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Everything posted by Shakti

  1. Shakti

    Sunday Age

    Excellent - non-sensationalized - hard-hitting article!!
  2. Tell us more Undecided - what breed, boy or girl and most important.............Where are the PICS!!!???? Congratulations!
  3. Shakti

    Was Max Pts?

    I think in this case Max mauled another dog - am not sure if the victim was PTS or managed to survive?
  4. Shakti

    Was Max Pts?

    I must admit I wondered that the guy would risk so much to rescue his dog and then have it PTS anyway. I mean maybe he did but just wondered if it would have been possible for him to switch it? $20,000 in fines - that is a very loved dog regardless of the outcome!
  5. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/794562...lty-of-contempt Was just thinking how easy would it be for this man to have bought another dog that looked similar and taken it in to be PTS to keep Max alive?
  6. I have had pups chosen for me by breeders and if you are 100% honest about what you are wanting and what you can handle - that can work really well. I don't think I would ever choose a puppy based just on a picture as I have always been more interested in temperament than colour (as I don't show) and that can't be judged from a photo. I chose my last puppy from an entire litter using K9-Forces Guidelines for choosing a puppy and that has been the very best scenario!! I got to meet the parents, see the entire litter once at 6 weeks and then again when we finally chose our puppy, had a good rapport with the breeder and had a really clear set of guidelines literally in my hand to help us do temperament testing etc. This pup has been just the most exemplary dog!!
  7. I have been told of a show that tracks abandoned dogs who are re-homed. Does anyone know where I can download full episodes of it please?
  8. What great photos!!!! Those dog model owners should be very proud and you are really an awesome photographer!
  9. We left our mob with an awesome pet sitter from Happy House sitters. She came out a few times before we went away to meet and get to know them all and also took them on long walks with me before she actually moved in. The animals thrived, were spoilt rotten and our house was left immaculate!! I think she was just wonderful and would really recommend her and the Happy House Sitters site
  10. I would add Miniature Pinschers to the list mainly because they are very intelligent and can be highly-strung. All that mental energy needs an outlet plus they require more exercise than many new dog owners would anticipate given their size.
  11. Hi Helen - do you want to have another go at meeting at Queen Vic??
  12. My dogs love going to Vic Market and soaking up all the cuddles and pats they get!
  13. My gorgeous 18 month old American Cocker does even better than licks - she actually kisses me! She presses her mouth against mine and then pulls back to look at me and does it again - definitely kisses! My GSD NEVER licks and my friends baby Newfie licks everyone A LOT!
  14. Stormie - ut's all good bra eh!
  15. I was married to a very controlling man and I know that there are three important points to remember 1)Whenever any of my friends or family criticized his behaviour, I would immediately fly into a rage defending him. No matter how blatant his tactics were to an outsider, to me he always explained and justified his behaviour as being caused by or proof of his love for me. Nobody EVER managed to get me to see how controlling his behaviour was by criticizing him. 2) I needed to know that I would not be judged or condemned when I FINALLY did manage to leave him. I felt that I was the stupidest, most worthless person ever for having allowed this person to alienate me from everyone who loved me, for letting him control me and for believing I was at fault when he went into his rages etc. I can only imagine how very hard it was for my family and friends to not say *I told you so* or *What on earth were you thinking?* but God bless them, they bit their tongues and just loved me unconditionally. 3) For me, it was when I saw him deliberately hurt somebody Elsa in order to hurt me - that was the moment my blinkers fell off. I went to a lawyer who without being in any way condemnatory told me very gently *He isn't allowed to actually say or do any of these things, did you know that? There are laws against letting people behave like this. It is illegal to do what he is doing.* I suddenly realized he was behaving badly even criminally and it was NOT because I had cooked the wrong meal or smiled at his boss the wrong way etc etc All you can do is love your daughter, and be as nonjudgmental as you possibly can (even if that means yelling into a pillow after each visit). She will see through this man in time and hopefully it will be before any innocent child or puppy gets hurt!
  16. I need calorie-free chocolate and a Central Asian puppy!! And a Maremma...and a Lapphund and.........a vacuum cleaner to cope with them all! LOL!
  17. Happy Housesitters was brilliant!! We used them over Xmas and have nothing but praise for their services!! We are near Eltham in Melbourne and they looked after our dogs, cats, fish and a snake as well as keeping the house spotless and looking after our plants - just awesome! Our dogs can't wait till we go away again!
  18. Oh no! my daughter Ashley worked with Kath at Coronation Park and I know how devastated Kath mst be to lose her special boy! Will go and let Ashley know now and will phone Kath - thank you so much for letting us know.
  19. Dear Jed - so glad to know that our good wishes and positive vibes are reaching you!! (Please do pop in to the waiting room and share some of these goodies - I am vying with the Newfies for having consumed the most virtual goodies in one sitting!)
  20. *He is too grown up now - we really only like puppies* as they surrendered their 13 month old Golden!
  21. That is such encouraging news! Jed there are so many people who have never even met you but have heard of you and join in sending good wishes. Every night we say a family blessing at dinner and all my kids join in with *And bless Jed and help her to keep getting stronger for all the animals who need her* I love the look of all that healthy breakfast but somehow find myself cradling a frothy hot chocolate and a croissant - if I share it with the doggies does it still have calories???
  22. Hey Borderfan - isnt the K9 Pro crate excellent!? Love the little puppy accessories such as the heartbeat pillow too!
  23. Baby steps will bring you back to us all Jed - and your loyal dogs waiting for you!
  24. I love being here and sharing the warmth and the laughter of this special place while we wait for Jed to emerge and probably chase us all out for our enthusiastic karaoke! It is a little cold in Melbourne this morning but still feeling pretty temperate for a Kiwi Chick! (stop complaining you Aussie wusses!!!) How sweet of the Dalai Lama to be thinking of you Jed - you have many more friends and well-wishers than I bet you had ever dreamed!! Hang in there!
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