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Everything posted by Moselle

  1. You seem to be missing the point here.. it's more than a little hypocritical to condem another for lacking compassion when you'd happily see a child harmed (and I find it sort of odd that you justify your previous comment by suggesting you didn't mean rape, you "only" meant that you hoped the child be murdered in a manner that was horrifically violent and very sexual). To be blunt here, I find the comments of some of the lynch mob to be more disgusting and lacking compassion than the child's actions and that is a very sad reflection of some of the posts here. Number 10 Dont try to add weight to your comment by saying that I would want to inflict a "very sexual" act onto a child. I have answered that comment before. Once again, a child is only a child temporarily and, given time, will mature into an adult. Just because it is a child does not justify it committing hideous acts of cruelty; a child, especially of the age of this girl knows only too well what it is doing and is actually enjoying every split second of it. The same as those two young boys that had kidnapped a toddler years ago only to murder him, they are now young adults with a new identity and enjoying their lives. Yes, I do wish they were eradicated from the planet and I have no compassion simply because they happen to be children when they committed the killing.
  2. That child is nowhere near old enough to have endured any such mental scarring and guess what? even if that was so you would think that she of all people would have even more compassion for defenceless animals instead of being such a despicable being. Can't find it in me to make any excuses for that maggot. I'm guessing forgiveness and trying to understand others isn't a part of your ideal world either? Suggesting that you hope a child gets raped and brutally murdered has got to be one of the most utterly disgusting things I have ever had the misfortune to read on this forum Rape was never something that I wished upon her so please do not put words in my mouth; I may have mentioned Jack the Ripper but I was not thinking of rape as I am not of the knowledge that Jack the Ripper was a rapist. I said that in a moment of total disgust and despair so hence I do not wish for her to be mutilated which is what JTR was known for; However, I am not ashamed to say that I hope her life is one of unhappiness and total misery. As a clinical psychologist I have dealt with all walks of life and know only too well that not all cases of animal cruelty are due to a dysfunctional upbringing or some sad occurance, some people are just born plain evil so therefore I am beyond trying to constantly make excuses for such atrocities because more often than not there are NO EXCUSES! The perpetrators are simply evil and a waste of oxygen and that is the tragic part! How very scary to let you near people as a psychologist, when you condone throwing children/kids into a river, or condemning them to a life of hell. I've had a fair bit of dealings with Clinical Psychologists and all I can say is I'm glad your not practising in this country. As educated people I don't see how so many of the people "out for violent revenge" seem to think that just because others don't want to see the offender harmed it means that they are condoning what she did? Nowhere have I seen anyone state that what she did is forgivable. Actually given that I reside in Victoria it goes to say that I am practicing in this country. There are other posters who are also of the opinion that she should be treated accordingly; I also realise that nobody has condoned her actions although some have made excuses as to why she may have done it. Look, basically I am at a stage in my life in which I just have no time for callous acts of cruelty and although I personally would never inflict any revenge myself I would not lose sleep either if these cruel individuals were being dealt with. An eye for an eye...plainly put.
  3. That child is nowhere near old enough to have endured any such mental scarring and guess what? even if that was so you would think that she of all people would have even more compassion for defenceless animals instead of being such a despicable being. Can't find it in me to make any excuses for that maggot. I'm guessing forgiveness and trying to understand others isn't a part of your ideal world either? Suggesting that you hope a child gets raped and brutally murdered has got to be one of the most utterly disgusting things I have ever had the misfortune to read on this forum Rape was never something that I wished upon her so please do not put words in my mouth; I may have mentioned Jack the Ripper but I was not thinking of rape as I am not of the knowledge that Jack the Ripper was a rapist. I said that in a moment of total disgust and despair so hence I do not wish for her to be mutilated which is what JTR was known for; However, I am not ashamed to say that I hope her life is one of unhappiness and total misery. As a clinical psychologist I have dealt with all walks of life and know only too well that not all cases of animal cruelty are due to a dysfunctional upbringing or some sad occurance, some people are just born plain evil so therefore I am beyond trying to constantly make excuses for such atrocities because more often than not there are NO EXCUSES! The perpetrators are simply evil and a waste of oxygen and that is the tragic part! How very scary to let you near people as a psychologist, when you condone throwing children/kids into a river, or condemning them to a life of hell. You have nothing to fear, lol. I have worked as a psychologist for the last 22 yrs and doing very well. I know that in the eyes of some people I may have come across as harsh but when cold reality is thrown in your face, day after day, you soon learn what people are really all about, each case is treated differently, obviously....but more often than not, kids and adults that commit acts of cruelty are not always so as a result of a dysfunctional family, most are simply born that way and those kids that you seem to have such compassion for do grow into callous adults even to the point of continuing to commit such coldly acts because they actually derive personal satisfaction from it. What you need to remember is that kids that commit such atrocities do tend to grow up, they do not remain kids eternally.
