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Everything posted by Puglodge

  1. Rosie & her girls last night. She digs up the paper to make a barrier/nest at the end of the whelping box to stop them wandering. The one in the photo is the toned down version. Smart mum. How are all the other gorgeous puppies going?
  2. If all else fails you could try some of the pedigree puppy milk on her food. We have done this in the past and they love it. We have also had to give Nutridrops to increase her appetite. Good luck.
  3. Congratulations. Sounds like the perfect way to have a brand new litter. All safe and no sleep deprivation... Yet. Well done.
  4. Hi Leema I have a few selections of different puppy food at home just in case they get tired of one type. I always have Advance puppy growth dry and the puppy Advance tin but at the moment Rosie, who whelped on Wed, prefers the Coles chicken & rice puppy tin food. Good luck.
  5. One of our Pugs Blossom is obsessed with any animal on the TV. She can spot the difference between humans and animals and will stand up on her hind legs like a meerkat at the TV cabinet and bark and carry on. Even a reporter on the news who had a horse walk behind him caught her attention. The Optus ads are funny as she follows the animals walk across the screen and then looks for them out the window beside it. She is banished to the backyard when shows such as The Zoo are on. If she is asleep and hears the slightest animal sound on TV, she is awake in a split second and straight to it.
  6. Rosie and her girls. 2 days old. Congratulations to all of the new litters.
  7. Oh no. How sad for you. My heart goes out to you both. Kisses for the two healthy babies. It looks like it is a girl day today.
  8. Cynda looks like a great mum. Her puppies are gorgeous. Still trying to upload a photo of Rosie...
  9. Congrats SBT101. Something was in the air tonight. Rosie had a caesar at 4am. She couldn't wait for her planned elective caesar and decided to surprise us. All puppies are doing well. 3 girls ( 2x black 1x fawn). Rosie is snoring and puppies are feeding. I am sitting on a kids chair beside the whelping box supervising and having a cup of tea.
  10. I bought it at the vets and I think I have bought some off ebay which was quite reasonable and convenient if not needed straight away. It is so sweet I think Matilda was sick of it after 8 weeks but she would take it and smile. A big litter is such a drain on them so 20 mls a day is great to prevent the drop again. Let her eat whatever she likes. At least you know she is getting some energy. Sit down and put your feet up tonight as it sounds like the past couple of days have been stressful.
  11. I know how scared you would have been as it happened to one of our Pugs Matilda after having a litter of 8. She had two seizures within a few hours of giving birth which also looked like she was shaking her head and fell sideways (both times she was feeding the puppies). Of course it was Sunday night. She didn't seem quite right and we slept in the lounge that night to watch her. She was laying outside of the whelping box on the floor and at one stage wet herself. First thing in the morning we rushed her to the vet where they administered calcium under the skin and orally. It certainly saved her life but she did have a lot of problems with the injection site in the weeks to come. We also had to give her Troy calcium syrup at least 4 times a day and feed the puppies by hand for the next 24 hours. Good luck and I hope she is feeling better soon. I know she will be but it is still scary.
  12. Hi So sorry for what has happened. When we bought one of our Pugs from a breeder in outback Qld, she also bred Mareema's. We mentioned that this was a funny combination and she said that initially it was to protect her livestock and all of her dogs. Since having them she has had no problems. Good Luck.
  13. We have 3 puppies confirmed with an ultrasound this afternoon. The countdown is on for all of us.
  14. Congratulations everyone. It looks like everyone will be sticking close to home on xmas day.
  15. Hi We have used cabergoline quite a few times over the past 5 years always with success and always have very healthy litters. Our vet is a reproductive specialist and it is always dispensed under his care. It takes approx. 3-5 weeks for your bitch to come into season and then it is administered for 2 days after bleeding begins. It inhibits the hormone that stops estrus so that your girl will naturally start her season. I hope this helps. Kerry :D
  16. I was reading your post this morning thinking " oh, the poor girl, I hope she is not too sick" and then I walk into the kitchen with my 19year old son holding his shoe in his hand saying who threw up.(he had stepped in it) You guessed it, our poor girl Rosie has morning sickness too. Or she ate too much???? She does like to eat what the other Pugs leave.
  17. I wouldn't worry too much even though it is upsetting to hear them act this way. We have had this happen with some of our Pug litters and other times we have never seen it. I think by this age they love some individual attention and separating them for short amounts of time does not harm them. They really are like a group of toddlers who start to hit and scream when they become overwhelmed with the crowd or can't get their own way.
  18. Good luck with your babies and hang on to that Vet Thanks. We have been with him for over 7 years and he is a reproductive specialist so we know he is a keeper. We moved to another town 3 years ago but still go back to him when we have a litter. Kerry My poor long suffering husband is a Vet and I make him work for his living at home too.....but he loves it Lucky you to have expert advice on hand. I think we have funded our vet's extension on his surgery over the years, so I figure he doesn't mind accommodating us. He actually gets quite excited when he points out our beautiful puppies on the screen. He also loves to give us a photo or DVD which I quickly email to prospective buyers.
  19. They should be able to feel the puppies before they become too large however even if they can get a couple of minutes of ultrasound while she is standing it would be worth it for peace of mind. Some of our Pugs have enjoyed laying on their backs because of the attention. Some refuse. If they are standing, their panting makes it hard though so we spend more time talking to them so they stop and close their mouth then we do looking at the screen. Good luck.
  20. Good luck with your babies and hang on to that Vet Thanks. We have been with him for over 7 years and he is a reproductive specialist so we know he is a keeper. We moved to another town 3 years ago but still go back to him when we have a litter. Kerry
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