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Everything posted by sidoney

  1. The house seems so empty with only 3 dogs. Or 2 1/2 since Xia is only half the size of the "real dogs". They know that things are not as they should be. They've been very clingy and fairly distressed. Things should settle down in time for all of us.
  2. Amy visited the vet twice on Saturday (am and pm) for medications. Last night she began to have some discomfort, panting with lips pulled back. I called Karen who suggested Buscopan. That did help and she spent most of the night sleeping peacefully. I was on the floor next to her and gave her more Buscopan as needed. This morning she woke up bright and active and alert and we had lots of lovely cuddles and pats and treats and just spent time together. Last night I had thought today would be the day but this morning I was not so sure. However at about half past ten she started panting again. I gave her more Buscopan which settled her but I knew it was time. We drove up to North Richmond, stopping on the way at Deerubbin Park so she could have a potter around, which she enjoyed a lot. We played "find the liver treat" games while in the vet. Karen and I agreed it was time. I took her back out to the car and fed her more liver treats while Karen gave her the injection. She barely even noticed it. One moment she was gobbling liver treats, the next her head dropped and she was gone. It was an agonising moment for me, but I know it was the right thing to do, and in some ways I am more at peace now that it has happened and I know it was right, more at peace now that I don't any longer have that awful responsibility to make the choice still hanging over me. She has been buried in the green-dappled shade in our small orchard. Amy lived a long and loved life. Her illness was short and her death was painless and in the company of someone that she loved, and who loved (and still loves) her. I feel very lucky to have had the time with her that I did, and especially to have this wonderful morning with her, which I will remember always. Amy has left us but we still have her daughter Shaula and her granddaughter Cedar, and one day we will have her great granddaughter, and the line will go on. She will also be remembered in my prefix "Vizamy" (Vizsla/Amy). If you ever meet a Vizamy Vizsla you will know that Amy is a part of it. RIP Amy: Ch Hanafor Simply Amelia CDX ET I took some photos of Amy today and will post one when I have downloaded it onto the computer. At some stage over the next few days I'll post more regarding Amy and her life onto the rainbow bridge forum. Thank you everyone for all your good wishes and support over the last few days. You have helped me through a very difficult time.
  3. In the wider scheme of things, it's something that every responsible pet owner faces at some time. All people here have either been where I am now, or will be. In a way I am lucky that I have had her full lifetime with her, as I said previously, too often they are taken early. I am thankful that this is not so now. It's heartrending, but balanced against it is the many many years of love and companionship that we have with our animals, and that I have had with Amy. For this time, I will work from home as much as possible, and I will just be with her and also sleep with her. She is looking at me as I write, from her comfy crate, and I won't leave her. Karen Hedberg and all her staff were wonderful on Friday and allowed me to just be with Amy for the whole day while she was in hospital, on the drip etc. That was from about 10 to about 6. Amy doesn't cope well with being left. My husband picked up my son in the afternoon and I did not attend a meeting that I might have otherwise. I'm lucky that I was able to rearrange my day. I'll continue to rearrange for as long as I have to.
  4. I know your pain. So hard to face, the end, the not-there-no-more. A responsibility that lies heavily. Thinking of you.
  5. Amy is under ongoing vet care ... she is an "outpatient". We've been twice today for meds and a checkup. Back again tomorrow morning. Basically she's with us for a short time and not a long time. Quality of life will be the decider. There is some fluid building up in her abdomen which is not good. It's hard and my eyes are perpetually red from crying but at least I know she's had a good life and had her full life, not being taken early. Not a "tragedy" like some of my friends have had, with their dogs being taken young. While she enjoys her eating and affection and pottering around I'll treasure every moment. And I'll make it easy for her when it's time. Of course I am crying just writing this but I am not one of those who would want her to hang on regardless. She'll let me know when it's time to go. And I have her daughter and granddaughter to love, and one day her great granddaughter, and so on down the generations.
  6. Thanks for all the good wishes. Unfortunately Amy has a growth in her liver which will mean that all care now is palliative care. I don't know how long she has with us, it depends on her quality of life, which will also depend on how she responds to any medications. I will make sure I cherish every day I spend with her. To add on to all the days and years I have already cherished her. Love your doggies, they are with us for too short a time.
  7. Well she's back to how she was on Tuesday, but not the high temperature this time. Trembling and spaced out, off her food. She seems dehydrated, her mouth is a bit gluey. We are heading back up to the vet again.
  8. Very quick, she's home, looking great. She had a cortisone deficiency and blood results that indicated an auto immune thing, probably triggered by stress from being at my mother's place (along with my other dogs) while we were there for dinner, and she's not allowed inside there. She was given cortisone by injection and responded really well, "she was like a new dog" they said. She's to be on some Macrolone for a bit and I keep an eye on her and take her back for reassessment in 2 weeks, also Karen would like me to call her Friday and tell her how she's going. Obviously if anything adverse happens I whip her back straight away. She really looks like a new dog; she looked awful this morning. BTW she barked herself hoarse while she was there (once she felt better: let me out, let me out!) and was very pleased to see me, and is now ensconced happily in her crate. Gotta go for a bit now but back later. It's good news!!
