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Everything posted by kaye1234

  1. I would like to thank everyone for there suggestion.
  2. I agree with you my dog D'arcy is on a premiun food from the vets it has a awful name obesity as the name applies it is for ovwerweight dogs he was 42 kilos he is now down to 40kilos my vet is very happy she wants he to go down to 35kilos still long way to go. It is very hard but i know im doing the best for my dog. He coat is shiny and he looks well. darcy
  3. hey there i use frontline plus works for my D'arcy boy and Drontal for worm . There say Frontlineplus is water proof so you can bath them you need to put it on them then wait at least 48 hours before bathing them. darcy
  4. Hi Toohey yes i did read the links provied by you i will try glucosmine and the aloe vera and the apple cider. Thank you darcy :woof:
  5. Elise thanks for your advise i also have heard bad things about Rimadyl i had to give D'arcy Rimadyl for 2 weeks i did not like to give him Rimadyl. I will try the gelatine he is still very very active he's never still i get tired before him. thanks darcy1234
  6. HI there iam new at this but i hope you can give me some advise my beautiful dog D'arcy has arthritis in his ankle i have been to the vet and there have given him pain killers he is only 7 years ld i would like to try something more natural than the pain killers so i was wondering if anyone could help me. He is on a diet he has to lose weight so im hoping this might him. He is 7 years old and he is a Brittany. ANYONE WITH ADVISE WOULD BE GREAT darcy1234
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