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Everything posted by Moselle
I don't actually want to see high sales of my breed or my partner's breed. They are not for your average pet owner and you need a certain degree of mentoring to successfully own one. I definitely don't want to see them sold in pet shops but DD's are irrelevant to that point of view. I am glad to hear that but it is unfortunate that not every breeder shares your sentiments in not wanting high sales of their breed. You've only got to look at the number of litters that some reg. breeders breed per year, that tells me that they're not breeding with the sole intent of "bettering the breed."
Yes I realise that it is a case of supply and demand hence that is why I mentioned that closing down puppy farms is the only true solution. The reason I get annoyed when DOLers discourage the purchase of pups from pet shops is that I have heard that pups that do not sell end up being put down and that thought really disturbs me.
Woman 'smashed Puppy Against Wall' In Western Australia
Moselle replied to Clastic's topic in In The News
:rolleyes: To bad l felt the same B********S DITTO !!!! -
You don't want anyone to buy this puppy for the reason you stipulated but have you actually thought what grim fate would await this poor pup if nobody was to buy it? The only way to stop this is to end puppy farms which, if the RSPCA has anything to do with it, will take place. How many pups would end up destroyed if members of the public ceased purchasing them? It really irks me endlessly when so-called "do gooders" of this forum forever insist that people should stop purchasing pups from pet shops in order to stop the indiscrimate breeding carried out by puppy farmers! That is not the solution, the only way is to stop the puppy farmers themselves! I can't help but get the feeling that some individuals are not all about the welfare of the pups involved but more to do with resentment due to sales of purebred dogs versus DD.
Do Dogs And Other Animals Have Souls?
Moselle replied to Tapferhund's topic in General Dog Discussion
I also had a strong faith in God and the belief that animals have a soul. I don't know whether it was a case of wishful thinking and liking the idea of feeling like it all doesn't end with our passing and with the passing of our beloved pets. Christianity discourages the notion that animals have a soul, in fact it clearly stipulates that animals do NOT have a soul. A part of me will always have a degree of faith but seeing that the world has existed for millions of years and all kinds of tragedies have taken place over the centuries....I guess I am just not so sure anymore. My common sense tells me that a God of love would have stopped the suffering a long long time ago. It is hard to accept that animals may not have a soul so I live day to day with the hope that maybe just maybe they do and that one day I may be reunited with all of my much loved and departed pets. -
I would love for this bastard to end up in jail for 2 years, as the article stipulates, and end up being someone's bitch (assuming it is a male)! I doubt that he will be sented to 2 years unfortunately. It seems that animal cruelty is on the increase, tragically!
DITTO, glad I have a a strong bladder
That's news to me, lol. I always thought the correct term was, and I quote...."I am in agreeance with what is being said"......NOT......"I am in agreement with what is being said" Sorry but I must say you got it wrong. One of my pet hates besides people getting "their, there, they're" and "too, to, two" perpetually wrong is people actually copying those that have no idea on the proper use of the english language, eg....anyways....I thought it was anyway! Sorry, no I haven't go it wrong and I hope you are actually joking when you say I have. http://www.english-for-students.com/Agreem...-Agreeance.html http://www.wmjasco.com/89-9sample.pdf (page 20) http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/agreeance.html http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/agreement @ Aiden, yes me too! It's AIDAN, not AIDEN, lol. Haven't gotten around to checking out your links but will do so tomorrow.
That's news to me, lol. I always thought the correct term was, and I quote...."I am in agreeance with what is being said"......NOT......"I am in agreement with what is being said" Sorry but I must say you got it wrong. One of my pet hates besides people getting "their, there, they're" and "too, to, two" perpetually wrong is people actually copying those that have no idea on the proper use of the english language, eg....anyways....I thought it was anyway!
It is understandable for dog lovers to cast criticism towards this woman. It is near impossible for those that have never had a mental illness to fully comprehend how insidious and horrible it really is! Depression in itself affects different people in different ways; major depression is incredibly debilitating to the point that people feel like they are fighting a losing battle and cannot manage the simplest of things. Getting up in the morning and brushing one's teeth can seem like a big ask. I am not talking from personal experience as I have never had depression but I deal with people with depression (amongst other things) on a regular basis and I do get to see first hand what these people go through day to day. I don't wish this on anyone.
