Double Lab Love
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Everything posted by Double Lab Love
Anyone Else Have A Water Baby?
Double Lab Love replied to Remarkabull's topic in General Dog Discussion
OMG Sheena that could be my two - just change the piccie to two yellow Labs... I thought we were the only crazy people who have a pool purely for the dogs - we have not been in it all summer bc of the weather but I can't keep my two out when we are home :laugh: I think jumping into the pool and retreiving is probably their most favourite thing in the world to do - I think it almost NEARLY trumps dinner time and that is saying ALOT with Labs :laugh: -
Excercising On Hard Surfaces
Double Lab Love replied to Double Lab Love's topic in General Dog Discussion
Thank you Dee Lee for responding.... no other responses - negative or otherwise Having finally owned my own dogs after waiting so many years I am always paranoid that I am doing the wrong thing. I would hate to be inadvertently harming them in my ignorance hence why I was after people's thoughts/experiences... good or bad ! I would so love to have the option of letting them free run on soft grass but I don't like to take them to the local dog park for various reasons and I never let them off lead bc my girl is slightly DA so I won't risk it. So not living on acreage, I guess like the majority here, it's hitting the high road re onleash walks. Like your girl DeeLee, my two trot as I am not a fast runner by any means and when they have the choice will often take the path option too... I guess the weight distribution for four canine legs is better than for two human legs :D Yes good advice too keeping them lean - I do try and keep them trim too - hence the walking / hill climbs and swimming and am very conscious of their diet esp after Tango's patella op and the Tippi's tendancy to weight gain.... They just love their walks so much and really enjoy being out especially as mr DDL and I both work long hours and they are home alone for most of the day. I felt it really important to give them a good hour's excercise before I leave for work so they are more settled and can chill out during the day. DeeLee - I feel comforted that you and your GR and still fine - so will keep on keeping on but carefully ! I can put up with the odd shin splint as long as they are OK :D -
Hi Guys, Apologies if this has been asked before or if it sounds a bit silly BUT My question involves power walking / slow jogging on hard surfaces... and the long term effects if any... I know with humans quite often shin splints etc can develop in the below instance (it has happended to me in the past )and so I started thinking would this type of excercise be detrimental to dogs over a long period of time and could they / do they they develop something similiar. I walk very early for over an hour every morning with my two Labs - both are just over 2 yrs old... We probably power walk for about 40 mins and slow jog 20 mins which involves lots of steep hill work. This is usually a longer walk on the weekend with no running... I think we cover around 8-9 kms.... Bc it' so early and I live in a very quiet suburb I can run on the streets which means that most of our time is spent on bituman and pavement- there are very little grass verges to be had.... We have been doing this routine for the last 6 months... Their evening excercise involves swimming laps and water retrieving so non weight bearing - in winter though this will be another 30 min quick walk bc it is too dark when I get home Will this cause any long term damage to their legs - bearing in mind the time we spend out every day ? They seem fine - Tippi is always fine and chirpy and go go go but Tango seems to have good days where he is all keen and bouncy and days when he seems more lethargic and I have to encourage him to quicken his pace... He had patella surgery early August last year and had a complete and succesful recovery... Then again he is a bit of a grumble bum at 4.45am in the morning he is NOT a "morning dog " :D I would be curious to hear your thoughts on this and would be grateful for any input.. Thanks in advance :)
x 2 - and I have two labs that ALWAYS like to decorate the nature strip :D I just tie them on the side of their collars in a pretty green bow... I had a little girl comment on my lovely Labs with green bow ties on :laugh:
The Things We Do For Our Dogs...
Double Lab Love replied to Double Lab Love's topic in General Dog Discussion
voloclydes- there are times when there is not enough Macca's ice cream in the world OR in my current state red wine :D When i can't "feel my legs" as spoken by that now famouus stuffed moose then my work here is done ! -
The Things We Do For Our Dogs...
Double Lab Love replied to Double Lab Love's topic in General Dog Discussion
Can I just say the photos would involve various parts of my anatomy that daylight ain't seen for a while :laugh: So with respect to my fellow Dolers tender sentiments I will abstain - plus it's after dinner time for us east coasters and I would hate to have that on my conscience :D I would suspect there is not enough red wine in the world to compensate -
The Things We Do For Our Dogs...
Double Lab Love replied to Double Lab Love's topic in General Dog Discussion
Thanks so much for all your stories guys - I have had a good giggle :laugh: Now at home - having a few painkillers - aka copious amounts of red wine - and feeling much better... I have one very contrite Lab lying at my feet looking like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.... Bless :) -
The Things We Do For Our Dogs...
