Hi, I'm minet from Perth. I am new here and new with having a dog as well
Recently, we adopted a dog from a shelter. She has grown into our hearts really well . We've enrolled her to an obedience training a month ago but we've only joined them once...well, joined, because we go there every week but couldn't join because we are so embarass she barks and jumps at all other dogs the whole time She couldn't join the walk where all the dogs would line up and walk up and down one by one and watch other
For 3 straight weeks we would just be near the facilty but couldn't go in because her behaviour is just really terrible. We train her at home and she's good. She does alot of tricks, in just 5 weeks we've managed to teach her even play dead, roll and play hide and seek...but with just other dogs, she's just terrible. Oh, as well as when we walk her, she's good until she sees other dogs. ;)
What do we do with her? We wanted that training because we also want her to socialize with other dogs How do we make her calm down in the school?