Does that make a difference? pet shop or reg. breeder..... I feel that no matter what the pup's origins are it can still become of a victim of cruelty with individuals like this cretin walking around.
Perhaps this is a case of a person with unresolved anger wanting to take his frustrations on a defenceless being ! Or a case of vengeance....could this pup have belonged to someone that upset him? whatever the case, I personally have no time for such disgraceful wastes of oxygen. No matter what....there is no excuse, NONE whatsover to be inflicting such treatment of a poor innocent animal. May karma hit this bastard hard!
I realise that some human products and medications can be used on dogs and if it is a vet that suggests such use then I would assume that the vet would know what he/she is talking about although there is always the exception to the rule but such information coming from anyone other than a vet should be regarded with scepticism; better still....anyone other than a vet should not take the liberty to suggest that human products/medications be used on dogs but then to expect all people to exercise a degree of common sense is to expect the impossible.
Me thinks that the "doggy chiro" deserves to be reprimanded for suggesting the use of human products for dogs! He/she should know better or at the very least keep his/her stupid mouth shut!
True to a degree but how can any breeder ever be 100% sure that the people purchasing a dog will prove to be responsible owners and not irresponsible dickheads? Short of psychoanalyzing people one can never be too sure unfortunately.
What sort of organic food are we talking about?? Kibble or chilled foods?? I'd be interested in a decent Ozmade premium organic kibble. It wouldn't be cheap to produce but I'd pay for it. How can you be 100% sure that you would be getting exactly what you are paying for? I wouldnt be so sure given that the pet food industry has no regulating body keeping an eye on things, they're pretty much their own boss and can get away with bullshit.
I purchased the ultrasonic barking device, both for indoor and outdoor about 10 mths ago. Kept them for 2 months and had to replace the batteries at least 3 times for each device and all for nothing; don't even know why I kept perservering because all in all they are completely useless. The barking persisted as though the devices were non existant. I returned them to Innotek and was given a full refund.
I have the innotek variety and they are good although there is a but....they are meant to be worn by the dog for 6 hours and then removed which basically means that as soon as they are off the dog the dog knows it can safely bark AGAIN. If left on for longer they will basically burn holes into the neck region. The ones I use are rechargeable which means that the batteries cannot be removed, I believe there may be types which have replaceable batteries therefore you can remove the batteries and leave the collar on the dog so that it will think that it is going to get zapped if it barks but most dogs will still hazard the occasional bark and that is when they will discover that the collar is dysfunctional, lol, thereby the cycle of barking starts again. The collar is supposed to give the dog the message not to bark but that doesnt work for obvious reasons. The only ONLY thing that really works is DEBARKING!
Don Burke Just Accused Rspca Of Cruelty
Moselle replied to Bow Wow's topic in General Dog Discussion
I loathe loathe loathe puppy farmers, they should be placed in a cell, given food and water and not much else, see how they feel ! Having said this, I disagree with you in that dogs with extremeties bred by registered breeders are faced with the same cruelty as those poor dogs bred by puppy farmers. The breeding dogs kept by puppy farmers lead a sad and isolated life and perhaps one of neglect also BUT some dogs bred by reg. breeders lead a life of suffering and this could all be so easily avoided. Don Burke has no sense of fairness! He has a point about purebred dogs but then he should also be stating the facts on puppy millers! -
Yes, as other posters have said, it is hardly probable that the pups survived! How could she have fished them out in the first place? 2ndly, it is difficult to believe that they survived the drowning. May karma deal with that young girl.