Double Lab Love replied to Double Lab Love's topic in General Dog Discussion
Lab zoomies NOT for the faint hearted I feel your pain !! Having had my two Lab ratbags from 8 weeks the minute Lab zoomies commence the only safe place is behind a very large barricade - although scaling a tree worked in one very memorable occassion :laugh: -
The Things We Do For Our Dogs...
Double Lab Love replied to Double Lab Love's topic in General Dog Discussion
THAT is a classic Mentally files away for future GP visits.... -
The Things We Do For Our Dogs...
Double Lab Love replied to Double Lab Love's topic in General Dog Discussion
Thanks Guys ! You know that was always my fear about running down hills - as we run on a daily basis... AND that would have hurt like hell Agility Dogs... I hurt the very same leg 10 years ago falling over on roller blades - had to pick the gravel out for a week Not fun... But I never thought about the pool taking me out -
So there I am - contemplating a number of Thursday evening options... Quick drink after work with the guys - no it's been crap weather so want to get home as quickly as possible to make sure the Labs are OK.. Decide to cancel hairdressing appointment (see above) Nix late night shopping for last minute birthday present for niece (see above) So after a super quick work exit blaming the weather I bolt off home to be greeted by two bored and hypo Labs (in spite of the 90 minute work at 5 that morning)... What to do - its humid / not raining - a walk is out as every man and his dog is out walking - and much easier with Tippi to be out and about without other dogs around.. I know - let them do their favourtie thing - swim in the pool and retrieve their water frisbees.... So after much fun and frivolity (them) I decide to wind things up and am just walking round the pebble crete edge of the pool minding my own business and I see a flash of yellow and next minute I am underwater What the hell thinks me surfacing..... and the next thing i realise is that the water around me is tinged red and then the pain kicks in.... Did i mention the pain..... Turns out in hindsight Tippi (who thinks she is really only 2kg ringing wet and so svelte) sidewsipes me i lose my footing and as I go down bang my thigh on the pool edge and slide down the pebblecrete into the pool taking off all the skin from my knee to my thigh...... OUCH At least Tippi came back to check me out writhing around in pain on the ground and looked remotely sympathetic - Tango thought the blood was great - yay entree to dinner - and then had the gall to run around the pool and bark at me to throw his stupid frisbee in so sitting here this morning and just had to post bc I remembered reading a thread ages ago about human casulties from canine antics and thinking at the time I had doged that particular bullet - well not anymore :laugh: Can anyone make me feel better this morning by their stories - since work made me come in and I really hope I bleed all over their stupid chairs.. PLUS It's alot of fun trying to type balanced on one butt cheeck Edit for any bad spelling - I blame the pain
Yeah the behavioural markers for depression are very similar to that in humans :) So Digby had (still has to a degree) flat affect and learned helplessness. He also slept all the time, and took little to no interest in ejoyable things (like you suggested). These are all things that are usually present in Depressed people. As well as that he just oozes miserable. His diagnosis covered the above things. Digby is not on medication... although that was on the cards. K9pro said that Digby doesn't have any opf the markers that suggest he has some genetic predisposition for depression; so maybe that is why he is responding so well to the activities and exercises we have been given that aim to improve levels of serotonin in his brain and create new pathways. hmmm are you sure your labs aren't doing that classic lab pleading look to gain cuddles and food double lab love :laugh: they are very good at the human manipulation those labs :D edit for pleading, not pleasing! Raineth - thank you for the clarification re dog depression.. I was curious about the correlation to human depression and symptons.. It's great that you can increase serotonin levels without medication - other than the side effects that sometimes result with medication - the plus side is that he would be much happier doing more activities that make him smile :) My heart just broke when you described how he tried to make himself invisible..he has probably forgotten how to be a dog I think you hit the nail on the head re my two....just posted before I saw your new post.. You are spot on :laugh: haha! those tricksy labs! Yeah I have had Digby for two years now, and only recently, I was able to play with him for the first time :D it was pretty special let me tell you! He still has a long way to go. But he no longer stops himself from being happy, whihc is wonderful and I catch him smiling now - its very special :) Raineth - Digby really fell on his paws when he found you.... to have perserved and spent so much time / love to get him to this point is just wonderful... No wonder he is smiling - he must feel like he has reached doggy nirvana :) You know I really like to believe their is a seperate hell for people that mistreat animals - cannot fathom it... Thank goodness you saved Digby from such a awful home and horrible owners... This reminds me of Shell and Zero - have you ever seen a dog look as happy as he does...just gorgeous :) Those updated photos of his "fifth gotcha" birthday are just beautiful :) And yes - methinks I have a couple of very smart / trickster Labs.... :laugh:
