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Everything posted by sidoney

  1. I am mostly imagining training in agility at the moment. When I have more time I'll get back into it more.
  2. I go to Penrith Petbarn too, as I go to UWS Werrington. I used to get 10kg bags of frames for $3 through someone, but that has ceased ... I now get these nice meaty frames for $1.50/kg from the local chook place in Seven Hills. The owner has dogs so he knows me and we sometimes have doggy chats.
  3. She is still likely to have some stress from the transition. As Tess32 said, only give her attention when she's quiet ... this will reward her for being quiet. You will have to be VERY consistent with this. Is it really an issue to have her quietly inside when you are there? You could establish a bed and train her to stay on it. My dogs will certainly bark at the back door if I am home and they want in.
  4. Yes, it's a style thing, and it changes the way they move, as Kavik said. We will see more and more of it methinks.
  5. Make a formal complaint in writing and present it at a meeting if nothing is done. Have others also complain in writing. Can be hard to get things done if they are part of the entrenched power group.
  6. Out of interest, are there any sites that show examples of the different kinds of poodle clip?
  7. Yes, you have to keep moving the criteria or you can get stuck, you are right. Have you been "bouncing" the times around, instead of simply raising the length of time? I assume you would have been, that's pretty standard.
  8. Are you clicking for it? To get the behaviour stronger, I do things like move the hand with the treat around while expecting eye contact, and so on. Building it up to higher levels of distraction. That helps to keep the focus which also helps with duration (remembering of course to change one criterion at a time).
  9. I clicker train for eye contact initially. And work in eye contact to day to day life. But since I do agility and not obedience, I don't particularly want extended eye contact - one needs to have good "obstacle focus" as well as "handler focus".
  10. I looked up DuraWhelp and it seems that's what they are made out of.
  11. All these alternative whelping box ideas are really great.
  12. Unbelievable. As if it's what you would be thinking about.
  13. Yeah, that's the thing, hard to get dogs to trade ... It's that he wants the item the other dog has, is that right? So having lots of items wouldn't cut it? What if you give the other dog an item in front of your dog, and then immediately pull out a much higher value item and give it to your dog or play with him with it? Or maybe play with the high value item with your dog and sometimes toss the other dog a different item? Or maybe something like play with your dog with an item, and then leave him with it and play with a different item by yourself, and somewhere in there let the other dog have an item? Or something like that? I'm brainstorming here, these ideas may be terrible, but just putting forward some possibilities.
  14. I can give you ideas on what to do if it's a person he's being possessive with, but not sure about whether that would translate to it being a dog.
  15. I would NOT be using it. For the same reason it's now been banned in kids play areas. The poisonous stuff can rub off on the hand/body and then be ingested.
  16. Geez, what kinds of grass seeds are these?
  17. The Vizslas mainly wash themselves by swimming. If showing I wash. Otherwise they don't really need it, unless they rolled in something disgusting. Even then most of that comes off by itself, unless it's greasy. Kelpie (6 months old now) hasn't needed a wash yet. They all get toenail trims and ear checks and cleans and that's mostly it.
  18. See this thread, which should still be on the front page of this forum.
  19. Good news, very happy for you and George.
  20. Sorry to hear of your loss. Hard to say goodbye to a loved family member. Doubly hard at such a young age. My thoughts are with you.
  21. I think you know your own dog better than anyone. With Amy, even though it hurt like blazes (and still does), I knew it was time. I would not have done her any favours by asking her to stay with me for longer. If George has a good quality of life, and any problems that might be currently distressing him are able to be sorted, then I don't see any reason why he can't go on enjoying life. I think vets too often see dogs being kept going for the owner and not for the dog. Also, if George is anything like my dogs, they are not exactly at their brightest and happiest when in the vet, so the vet doesn't get the whole picture.
  22. Here is my darling from today. The last photos of her I will ever take. At home, in her beloved crate.
  23. Oh, Hol, sooo sorry to hear that. Too short a life.
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