That child is nowhere near old enough to have endured any such mental scarring and guess what? even if that was so you would think that she of all people would have even more compassion for defenceless animals instead of being such a despicable being. Can't find it in me to make any excuses for that maggot. I'm guessing forgiveness and trying to understand others isn't a part of your ideal world either? Suggesting that you hope a child gets raped and brutally murdered has got to be one of the most utterly disgusting things I have ever had the misfortune to read on this forum Rape was never something that I wished upon her so please do not put words in my mouth; I may have mentioned Jack the Ripper but I was not thinking of rape as I am not of the knowledge that Jack the Ripper was a rapist. I said that in a moment of total disgust and despair so hence I do not wish for her to be mutilated which is what JTR was known for; However, I am not ashamed to say that I hope her life is one of unhappiness and total misery. As a clinical psychologist I have dealt with all walks of life and know only too well that not all cases of animal cruelty are due to a dysfunctional upbringing or some sad occurance, some people are just born plain evil so therefore I am beyond trying to constantly make excuses for such atrocities because more often than not there are NO EXCUSES! The perpetrators are simply evil and a waste of oxygen and that is the tragic part! How very scary to let you near people as a psychologist, when you condone throwing children/kids into a river, or condemning them to a life of hell. I don't wish to jump on someone for having an honest opinion, but I agree with this last comment here. I have had counselling myself, and have been affected by my upbringing. I would certainly never consider harming an animal/person, or ever derive pleasure from doing so. And that includes the child/children in this case, 'damaged' as they may be...Also, I would hope that, given my problems, you wouldn't consider me a waste of oxygen when counselling me, and that you would show compassion and understanding for the reasons behind what has made me who I am...What do you consider too damaged, and when do you make that call? Pls don't get me wrong again. I am still very angry at this girl and believe she should be punished for her actions. Appropriately. I have lots of compassion still left in me, if I didnt I would have opted out of my line of work as I don't feel pressured in doing so, I am only doing it because I do derive a great deal of satisfaction in helping people. I would never ever consider you to be a waste of oxygen. You may have issues for whatever reason and for that my heart reaches out to you. You cannot compare yourself to the likes of that girl in the video, two entirely different people. As I have said before, my issue (and I can promise you that I am not the only person in the field of psychology that is of this opinion) lies solely with people that were clearly raised with a family that presented no problems whatsoever, love was shown, respect, interest, etc etc....and still that child is blatantly showing signs of cruelty and disregard for, be it, animal or human life. There are kids out there that actually DERIVE pleasure in torturing animals, the more the animal suffers the more the child continues to take things to the next level....that child knows it is loved, was never sexually molested, was not neglected, comes from a sound family. I, for example, was once addicted to Sarah Lee Ultra chocolate icecream literally. I just had to have it. Another individual may gather immense pleasure in playing a particular type of sport, someone may absolutely adore needlework or the art of quilt making, etc etc....and then there is the other extreme....the arsonist that reaches orgasm via lighting fires, that child that gathers enjoyment in inflicting pain and suffering onto a defenceless animal.... and so the list goes on, now that is the child that I feel is beyond help and the type of child for which I have no compassion for.
And what about people who are convicted of murder and then later found to be innocent? I'm afraid I'm going to have to side with Alan Gell on this one. Until you can guarantee guilt (beyond any doubt) capital punishment will always bring with it the risk of killing innocent people and that is never an acceptable risk. The days of innocent people ending with a noose around their neck is from a bygone era and long before DNA. Many people guilty of a crime end up admitting of such and that is the very time that CAPITAL PUNISHMENT should ensue.
Well, I guess I mustn't know much about Jack after all as I did not associate sexual acts with anything that he did. Calmly speaking, I suppose that was a bit over the top of me to say. I will answer your question....how do we punish adult perpetrators? it's called CAPITAL PUNISHMENT.
You wrote.. From my previous post.. Clearly, I am not suggesting that you would be inflicting anything on the child, instead that you wished someone known for several very violent (and undeniably very sexual) murders would harm the child. You can back-pedal all you like on that one but I do not see how your comment could be interpreted any other way than a disgusting (and completely inexcusable) wish that a child be killed. And suggesting that a child ought to have the same ability to judge behaviour with all the insight and emotional developement as an adult.. If you honestly believe children are capable of making informed, rational decisions (where consequences are fully understood and the morality of the decision has been thoroughly examined and deemed appropriate), then you clearly have never met an actual child. Actual children do incredibly stupid/dangerous/selfish things all the time because they lack sound judgement. Children are treated diferently under law for a reason- children sometimes do terrible things but compassion would suggest that you look at ways to help those children become good adults, rather than simply wiping them out as if they were cockroaches. Edited to add.. This* is the sort of thing you've indicated you'd like to see happen to the child. If you still can't see anything wrong with your comment, I think you need to seek help :D *Warning- very graphic photo I never did say that I wished sexual acts onto that child. If a child is a victim of sexual abuse or a dysfunctional family then I am all for the child receiving extended counselling and help to become a sensible adult. If the child is clearly NOT a victim of either....you will find that counselling is not going to make an iota of difference and such kids have a tendency to mature into adults that will continue their macabre practices and be cunning enough to never get caught.