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Everything posted by Allerzeit

  1. Really - your dog sweats? :laugh: :laugh: Not only sweats, but gets drenched in sweat! :laugh:
  2. No sedation, not recommended at all. Apart from treating dogs for Hydatids before entering Tasmania, there are no other quarantine issues involved with flying between other states, to the best of my knowledge. Make sure you use an airline that takes dogs - Jetstar doesn't, for example. Cost depends on weight. For a large dog you are potentially looking at paying more for the dog than for the person, for a small dog you may find that there is minimal cost. You will need an airline approved crate, if you don't have one then you will need to hire one. The dogs normally cope very well, as Missymoo said we stress a lot more than what the dogs do! :)
  3. I believe it's the smartest breed followed by the Border Collie and then the GSD. :) It doesn't have to be kept in a frou frou clip either. Is it? I thought Borders were! Well there ya go :) Every list I've seen has the BC at one, and Poodle at 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Intelligence_of_Dogs
  4. You got that right! Maybe doing this topic is going to be an annual event? :laugh:
  5. Ummm, no :p :laugh: Oh God, I can just imagine Nova and a beagle together - the naughty things they would get up to!! I have Feonix in season over here, so I'm about to play the same separating game! :laugh:
  6. You are definitely doing the right thing - 7 months is plenty old enough to do a bunch of interfering, as it were!
  7. You asked, and you were given permission - so the cranky bat in the next bench should mind her own business! Gawd, if you tried to walk past my dogs without paying them attention at a show, they would sulk! Like others mentioned though, we don't have coat to worry about.
  8. If not for the size I would have pegged him for an older longcoat rottweiler with white mismarking, but he's too small for that. He looks so much bigger in the photo - must be his awesome cuddle presence shining through! :) He's lovely regardless, good on you for taking him in :)
  9. Enya was like that too, Puppy_Sniffer :) She loved catching mice, and when she did she would walk around with a live mouse in her mouth, wriggling tail hanging out from between her lips! Nova, on the other hand, found a mouse the other day that fell into one of the water bowls and drowned. She had a wow of a time throwing it around the backyard and catching it. I discovered her, yelled at her to drop it, and she promptly swallowed it instead (insert rolly eyes) :laugh:
  10. And he then goes on to say the exact same thing to those of us with rottweilers! :laugh: Every bloke on the street has a mate with a bigger rottweiler than any of ours, his mate's rottweiler weighed 70kg, don't you know!! Man I miss the rolly eyed man right now! :laugh:
  11. I'm so sorry Julz How heartbreaking for you all! RIP sweet Bonnie
  12. Allerzeit


    Oh no So sorry, hun! Run free at the bridge Fang, there will be endless rays of warm sunshine waiting for you, and lots of new friends to play zoomies with
  13. Warning - old thread bumped up. The OP is over 2 years old.
  14. I find this a strange question - every opportunity for what?? The OP in that other thread said that her dog was her child and was given every opportunity to be human. Is that what the people who have answered yes to this question mean? What's involved in giving your dog every opportunity to be human? Why would you do that when they're NOT human? Exactly what "every opportunity" are you giving to your dog that I'm not giving to mine because I don't treat them as human?
  15. That is seriously the most bizarre statement I have ever read on these forums - in almost 8 years of membership! He's not a human - he's a DOG! But hey, I'm a breeder so I apparently treat my dogs like stupid lower life forms so that they're easier to manage! :laugh: My dogs are anything but stupid, but I can assure you, they are definitely NOT human - strange, that!
  16. You're right, the bobtail gene has been in the breed for a very long time - my parents experienced it in the 1970's.
  17. As far as I'm aware, you have to provide any certificates for challenges that the dog won interstate. For those challenges won in your own state, you don't have to provide the certificate. You still have to include all the details on the form though - date, judge, club, number of points - so you would still need a written record (or an amazing memory) even if you didn't need the actual certificates. :) ETA: I'd better clarify - I've only ever applied for titles in Victoria and Tasmania, so I could well be wrong about other states - and I see that I am wrong for WA.
  18. Not aggressive - playful, excited and talkative, yes! :laugh: Do you think the dog is aggressive? Why?
  19. Actually, yours is one of the experiences I read about that encouraged me to want to have Hydrogen Peroxide on hand :) But then I thought, what if she was dosed right up and still didn't vomit, and ended up poisoned instead? :laugh:
  20. I actually tried salt when she ate the ugg boot - but she didn't throw up (insert Mr Rolly Eyes again - I need him when I'm talking about Nova!). Only used 1 tsp though, so maybe not enough. I phoned the vet to then ask if I could give more, and the nurse almost had a fit that I had given her salt at all!
  21. Thanks, other people have suggested the same, but I'm not comfortable in leaving her unsupervised in a muzzle. :) That aside, I am still wanting to learn about any issues with the use of Hydrogen Peroxide that I need to be aware of if I ever need to induce vomitting - be it with Nova or with any other dog.
  22. That's another option I'm looking at, but I the same concerns there - what if the dog doesn't vomit it up, will it cause problems? I've also read about the possibility of Lectric Soda burning the back of the throat? I just know that Madam Iron Guts would be the sort of dog to not vomit up the lovely poisons I'm putting down her throat! (insert Mr Rolly Eyes here!) :laugh:
  23. I have a darling, sweet, cherub of an 8 month old pup here - Nova - who has a habit of ingesting objects. She has shown a preference to any sort of fluffy material - blanket (she was hospitalised for that one, but managed to pass it without surgery), dry bed, and most recently sheep skin (ugg boot..... expensive ugg boot....). I've been reading about different vomit inducing techniques for dogs, and Hydrogen Peroxide 3% seems to be recommended most often. I was wondering though, what happens if you dose the dog with the Hydrogen Peroxide and it doesn't vomit? Don't you now have a poisoned dog? Is there a procedure that you should follow if the dog doesn't vomit after being dosed with the Hydrogen Peroxide? Just a bit wary about how safe it is to use - everything I've read has been positive, but I'm nothing if not a worry wort!
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