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Everything posted by kate13

  1. I started my 3 fur kids on the Large Breed Puppy Nutro last week, Polar is 19mths (LabXMastiff) Koda is 11mths (LabXGolden Retriever) and Ted who is 9mths (MatiffXBull Arab) and I've already noticed their coats have a lovely shime to them, and their poo's are firm and not to stinky!!!!! So Im a converted buyer now
  2. ok ladies *UPDATE TIME* Poor Ted is atleast acting more like his usual happy self, i've been working on desensitizing him to being touch around the site before i retry appling the cream, and last nite i actually managed to get some on thanks for letting me know to keep the buster collar on for 2 weeks the vet didnt give me any time line to go on!!!!! but he is on AB's for 2 weeks. Thanks again for replying, I was so worried about him, I havent had much luck this year with my pack (all totally out of the blue probs happening) and i was worried this was going to end in disaster, so thanks for the support!!!!
  3. Appartently the sutures are internal so dont need to be removed!!!
  4. [Thanks for your replies, I've tried applying the cream, "Ilium Neocort" but now he is yelping and startling, the site looks nasty. I cant go anywhere near the site now I realise reactions can happen, and yes it definately did look like shaving rash that was evident from the moment he came home! I hate seeing him like this, he sit with his head hung low looking at me with the saddest eyes,
  5. ive PMed you, i dont think Im aloud to name names on here
  6. I had my 9mth old Bull mastiffXBull Arab desexed last Thursday. Since then he has not only become depressed and is isolating himself from my other 2 dogs he has, more worryingly developed a severe reaction to the skin around the op site, it was apparent as soon as we got him home and looked like shaving rash!!!! He continued to lick the site and has trouble sitting. I took him back to the vet today (time delay due to one of my kids being at hospital for tests, so please go easy on me). The vet said its a rare reaction to the antiseptic solution they used????????????? gave me antibiotics and so cream to apply along with an Elizabethan Collar(?) $70 later we go home I've applied the cream put the collar on (which has made him sadder) and started the antibiotics, when went out to check on him I tried to apply more cream at which he yelled and growled when i looked his skin is peeling and areas are begining to bleed!!!!!!!!!!!! So what the hell is going on?????????????? has anyone here ever had this experience?????? How can this stamdard procedure have such an effect?/ and more importantly will he be alright???? I used a different vet this time as its closer to home, should i take him to my regular vet???? Thanks in advance for any support
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