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Everything posted by Moselle
Putting down animals? Sheesh. I do a few every day at work. Looks like I'll need to find myself another job. Vets (most often) are not the ones administering anaesthetics to patients. You are kidding, right? Moselle this isn't the first time your posts have been offensive to members here. I put animals to sleep as well as administering drugs and anaesthetic to our patients and I am not a qualified veterinarian. What part of being a woman means that I am unable to calculate a dose rate and insert a needle into a vein and push. It's my job to know about all that so that our vet can concentrate on the surgery. Perhaps you should go spend a day in one of the big referral hospitals too. Their anaesthetic nurses are incredible and probably know more about anaesthesia than many (male ) vets out there! I have no issues with female vets and/or nurses administering drugs/anaesthetics to animals....I thought I made that clear. It is totally amazing to me how one comment is twisted and turned to suit yourselves. How does my distaste in women killing/hunting their own meat connected to female vets/nurses? God knows I have seen female vets in order to put my dogs to sleep when there was no other option!!!
I am saying that people who kill their own meat do not do so for the reasons outlined in this thread (i.e. they feel sorry in the manner that livestock is treated and slaughtered). I have no problem in QUALIFIED butchers doing the deed given that they are qualified and know what they are doing (hopefully they have consideration for the animal and try to minimise suffering). Unfortunately, not every person who does so is a qualified butcher (as has been made abundantly clear in this thread, how many women on here are qualified in killing animals???) and I dread the thought that some people will take matters into their own hands not fully knowing the best method to adopt. I still do find it distasteful with women hunting and killing their own meat as sexist as that may sound. I especially find women (and men) who get a kick out of bloodsports (i.e. hunting) to be totally repulsive. Male hunters think they're all that when they clearly are not and women hunters think they've got balls when they clearly don't.....it's all too easy to stand behind a shotgun and fire away, pfft....too ludicrous for words....trying to prove just how tough they are NOT.
:D Jesus are you still on this thread? That quoted above is probably one of the most idiotic posts ive ever read. So you dont eat lamb, (dont know what you're missing out on Moselle), you havent eaten pork 'for ages', not eaten beef in 18months (thats pretty specific is that something you're proud of?) but you eat chicken.... where does your chicken come from again? If you dont want me on this thread then ask all the other posters to simply stop forwarding comments or questions.....my way, it's that easy, don't you think? And yes I am proud of the fact that I have not eaten beef in 18 months....why? shouldn't I be? I merely answered a question. As for your analysation that my post (above) is idiotic....that is simply your opinion and only because you don't agree with the comment that was made. I came to that conclusion after reading time and time again in this thread how people who kill their own meat are doing so simply because they basically disagree with how livestock is treated and slaughtered in this country! That is bollocks! I do stand by my original statement and that is that people who kill their own meat do so to save money and because they simply believe it is a healthier option....and not because of wanting to make sure that the animal lives its life happily before being slaughtered.
Is this an adult forum or what? FFS I have to eat something
Oh for goodness sake, Moselle. Bugger off! You pick up your meat from the supermarket and probably kick the cashier in the teeth on your way out. Your posts are just absurd. I'm a vegan yet I find the thought of homekill really interesting yet you come in here while tucking into an abbatoir slaughtered animal wrapped up in frigging plastic and try to lecture people...Nay, you try try to lecture women that they shouldn't kill an animal. It's BLOODY brilliant! That t-bone you're tucking into tonight was probably killed by someone in a skirt. Good on her. I am not here to lecture anyone, nothing I say is going to make any difference anyway! I just made an observation of which I am entitled and that is that I find it DISTASTEFUL in women that do kill their own meat......I have to accept that this practice is very much alive and will continue to be so, why don't you simply accept the fact that I am entitled to my opinion and just simply let me be. T-bone is not on the meny btw! Hasn't been in a BLOODY long time. Vegetable bake is very much on the menu for tonight and I am salivating at the thought!
I eat eggs obtained from a farmer neighbour of mine (free range). I also eat chicken and on rare occasions....fish. Have never eated lamb. Have not eaten pork in ages; haven't eaten beef in 18 months.
Oh comeon....so people who kill their own meat are simply doing it from the goodness of their own heart? Nonsense. IT is purely for selfish reasons and none other than.... Some pretty broad assumptions there considering you claim you would not associate with " people like us" how would you know? So it's ok to put an animal out of it's misery but another to provide for your family? Not everyone has a male to do these things for them, some through loss,some by choice, some not. Actually don't worry about answering I have no wish to encourage your input in this thread. I think I'll put you on ignore, you are not the type of person I choose to associate with. I have always loved ferrets and am finding this thread very informative and really very interesting. I would really love to see them work. Glad to hear that I am not the type of person you would not associate with.....beats becoming friends with someone only then to discover that they are individuals who actually get a kick out of a killing, And YES there is a definite difference between having to put an animal out of its misery to killing it simply to fill your stomach !!!! :Most pet owners are faced with the decision of having to put their much loved pet to sleep when its time has come, not every pet owner has an insatiable need to send their very much alive animal away alive and have it come back in a box or worse still......kill it themselves. I am surprised that you can even make such an absurd comparison. My apologies for stepping into this thread again but I just wish that I would be left out of the equation of people killing their own meat, it is clear how I feel about it all and my mind is not going to change any time soon so keep doing what you do best and leave me out of this disturbing subject from now on and go back to discussing ferreting.