Yeah the behavioural markers for depression are very similar to that in humans :) So Digby had (still has to a degree) flat affect and learned helplessness. He also slept all the time, and took little to no interest in ejoyable things (like you suggested). These are all things that are usually present in Depressed people. As well as that he just oozes miserable. His diagnosis covered the above things. Digby is not on medication... although that was on the cards. K9pro said that Digby doesn't have any opf the markers that suggest he has some genetic predisposition for depression; so maybe that is why he is responding so well to the activities and exercises we have been given that aim to improve levels of serotonin in his brain and create new pathways. hmmm are you sure your labs aren't doing that classic lab pleading look to gain cuddles and food double lab love :laugh: they are very good at the human manipulation those labs :D edit for pleading, not pleasing! Raineth - thank you for the clarification re dog depression.. I was curious about the correlation to human depression and symptons.. It's great that you can increase serotonin levels without medication - other than the side effects that sometimes result with medication - the plus side is that he would be much happier doing more activities that make him smile :) My heart just broke when you described how he tried to make himself invisible..he has probably forgotten how to be a dog I think you hit the nail on the head re my two....just posted before I saw your new post.. You are spot on :laugh:
Wow - I guess that is another from of depression that i would never have expected a dog to suffer from... Poor little love - glad she is back to herself now.. Yes - in this case the medication proved the diagnosis.. I guess they way my two carry on around water on their daily swim - esp Tango - they don't look depressed... let's not even talk about walk time or dinner time :) I think Tango just has a tendancy to a " sad sack face" and sucker me probably falls for it plus I also think they now recognise work days and bung on the pathetic faces as we go to walk out the door :) Not silly my two...
How awesome is Steve Raineth I am curious from your post and the OP's how is depression diagnosed in a dog ? Is is just the sad face (Tango sometimes has this) or is it a reduced interest in all daily activities and change in appetite etc which in a very generalised sense are markers for human depression? Are there different markers etc for a dog that would point to depression ? Sorry to high jack but I am very interested in reponses as I have often wondered if my two are depressed - I liken my two to being only children with very old parents - who may not have the fun and high energy factor of young kids / family to play with :D
Have Some Questions
Double Lab Love replied to mumtoshelley's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
MTS, I have struggled with my two Labs' weight over the last 12 months - mainly Tippi as she is a "good doer" on any food.. What has really given me results over the last few months..all gained from the wise poeple on DOL Early morning 6 km walk - lots of hills and either 45 mins swimming in the evening or another walk... I feed twice due to them being a bloat prone breed : Breaky: Chicken neck or leg plus one small cup of RC Lab Dinner - human grade mince (whatever is on special) lots of grated /veges /steamed pumpkin veges etc.. might swap mince with tuna or sardines 1-2 times a week... if they have been excercising more then a might add a dollop of cottage cheese or yoghurt Tango always gets a little more as he is bigger and i am the always supervise when they eat so never any stealing of food from Tippi... They also get omega 3/6/9 and VAN joint supplement daily... plus I have been using the CALM supplement from Petark which has been helping with tippi's on lead reactivity... Weekends breakfast is usually a roo tail or a turkey neck ( depending what i have thwawed) and one night week they get a turkey drumstick... Snacks : raw carrot/apple and before dinner - a slice of low fat cheese ( highlight of their day ) :laugh: That is also their cue for bed time... The veges are a godsend as a filler esp for Tippi and the swimming really strips the weight... I have taught them to retreive water frisbees and now they would retrieve for hours if i let them.... maybe you need to find something similiar for Shelley :) My two love them and we have turned it into a real game and with them being so comptetive I can't believe how fast they are swimming now... edited for spelling - having a shocker Plus cheese snack is just before bedtime - a few hours after dinner ! -
Aussienot - would that be Miss Tippi :D She misses daycare terribly as does Mr Tango - it has been very hard keeping them busy during the long days while we are at work.... I walk them at 5.00am now for an hour The things we do ! They miss you
Stans mum - Love it - that gave me a good laugh... I can't believe how awful people can be sometimes - I lived next door to greyhounds for much of my childhood and I was always thought how gorgeous natured they were...and so well behaved.... It's lovely that you take the time to try and redeucate people and it's great that most poeple take the time to listen... But like you I have found that there are always morons who just don't want to know or to consider a view that might not agree with theirs...