  4. Very well said and so accurate! Good for you.
  5. Or she has been brought up in a culture that doesn't care for dogs. Now, keeping in mind that I am not defending her actions as right in any way, but; Not all countries/cultures see animals (dogs) in the same way as the western world, and there are plenty of people out there who would think that to be a perfectly acceptable way of "disposing of" an unwanted litter. Just as some people in our culture would think it okay to drown a rat, or to poison one with ratsack so that they die a horrible painful death. Because it's just a rat right? Hmmmm not to those who keep them as pets.. Of course it's wrong and barbaric, but there is a good possibility that the girl is not doing it for the pleasure of it, but simply because she has been raised to think this is "normal". Good point. I suppose we value some animals more than others (like you said, nobody would have cared if they were rats, or some form if insect). I think because they are puppies and pretty powerless people are pretty upset, their innocence is a factor too. In parts of Asia, they eat dogs, I have no problem with this, provided the dogs are treated in a humane manner. Are you not aware that in Asia and primarily CHINA....they actually break every bone in a dog's body in order to inflict as much pain as possible in the belief that the more the dog suffers the better it will taste and that whilst suffering it releases endorphins that they believe will do them (the people) good? Hardly humane, not to mention that they are also known to skin dogs alive for their fur?
  6. +1. What sicking thoughts. I would hate to think of what that person would do if their daughter ever hit their dog. Edited for spellin. Ever not even. Don't get too carried away with yourself. Hitting a dog is one thing (of course I wouldnt be too pleased if my daughter decided to hit a dog simply for the sheer enjoyment of it...but even then I would not be contemplating murder because of it!) and throwing pups as though they were pebbles is an entirely different story. This maggot is deriving pleasure in doing so, the sounds that she makes whilst trying her darnest to throw them as far as they would go, shows the signs of a somewhat demented individual that lacks compassion. There are no excuses for her that will cut it!
  7. That child is nowhere near old enough to have endured any such mental scarring and guess what? even if that was so you would think that she of all people would have even more compassion for defenceless animals instead of being such a despicable being. Can't find it in me to make any excuses for that maggot. I'm guessing forgiveness and trying to understand others isn't a part of your ideal world either? Suggesting that you hope a child gets raped and brutally murdered has got to be one of the most utterly disgusting things I have ever had the misfortune to read on this forum Rape was never something that I wished upon her so please do not put words in my mouth; I may have mentioned Jack the Ripper but I was not thinking of rape as I am not of the knowledge that Jack the Ripper was a rapist. I said that in a moment of total disgust and despair so hence I do not wish for her to be mutilated which is what JTR was known for; However, I am not ashamed to say that I hope her life is one of unhappiness and total misery. As a clinical psychologist I have dealt with all walks of life and know only too well that not all cases of animal cruelty are due to a dysfunctional upbringing or some sad occurance, some people are just born plain evil so therefore I am beyond trying to constantly make excuses for such atrocities because more often than not there are NO EXCUSES! The perpetrators are simply evil and a waste of oxygen and that is the tragic part!
  8. Or she has been brought up in a culture that doesn't care for dogs. Now, keeping in mind that I am not defending her actions as right in any way, but; Not all countries/cultures see animals (dogs) in the same way as the western world, and there are plenty of people out there who would think that to be a perfectly acceptable way of "disposing of" an unwanted litter. Just as some people in our culture would think it okay to drown a rat, or to poison one with ratsack so that they die a horrible painful death. Because it's just a rat right? Hmmmm not to those who keep them as pets.. Of course it's wrong and barbaric, but there is a good possibility that the girl is not doing it for the pleasure of it, but simply because she has been raised to think this is "normal". She sure doesnt look very distressed by it, in fact quite the opposite, she looks as though she is deriving a fair deal of pleasure.
  9. She may not have a mental illness, not everyone is born with empathy and compassion and she is one of those dastard individuals. She makes me vomit!
  10. That child is nowhere near old enough to have endured any such mental scarring and guess what? even if that was so you would think that she of all people would have even more compassion for defenceless animals instead of being such a despicable being. Can't find it in me to make any excuses for that maggot.
  11. I, on the other hand, do NOT feel sorry for such a sorry excuse for a human being! In fact I would go so far as to say that this is the time when I wish Jack the Ripper had that girl in the palm of his hands and made the most of it! Gosh, if there is any justice in this world, I just hope that she becomes a victim of a drowning. AMEN If that happens/ed you'd be surprised at how horrible YOU would feel, (I should hope so anyway). I do not believe in an 'Eye for an Eye' or a 'Child's death for a puppy's death', in this case. If you are an animal lover then the first quality you MUST HAVE is compassion, where's yours????? If a child were attacked or thrown in a River I'd hope someone with a different approach to justice would be there to prevent yet another atrocity. Fortunately there are people out there, such as have posted here, that people with a lych mob mentality would have to get through first. I believe in a world that constitutes respect, compassion & love. NO time for such people and I make no apologies for what I believe in. Of course I would be shocked if a child was to be thrown into a river, a child with a conscience....but if I knew that child had exercised such a lack of compassion I would not be losing sleep. I am at a stage in my life where it's a case of same 'ole same 'ole, the same crap day in day out and quite frankly I have had enough of it....an eye for an eye....dont care whether its an adult or a child, such a child, more often than not, will not mature into a sensitive & caring adult so good riddance I say.