  9. OK, here's the latest, from the phone, before I shoot off and get her: she had a cortisone deficiency, possibly related to an auto immune thing (will find out more when I get her) anyway they have given her cortisone and she is feeling much better, not 100% but she was woofing away in the background saying, I want to GET OUT NOW!! I'll let you know more when I get back. The main thing: she's much better and can come home.
  10. Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your thoughts, I know you will all understand how I am feeling. It means a lot to me. I've just called the vet ... it's "early days" yet. There is an abnormality in her blood, her "ALT" is up which she said could indicate some muscle or liver damage, but also that it could be from the temperature, which is high ... they are keeping an eye on her and seeing how she responds to the treatment she's had so far. The blood didn't act like a normal sample, it didn't "spin down right" I think she said, so they will take some more and try again. As far as her demeanour goes, she "seems comfortable in herself for an old chook". I'll call again in a few hours, at about 4.
  11. Woke up to find Amy (in my avatar) with a high temperature and trembling and weakness this morning. Took her straight to the vet, which is where she is now. Karen Hedberg in North Richmond so I know she's in excellent hands. She's had blood taken but I don't know what the problem is yet. Her 13th birthday is in June. I'll update when I have more info. I am soooo afraid that she won't come home again.
  12. I took my old girl Amy to the vet this morning and there had been a rash of chocolate poisonings in there over the weekend; one little girl had fed her JRT 12 eggs and it had convulsions etc. They cleared out its stomach and so on and it survived. I didn't discuss it deeply as I was too worried about Amy at the time.
  13. The closest any of my dogs have come to chocolate was one of my girls gobbling up some chocolate cake. It was probably not enough to make her ill but just to make sure I gave her something to make her vomit it up again. A couple of years back I was in an all night emergency vet with a puppy, and a dog was brought in that had eaten chocolate and was ill, although I can't tell you much more than that. BTW that avatar is just so cute. Although I can't remember his new name; I keep thinking "Ralph". Edit: thanks LP, that'll help me learn his new name ... Brody. He's just too cute.
  14. You know, you can teach a dog to play, even if you think it won't, my now 8 year old wouldn't tug (I hadn't realised the importance of play when she was young), she'd go, oh you can have it. Well started to get her tugging about 12 months ago (even went to a tug workshop), and despite irregular practice she tugs like a demon now, at home anyway - we are working (irregularly ) on the tug away from home. If she won't play or tug or take with a normal object, try a turkey neck wrapped in cloth, or a neck or a wing just by itself, let her have it when she puts a little pressure on it, build it up like that. You have to let them know it's OK to do it. BTW Eddy I looove that pic, oh and I visited your website, I like your Cavs a lot, and adore that piccy of Cherrie with her fluffy.
  15. Heeling will help with loose lead walking. Helps the dog to become aware of your body location/movement/positioning.
  16. The exercises are in a set sequence, and the heeling exercises will have the same components in them, although heeling patterns may vary in sequence depending on the judge. I found when I competed that most heeling patterns were similar, but one or two judges' patterns were fairly different in the sequence.
  17. Did you take notes Lisa? I'd be REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciative if you would share them.
  18. That all sounds great Holly. We are still working on tug - we've made lots of progress but still not there yet. What we are doing ATM is free shaping a retrieve with all my dogs ... they all enjoy playing "fetch", probably more than tugging right now, but it's not reliable or very transportable ... so this might help with that. When we have that I'll try shaping a reliable tug. (BTW we've been doing some gridwork too.) Susan said that she'd be including shaping a motivational retrieve in the obedience seminar ... unfortunately the agility one was all I could get to ... I'd be really interested in an overview of the motivational retrieve shaping process from someone who went to the obedience seminar. Anyone? Please?
  19. Congrats!!! Yes, open will be MUCH more fun for you both! ;)
  20. I have an 8 year old Vizsla that sometimes goes to the toilet at night if free inside. She got in the habit when she was pregnant - and too full of puppies, I think, to hold a full bladder/bowel as well. I try to not feed or water the dogs late, and take them out for last minute toilets, but sometimes we still got liquid AND solid in the morning. Crated overnight after a late toilet break, she has no problems holding it. I now crate all my 4 dogs at night.
  21. Susan won't be back for a couple of years as Perth want her next year. One of her instructors will be coming to Sydney. This is what she told us. Don't know about Greg.
  22. We are back ... learned lots ... if anyone was thinking about going to the Obedience seminar, I'd have to say, based on what I saw/learned/experienced, it would be a worthwhile move.
  23. I did a search in my email inbox but couldn't find it ... thanks for the info.
  24. Do you guys know the hours? I can't find it anywhere.
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