Yes sure raz.....I hope that no more questions are directed my way, that's all....I didn't exactly conduct a one-way conversation.
Oh god, you monster! A shame about the duck, but the most humane thing you could have done in the circumstances. More curious questions for Moselle- what about Transpeople? Would it be more acceptable for a MtF or a FtM to kill an animal? What about Gender-neutral people? Raz- Most welcome. I used to have an old terrier who was very good with the ferrets, but then she also used to suffer my pet rats. It would depend on their prey drive, haha. I thought the answer was obvious ;)
No, putting a duck out of its misery does not make you bad. You did the right thing.....just one question, did you end up making peking duck?....no, maybe orange duck? or did the dogs end up feasting?
Oh that's sad. I'm such a suck when it comes to putting things to sleep. I must admit to sneaking some injured wildlife onto the gas so I can give them the needle whilst they're asleep. My boss just laughs at me I remember when I was little, finding a Cicada that emerged from its shell deformed. I knew it wouldn't survive so put it under the leg of a chair and squashed it - all the while bawling my eyes out. We're so evil Cicada euthanasia is a man's job, Stormie!
Putting down animals? Sheesh. I do a few every day at work. Looks like I'll need to find myself another job. Vets (most often) are not the ones administering anaesthetics to patients. You are kidding, right?
Yes you have a point Ruffles but (and not passing the buck either) other posters have brought the topic of hunting into the equation and posed questions towards me....what was I to do? simply ignore everyone....
Need Advice To Give To Friend Looking For An "oodle"
Moselle replied to a topic in General Dog Discussion
Not advocating cross breeding but I am one that likes advocating the truth. Plenty of purebred poodles with PRA from reg. breeders. Not all reg. breeders conduct health tests. Moselle sometimes I wonder why you're a member here. You certainly seem to hold a low opinion of both purebred dogs and their breeders I dont hold a low opinion PF....I was very disappointed at the time (about 8 years ago) in knowing that health checks were not as frequently conducted as they should have been, if things have changed the last 8 years then all is good and well about time. I purchased a cavalier pup 2 years ago, it died 4 weeks later from heart failure.....long story short...mitral valve disease....very disheartening. Autopsy revealed pup died from heart problems.....breeder not interested, no refund...no replacement puppy. -
:D If you want me to go away then don't bait me.....gotta say though, I love your sense of humour
OMG....so the ferrets actually kill the poor bunnies?
It is very sad at first, however if when you compare the lifestyle of animals its a far better option for them, whilst it may not be as guilt free as picking up the shrink wrapped parcel from the supermarket you are making a small difference in the end. Oh comeon....so people who kill their own meat are simply doing it from the goodness of their own heart? Nonsense. IT is purely for selfish reasons and none other than....
I agree with all that you've said Sydoo.
Aidan2 dear, I am not a troll....I just express my views openly....this isn't a popularity contest....this is a forum designed for people to express their views fully....or at least I thought so.
blah blah blah
Oh thanks for the invite Souff, lol...I'll have to have a look at my diary to see if I have a spare weekend sometime soon....and providing that you promise that I won't get my acrylic nails dirty or worse still....broken
That is a GROSS generalisation. How many greyhound breeders/trainers do you know? I am not in the feeble habit of making "gross generalisations".....and I do know quite a fair few greyhound breeders/trainers hence my comments about this "sport." How many do you know? and are you in a position of assuring everyone that I am indeed blowing things out of all proportions??? There is always the exception to the rule and I am the first to admit that there may be a few individuals that are doing the right thing but they are the exception and not the rule.
Need Advice To Give To Friend Looking For An "oodle"
Moselle replied to a topic in General Dog Discussion
Oh how I wish that was true but it isn't always the case. I was a reg. breeder and mixed with a fair few other reg. breeders and I can safely say that the breeders who will support the new owners for the dog's entire life are a minority. They exist and are worth their weight in gold but they are a rare species indeed. -
Need Advice To Give To Friend Looking For An "oodle"
Moselle replied to a topic in General Dog Discussion
Not advocating cross breeding but I am one that likes advocating the truth. Plenty of purebred poodles with PRA from reg. breeders. Not all reg. breeders conduct health tests. -
Why ban greyhound racing? because it's a never ending quest to breed litter upon litter in search of that mighty champion; the dogs, in the meantime, are kept caged for their short life, needled with drugs that are undetectable within 24 hours of racing and has hideous side-effects, the dogs are either starved or overfed if they are not within a one kg range of their last weigh in and then they are put down if they are not fast enough for the race track. IF a litter of greyhound pups have not been named yet but have been trialled and are not fast enough they are put down callously as their owners don't have to explain to GRV the disappearance of dogs that are not known to exist! Oh, and the greyhound themselves are trained on live lure where small animals are thrown into an enclosure amongst greyhounds and literally torn to shreds! Yes greyhound racing should be banned but people being as money hungry as they are.....this disgusting practice will never stop!