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Everything posted by whiskedaway

  1. Ooooh, another pup? Same breed or are you looking at a lab?
  2. Akira attracts lots of attention - it's mostly kids and men aged 20-40. I had one guy ignore Halo and ask all about Akira yesterday - he was adamant she couldn't be a Husky because she was too short. I think he thought Huskies were Malamute size. Halo hasn't been out too much yet, but she gets "aww so cute" comments from the teenage - 30 year old girls/women.
  3. This is another one of those times where I'm so glad that Akira is weely weely stoooopid and thinks "if I was told to sit for this, it MUST be food".
  4. I would crate him. Four hours isn't that long to be crated, Halo was easily holding for four hours at nine weeks old (we'd put her to bed at 9, and she wouldn't wake up until 2, so that was 5 hours). He'll try and hold for as long as he can in the crate, whereas he won't even try to hold if he's let out.
  5. If you see any photos of my green grass, don't be jealous - it's fake. Ours looked like that thanks to Akira digging it up.
  6. Yep, I mentioned wanting to make one for Akira. Looks fantastic, I will definitely have to do something like that. Some fantastic shots!!! I really love the one of Asti, and poor wet Lottie. What a mean mum. Here's mine for the last two weeks. Week 7: Week 8:
  7. Woohoo Aannie!!! How old is Sid now, Huga? I received Halo's papers back from DogsSA after they were transferred last week - of course, they got ABSOLUTELY SOAKED because it was bucketing down. Thankfully they dried out alright - the other letter in the letterbox must have been shielding it slightly because that one was destroyed.
  8. With Halo we had the name picked, with Akira she was nameless for a couple of hours until we found one for her. I loved the name Halo, but I didn't want to name her for sure until I knew which one was ours - however I started calling her "Halo" in my head and the name stuck. Luckily it suited her, even though she is naughty.
  9. My puppy did the same thing on the weekend - did a poo, then turned around and ate it. Must have liked it warm. It's normal, we've put pineapple juice in her kibble (Pro Plan puppy) and she hasn't done it again since.
  10. Thanks guys, we think she's gorgeous too when she's not being naughty and destroying remote controls. She has her first show in just over a week, so I'm looking forward to that. Kirst, I hope you have some fantastic news this morning. ;)
  11. This is our first one. It's the remote for the outdoor telly and it was left on top of the outdoor table because Akira doesn't get up there (and has only once touched a remote when she was about 12 weeks old when she put a couple of teeth marks into the Foxtel remote and never has again since) and we never thought Halo would be able to get up there. Well turns out that if Halo or Akira push the chair out, Halo can get onto the chair, then onto the table. We know it was Halo because the footprints on the glass top were too small to be Akira, plus Akira would NEVER piss on the table. Halo must have knocked the remote down off the table then taken it to chew, and when Akira realised she had something to nom on, decided to help her. Yep, LL, she really is fitting right in. And she's pretty naughty at times!
  12. I know, I'm going to need to update my sig very soon!
  13. Awww, Bronte and Ren are gorgeous! His legs look so much thicker than hers already. Cute pics of Leo! And here's a photo of Halo from today. She will be three months old on Friday (and that means she can start showing!)
  14. Okay, ready for photo overload? Here's all the photos I missed! 43: 44: 45: 46: 47:
  15. So exciting! Halo's litter was born the day of my exam - I got out of my exam feeling like crap to a fantastic message letting me know the puppies had been born.
  16. My OH (and me to a certain extent) are the same - 1 or 2 syllables. We got away with Akira because we both loved it, and I said we could shorten it to Kira. Most of the time she is Kira, and when I say her full name to people they often miss the A at the start anyway.
  17. Heh, I was counting down the days until finding out Tash was pregnant, then counting down until they were born, then counting down until she came home. I know the feeling!
  18. Lovely photos, guys! I have over a week's worth of photos to catch up on and upload...
  19. We were told we'd have to show ID and sign when we got Halo, but we didn't have to at all. It was a public holiday, there was only the one guy there and I think he was a little flustered. But yes, I'd be furious if my puppy was allowed to be cuddled by strangers, especially without my permission.
  20. Good luck!!! I wish I was going now, but with the way Halo travels I'm kind of glad we're not.
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