I have often thought of taking photos of the live rabbits in cages but I would have been seen doing this and I was not in a position to get involved. I was living on my own and we have had many arguments in the past which were followed by threats. I was afraid for my own animals as he did threatened to bait my dogs; I did on that occasion report him to the police and the officer that I spoke to said that there was not much he could do until after the deed . I took the chance to ring again and spoke to another police officer who had a different attitude, he actually went over to this man's place and warned him that if anything untoward was to happen to my dogs he would be held directly responsible. I have reported him to both Greyhound racing victoria and the RSPCA and the agreement was that they would follow it up and get back to me, I haven't heard from them and this man still continues with his hideous practices. I would presume that if the RSPCA did turn up to investigate they were probably told that the rabbits were kept as pets or as food for the dogs, that is that they were killed first and then fed to the dogs. That man is as cunning as a shithouse rat!