  12. I, on the other hand, do NOT feel sorry for such a sorry excuse for a human being! In fact I would go so far as to say that this is the time when I wish Jack the Ripper had that girl in the palm of his hands and made the most of it! Gosh, if there is any justice in this world, I just hope that she becomes a victim of a drowning. AMEN You want to kill a child? You wish a child dead? You wish that she gets raped and then brutally murdered (the Jack reference)? Who's sick now? Well, you are quite welcome to call me anything you like, to each their own hey? Yes, I have no compassion for such a "child" as you like to call that thing of a person. No time for such atrocities, people like her add to the horrors of the world, anyone that lacks compassion and appears to have no conscience should be made to pay, wouldn't this world be a better place for it? I am not saying that she deserves to be raped but eradicated from this earth....hell yea!
  13. I, on the other hand, do NOT feel sorry for such a sorry excuse for a human being! In fact I would go so far as to say that this is the time when I wish Jack the Ripper had that girl in the palm of his hands and made the most of it! Gosh, if there is any justice in this world, I just hope that she becomes a victim of a drowning. AMEN
  14. That is a beautiful thought Miss BR. We all need to remember that we only have our pets on borrowed time and make the most of them whilst they are here with us. I made a point of giving my clan a couple of hugs each and they showed their appreciation...I walked in with all the telltale signs of that...covered in dog hair and some footprints on my black pants and I felt great for it !
  15. May the individual who carried out this horrendous act end up severed in two very soon! I hope that woman who dumped the poor cat into the garbage bin end up the victim of being dumped, that is disposed of literally!
  16. Sorry, another post. There was a pet shop I used to go to when I was tiny, was located next to my auntys' shop. 2 years ago it closed down. I later found out that the puppies that weren't sold, were killed and frozen, and later fed to the newer puppies... Mad me feel absolutely sick. My God, that is just hideous; how can any decent individual do something so atrocious?! I suppose it goes without saying that anyone owning a pet shop where live animals are sold are not exactly the most caring of individuals.
  17. She has only been with her current partner for a year and a half and the last dog she disposed of was prior to him. Thankfully her partner now is an absolute doll and I know he wont let anything happen to the animals and if it was turning badly he would contact me. She got a horse 12 months ago and I have been keeping an eye on this thing like a hawk. Made sure she understood completely that I will report her if care isn't take. Thankfully she has done a great job with the horse and hasn't lost her touch. I'm glad she has you keeping an eye out for the welfare of her animals (just in case). Huntington's must be hard to live with. It's definitely just in case. My sister in law and brother watch her pretty fiercly too. Huntington's is very hard but I've grown up with it in my life. My Nan had it, my Mum's in a nursing home with it and now Katie has it. Me and my older sister have tested clear but we don't know about our two brothers. Hard to watch her deteriate at only 29 though. that's awesome!! sorry to hear your sister has Huntington.. but she is very lucky to have a sister like you Thanks CW EW She is a Gemini and that split personality thing kills me. We clash like you wouldn't believe. You do have a point about geminis. There's always the exception to the rule but to date, all of the geminis that I have dealt with are downright intolerable. My brother happens to be one and we butt heads most of the time, lol.
  18. It is a shame that your sister is no longer proceeding with this given that she does not care for her dogs! I am apalled that some of the posters here still manage to exercise consideration for such a person! Who is the bad person here? Herself, the scammers or both? I would have to say BOTH!
  19. Well said Bindi. Puppy farms should become extinct ! There is no excuse for anyone being allowed to own hundreds of dogs for the sole purpose of making big money, shame on them.
  20. I didn't know that they were coated with anti rust preservative, I will try to give a couple of blades a shot in soaking them overnight and see how they fare after that, thanks
  21. Thanks Andisa. At least you have been luckier than I have. I bought 10 blades and not one happens to be sharp! I guess it's a case of posting them away and get them sharpened. I did order more Oster and Andis blades but they only had a limited number of oster and Andis so I agreed to give sheermagic and conair a shot.
  22. I have purchased various clipper blades and when I was just about to use them I discovered that they were completely blunt! The blades were Oster, Andis, ConairPRO, Sheermagic. I don't know whether this is just a bad batch or whether this is common. I must say that I am totally frustrated and mad. You pay good money for something that is supposed to do its job and yet it is completely bloody useless1 Has anyone else encountered the same problem?
  23. I don't disagree with you, however this was only one example of many on the site. Personally I would think that an adult with such bad written skills would be aware of it and would either get someone else to write the ad for them or at least get someone to check it before posting it. I picked that ad in particular because I love Dobes, and I worry about the kind of people that will be buying these puppies. The seller doesn't sound like a bad person, just ignorant and uninformed. I did have a good chuckle in reading your post, too funny . I agree with you; you would expect that if someone's writing skills are not up to par that they would be aware of it and would make an effort to get someone else to write an ad on their behalf. I would be left with the impression that if they can't make the effort when placing an ad that perhaps the same applies with raising a litter of pups and sadly it may not be the correct impression after all.
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