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Everything posted by sidoney

  1. A parvo test will show whether it has parvo or not. BTW, a dog may have parvo and not show symptoms.
  2. If a little bit worried, I've found my dogs generally hold it in. If very stressed, animals tend to evacuate. If he's worried about being out, that could inhibit it too. (what an insightful question as usual tony) In your possie I'd look at reviewing toilet training on lead as described. I'd also be confining him before I go out, taking him out to potty on lead, and rewarding him when he does it, before going anywhere. If he's stressed about going out, I'd be giving plenty of rewards/play before going out, or he might associate going potty with then doing something stressful, which would have the opposite effect to that which you are after. Re the car ... lots of tiny little trips, and also just being in the car with rewards/pats/attention without going anywhere. Pooing in the car may be stress related. (Evacuation when stressed) My Cedar, when young, used to vomit all the time and became very stressed about being in the car ... I would take her with me on twice daily school runs of only a kilometre or so, and that helped. As well as lots of visits in the car without going anywhere. She's still not as keen as the other dogs (who are drawn to the open car like magnets) but is now a happy and non-sick traveller.
  3. No, perhaps this is the problem? I would say a part of it. Could be worth going back a few steps in his toilet training ... crate him for a while so that he gets a build up in bladder and bowel, take him out on lead, and stand like a boring post until he does his business, say your toilet cue when you see he's about to do the business, then reward him with treats, games, a walk and so on afterwards. If he realises he gets to do fun stuff AFTER toileting on lead, won't take him long to start to do it for you.
  4. That was my thought too PW, puppy probably needs to go over some basics like learning to toilet on lead to cue.
  5. Do you have him on his leash to do his business at home?
  6. You can download the free publication on this page, entitled "Before you get your puppy" by Ian Dunbar. Starting from Chapter Four particularly, you will find information that will be very useful to you.
  7. The mechanics of the poll ATM are such that if you don't vote for the only option in list number two, it won't accept the vote. Put some more options in?
  8. Does anyone talk about eating poo and its place? Mine all tuck in whenever possible. Horse, cow, sheep, almost anything they can get into.
  9. LOL, I was wondering where this came from, then I realised that all but the last post were Jan LAST year. Agilityoodle, where are you located, we might be able to recommend a club that would suit you.
  10. Incidence of mammary tumours is slightly less when spayed before rather than after first season.
  11. I got mine from the USA. I will try to remember to bring it to your place.
  12. LOL yes I have that problem when the dogs start playing inside. I'll have to try your system ... the refills are not cheap.
  13. Not with the rabbit skin it won't, not with a hard tugger anyway. Although Xia would love to have a go again ... I used it when building her desire to tug. I have one of these (somewhere) also, more sturdy.
  14. Sounds a bit like the toy that I introduced to my puppies today, this one. (They were also introduced to this one.)
  15. I would still follow the steps in the programme, even if she does the end behaviour, as your progression to the end behaviour may have been different, and the stated progression may achieve different things in the mental processes of the dog to what she has ATM. E.g. your dog may or may not be sitting in drive. There are further things you can do with the progression, e.g. add other behaviours before releasing her to the food. But I would go through the progression. And check with Steve about the further steps.
  16. Two hours to one is a big improvement. He may be better still tomorrow. You may find that he settles in to the new routine. I hope so.
  17. Check out this thread: Triangle of Temptation - excellent for establishing leadership in a non confrontational way. Also practice "nothing in life is free". At her age, it is normal for a dog to try to change its place in the social order. If she is doing unwanted self rewarding behaviours, might be worthwhile to think about using a crate or run for times that you can't supervise and don't want her getting into things.
  18. Is this when not in use for some days, or when you take it off the dog for the night or something like that? Would it be a bit pesty to do it that often? I agree about the Husher ... would never leave it on unsupervised. I bought one for Xia and she gets if off anyway if I'm not watching her. The Jetcare collar is superior.
  19. Re the JetCare. If you have one, you need to store it in a quiet place when not on the dog. I was wondering why mine was emptying when not on a dog ... then one day a dog barked near it, and I heard the air hiss.
  20. I have a Kelpie that counter surfs and the others don't really try. Lack of vigilance on my part, persistence on hers, and the self rewarding behaviour I think, has contributed to it. We've trained ourselves to keep food out of reach. But the odd time that someone forgets contributes to the behaviour, and in fact would strengthen it (variable ratio of reinforcement with a long interval between reinforcements).
  21. I feed my dogs either once or twice a day. At six months you can decide what suits you and your dog. I would be taking out the dry food in the bowl for free pick. Puppies should not be fat at any age and you would do better to get her to a good weight and keep that weight. Much healthier. Removing the free pick dry food might be enough.
  22. Camping site? No, didn't go ... I just didn't feel comfortable leaving the pups with my husband, who while he does his best, is not as observant as I am, and doesn't see potentially dangerous situations and change them as carefully as I do. I would have worried. Vickie rang today and I talked it over with her - she understands. Although I DO wish I could be there with them ... next time. Thanks Janba for the link - one of my pups, in his new home, is feeling uncomfortable in puppy class, and it sounds like there are rude dogs allowed to be rude in it, so that article should help them to keep their pup safe.
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