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Everything posted by Mididog

  1. I've always given my dog supercoat, Starting from Puppy>Junior and now adult. And I am constantly complimented how healthy and how beautiful her coat is. She has/is growing well on it
  2. Thanks allot I tend to worry about her and panick easily....She is my best friend, and I take her care seriously.
  3. My 12 month old desexed bitches vulva looks like it has blisters on it. She rolled over for her tummy rub and I instantly knowticed it. There are two blister/pimple looking things, next to each other, in the edge of the inner part. They look quite red. She isn't bothered by them, not licking at them, ect. I do intend to take her to the vet, but I was just hoping for some answers so I know if I should panick and prepare for a big bill....or relax a little as it is a common aliment. If I should be rushing her to the 24hr vet (probably a bit dramatic, but she is my first dog ever and my baby) Thanks for any help! (oh, I should probably include she is a short haired, mastiffxlabrador)
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