You know I had seen them previously grumpette and thought i don't think I will need them however my thoughts on that have radically changed since Sunday... Thank you... Might check out Steve's website as i am sure I have seen them on there before... Good excuse to check out what's new on there too
Very very true - it would be great to have someone so vocal on BYB's, puppy farms and pound dumpings.... but educating not harranguing But the unfortunate thing was she was a bully bc she didn't even want to hear what I had to say - had pretty much passed sentence as soon as she saw the collars.. My gut feeling was she was soapboxing her views and wanted everyone to hear them... It would have been so much better if i had been able to give my side of the story and explain the reasoning etc but after one attempt I gave up...... I think she just wanted to tell the whole park what I terrible owner i was
This I don't use my prong in an environment that might open up the argument, because most of the population believe the other side of the argument Even recently my mum was visiting me and saw the collar I use for Lexi, and she said "is that one of those prong collars? Ive been reading up on those" my reply? very hesitantly "ummmmm yes....which side of the argument have you been reading?" Thankfully she has been reading up on K9 Pro, and after seeing me use it on my very gentle, non reactive GR, she is pro prong collars!!! I so wish I had of thought of this before we left..... in hindsight bearing in mind where this particular park is I should have given it more thought.. my bad... Will know better for next time.... My two have been improving in leaps and bounds and I am so proud of them.... but without the use of the prong collars initially under corect guidance etc.... I doubt we would be where we are with our training today...
Thanks guys for your replies... I feel a bit better now - it really helps to hear others people's thoughts on the matter... I know I am doing what I do for the right reasons but it just upset me to be unfairly judged by this woman - who by the sounds of it was on a bit of a mission... To accuse me of cruelty to my beloved babies I HATE confrontations and usually just clam up and even though I did calmly try and explain - she really didn't want to hear it - just got louder and more agressive - so I just walked away - but it has just been eating away at me Inevitablue - they are legal in NSW - but i agree i didn't really think when I put them on of the reaction that I would get from others (high distraction area and I wanted them as calm as possible) so in future I think I will work harder on their walking in high distracion areas so as to reduce the usage... But honestly - who died and made that woman the crusader against pinch collars
OK - so I am not starting this topic to debate the pro's and con's of various use of collars ( esp pinch)as it has been debated here numerous times before and i think everyone has their own views / opinions which is how it should be... I am posting to have a bit of a rant about the hide of poeple and how upset a comment from this incredibly rude and aggressive woman made me yesterday. I guess I am just venting on what right did she have to abuse me as she did and what would you have done in my situation.. Quick background - I have two 2 yr old labs - yes I use pinch collars but only in high distraction situations - and ONLY after two consultations with Steve from K9Pro - where OH and myself were taught how to use them correctly and Steve fitted them for us.I have also been using flat collars now when I walk them together after using Steve's training tips etc and we have had massive improvements but it has takne time and we are not quite there yet... I am at an off leash dog park in the inner city yesterday (Tango met his brother for the first time :D ) so the only reason we where there... My two were very well behaved / playing nicely with the other dogs and having a blast... I go to put their collars back on and this woman yells at me - in front of a rather large group of people inc children "That's a prong collar - they are illegal - they are cruel and you are inhumane to use them - i am going to report you to the RSPCA " OH comes over as I am standing there gobsmacked and she says " oh that would be right - typical military A#$hole - no wonder those dogs have those things on.. I am going to call the police and on she goes rant rant rant about what cruel owners we are... I grab my two and tell her that the collars are not illegal in NSW and that they were recommended by a behaviouralist and for her to mind her own business - she then spits venom at us and threatens to call the police again - OH - who is finance incidently ;) - tells her calmly "go ahead you do that" and we walk off to the other end of the park with our friends who were as upset as we were... Me - so upset about the implication that I am a cruel owner and furious that this woman (there without a dog) feels it is her right to lecture me on how to bring up and train my dogs... I am still shaking with anger at it today bc anyone who knows OH and I knows how much we love our dogs and how much time we spend with them and how opposed we are to any sort of animal cruelty... Grrrrrrrr - sorry about the long post just venting
Pustules - Skin Infection?
Double Lab Love replied to woody2shoes's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Yep - I am with pumpitdog - this was Tango about 8 weeks ago Took him to our vet who prescribed a course of anitbiotics and I also used aloe vera gel which he was very happy to let me put on him... it must have been nice and cooling for him.. No scratching so it obviously wasn't itchy and he seemed fine otherwise and it cleared up pretty quickly and has never shown it scabby face again... So all very strange... My only thought was some sort of allergy / reaction to something we may have encountered on our walks but my two are always walked together so go figure... Although Tango has a love of brushing through long grass while Tippi sticks to the footpaths so perhaps wandering jew could have been the culprit