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Everything posted by Allerzeit

  1. I think I will skip even trying to use their website, and just email the details to them when it's time - there are so many broken links and errors going on with their site, it's certainly not presenting a good company image.
  2. You broke your arm??? You poor thing!! What a shitty time to have that happen (like there's ever a good time to break an arm....)! I see your girl is still lying in the same position to feed
  3. I'm so sorry Heidley! What an absolute nightmare!
  4. Too true! I don't feel like such a freak for the 24 hours supervision now Feonix isn't the most spatially aware bitch I've ever known, and she has already trodden on a couple of the pups when standing up - and it's only because we were right there and able to grab them before her full weight went down that the pups weren't hurt.
  5. Any news? Was 5 the final count Missymoo? SBT - anything happening there? It sounded like Cynda was starting to seriously think about doing something *fingers crossed* Question for you all - what vaccination protocol are you using with your pups? It's been a long time for us, so I'm feeling out of touch with current protocols. I know that the most recent AVA policy is 2 - 3 puppy vaccinations should be given with the last one at no earlier than 16 weeks, but when to give the first one? I suppose at 8, 12 and 16 weeks, but I feel a bit unsure about giving the first one at 8 weeks, and then sending them straight to their new homes without the two week waiting period after the vaccination, but is that accepted as the norm these days?
  6. Ahh c'mon Missymoo - sleep is so overrated We're still maintaining 24 hours supervision with Feonix because, as much as she now loves her pups, she's a bit of a clumsy girl. I'm currently on the 11pm - 3am shift while OH sleeps, then he will spell me for a few hours. I'm pretty sure my eyeballs are hanging down on my cheekbones Cynda is totally onto you SBT - wearing a lead means I can't go and dig a den, so if I'm on lead I don't want to go outside after all
  7. Those babies are gorgeous, marinapoint And so big! Smooth whelping thoughts going your way Missymoo Sounds like you're close SBT, so smooth whelping thoughts to you, too
  8. Sorry to hear about your still borns and emergency c-section! Sounds like you have a nice little brood there now
  9. Holy cr*p!! I don't envy you, Alyosha As gorgeous as they are, that is a LOT of babies! Love the one whispering secrets in mums ears How are we doing SBT? Must be about time now!
  10. Oh BB I'm so sorry! Typical, you try so hard and it goes to shit, but the puppy farmers don't give a stuff and have no problems
  11. Feonix is totally settled and acting like an old pro now :D Puppy cam will be up for a couple of hours - puppy cam
  12. They seem to be starting to kick in in a BIG way BB :D She's heading the opposite way now - a bit too frantic with excitement How's it going SBT? Emptying out is a good sign it's getting close! Feonix emptied herself all Tuesday night and first thing Wednesday morning - first pup born at 9am that morning.
  13. She's not growling today, and is much more relaxed while they're feeding - conversely, she's a little bit growly when she's cleaning them, but I think that's because she finds it totally offensive when they poo in her face Do a poo, and they are left to me and she doesn't want to know about them Still only allowed to feed with us there, with a hand on her head, she's still too freaky to leave them with her all the time, but I don't think it will be long before we can. She is far more interested and concerned in their cries today, so it looks like more maternal feelings are starting to kick in, fingers crossed Photos - boys are blue, green and white; girls are purple, yellow, red and gold. Loving the IdentaPup collars!!! All gained weight overnight - no losses at all, so that's really good news given that they aren't on Feonix constantly.
  14. Thanks BB Feonix recognises the Rescue Remedy bottle now And clenches her jaw - not that doing that ever works, I'm a bit too persistant to be fooled by that ;) Interesting to know about the endorphins, thanks for that! Congrats to you too, marinapoint! Good luck!
  15. Thank you, it does help a lot! It's pretty much what we're doing, so it's comforting to know that we're not doing something totally the wrong way
  16. Totally exhausted, but we had whelping day today - right on our due date, and starting at 9am - how civilised! 4 girls and 3 boys later..... All pups very strong and healthy, one bitch very confused. She wants to have them, and she's interested in them, but if you put any of them on her she turns very aggressive towards them. She will toilet and clean them if you hold them for her, she is only aggressive towards them when they are feeding. So, at the moment they are living on hot water bottles in a box next to the whelping box, and we are putting them on her every few hours to feed, hoping she will settle down. Thoughts? What would you do in this situation? Also, in 20 odd years I have never had to supplement - how often do I put the pups on her? Every 2 hours? When they start to cry? She has had calcium, oxytocin and I am going to give her rescue remedy before each feed as well. Any other suggestions? Any help VERY greatly received.
  17. Might be a bit far (Whereis.com shows it as 30 minutes) - but if you can work with Glenelg, then I can recommend this place: http://www.takeabreak.com.au/Glenelg/Adelaide/Serenity3.htm We stayed there in June last year for a couple of nights, with 3 rottweilers and a border collie, and the dogs were allowed inside. ETA: Also, the owners have probably 4 or 5 other properties in Glenelg as well - all are pet friendly, from memory.
  18. I was having a look through my litter diary for my last litter, SBT and I found that Enya went through a stage of wanting to eat lots of grass and throw up - that was 3 days before she whelped. That was also the only day that she went off her food for a couple of meals Feonix is just happy sleeping in her box at the moment, although she is starting to have a little bit of mucous show when she goes for a wee now
  19. Could have been a practise run but unless she was progesterone tested at the time of mating (?) then it's possible she is due earlier than the weekend. Yep, agree with Aziah. Also, keep in mind she is probably around day 58 now if you are thinking she is due this weekend. If she is due on your initial expected day of the 29th, then she is day 59 so although she would be early going now, she wouldn't be outside of the normal range. Fee is temp dropping - down to 35.9 at 7am (although I had a bad night sleep last night and took that temp before my first coffee, so that might actually be the temperature of her poo instead ) - took it again at 8am, 36.6. She's been hanging in the 37.5 range over the past few days. No nesting behaviour yet. Neo has decided she's in season and is driving us barmy with his crying :rolleyes: so she must be giving off a scent of some sort.
  20. Yes, keep them very warm. I can't remember if AB's do anything or not, but I do remember extra warmth is critical - I normally think of CHV when I think of fading puppies
  21. I'm so sorry zzz Top You're living every breeders worst nightmare Sounds along the lines of fading puppy syndrome, which is an absolute bitch of a thing to have to go through
  22. Oh yes I grew up, from about the age of 3, surrounded by, crawling over, riding, pulling the ears of and generally being slobbered on by English Mastiffs and Rottweilers - I'm a total lost cause
  23. Wow! I just wanted to say that Selah is just gorgeous My grandparents used to breed Mastiffs many, many moons ago, so I half grew up with them and have very fond memories of them - it's lovely to see such a stunning girl
  24. I'm so sorry Gayle What a tragic loss for you all RIP Benson I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiment about our dogs being too precious for words, particularly after unexpectedly losing my own heart dog earlier this year. Never let a day go by without letting them know you love them
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