attached by bone. If we had a pup with rear or front dew claws which were only attached by skin, then I would absolutely want them removed because of the risk for them tearing off.
  15. Wow - way to bump an old thread!
  16. We still have our original bad Cuz, he would be about 3 or 4 years old by now. He has no horns or feet left (courtesy of Neo), but apart from that he's going well I bought a Dinocuz last time, and his tail was chewed off in about 30 seconds
  17. Too many coffee splurts! ;) (Molly) The morning after... (Radar and Enya) I can so too fit! (Enya) I can so too fit, too! (Molly and Neo) Demonic puppy! (Enya and Feonix) Nope, no cavities
  18. Yep, it's NHVN that I got the quote from Bokezu Other people have also recommended them, and then you did as well, so I'm pretty much sold.
  19. You would change your mind about that SOOOOO fast if you had him there Cute, but oh so naughty! OK, just checked and the cost does include the reading fee, so while it's still expensive, it's better than I thought Thanks for all the input and feedback everyone!
  20. Sam - I was sort of expecting around the $500'ish mark, so I actually wasn't too shocked when told the price, but I was a bit dismayed to then see how high it was to the general feedback from other dog people, just wasn't expecting that. In Wangaratta, when we first had hips done with a vet there - and this would have been 15 years ago - it was around $700 or $800 for two dogs (not including scoring), and the x-rays were poorly positioned. Then we cottoned on to Wandin Vet Clinic, who took great x-rays and only charged about $160, so of course we thought that was just brilliant and kept taking dogs down to Melbourne for x-rays, and I honestly believed that they were unusually in-expensive, but it sounds like that's not really the case. I'm waiting to hear back if the price I was quoted included reading - but these guys are the vets that people keep recommending as being the best place to go to for x-rays, and I'm relying heavily on recommendation since we don't know any vets down here yet, so I think I will just have to suck it up! We were seriously toying with the idea of taking Neo to Wandin in Feb when we come across for the champ show, but we just won't have the time to fit it in and also give him enough time to recover from the GA before leaving him in a cage unattended all night on the boat, so we've discarded that idea.
  21. Hmmm, right - maybe I need to be doing some more asking around first.... Ok - anyone in Southern Tasmania, can you recommend a vet for doing x-rays?
  22. No, no - you're meant to be telling me that you paid the same as what it's going to cost us, so that I can tell OH that $500 is perfectly reasonable! Nah, seriously, thanks, guys - appreciate your input Edited cause I missed a word :D
  23. I'm just curious on what people pay to have x-rays done :D Not scoring, just the x-rays themselves. I've just had a quote from a vet for $450 - $500 for an adult male Rottweiler (around 50kg), and am interested in how that compares with others? It's been a 6 years since we had x-rays done and that cost $160, which I know was a brilliant price even back then. I'm not necessarily looking for a cheaper price - this vet has confirmed that they are experienced in taking scoring x-rays, which is more important to me than cost, but I know that OH is so going to hit the roof when I tell him that it is going to cost $500 for the x-rays
  24. I wish I'd been there being loud as well! We spent the day escorting visitors around Mt Field and Cascade Brewery. We're not entered in anything else at this stage - next will probably be December (?) / January (?) - whatever is on at the showgrounds around that date, I'm sure I saw a few in the last Gazette. I wanted to enter the show on the 20th of November, but we will have visitors again - arghhh, same for the Huonville ones - OH's 60th birthday is on the 14th November, so we have about 10 family members coming over for a week!!
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