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Everything posted by Poodlelovergirl2010

  1. My 2 year old desexed toy x mini poodle has a raised pea sized lump on her belly up near her front leg it is slightly red and i thought i might get some peoples opinions before i take her to the vet because it could be nothing so please any thoughts you might have on this just let me know.....
  2. I thought of that too but i figured that our other dog would be sick too seeing as she eats more chipbark than she does he now also looks different in the eyes and his face.
  3. over the past two days, Max my 5year old maltese shih tzue x with a poodle has been vommiting red he eats a bit of red chipbark but its not that kind of red its like dark dark red plz advise ur thoughts.
  4. Ok thanks for sharing your experince with me and i think i will get them checked out by a vet better to be safe than sorry i think. the tooth i am talking bout is like really tini and is just beside her two big canines on the top i thought this could be helpfull.
  5. I have a Male Desexed Maltese shih tzu X poodle and he is a terrible lead puller. He will walk beside me when he is on the lead in the backyard but as soon as he gets out in the open he just pulls and nearly chokes himself. We have tried head collars which he hated and just clawed at his face to get it off, and now we have a special harness that the vet recomended but nothing is stopping him. Please Help any suggestions please just tell me.
  6. Do you mean how does it all work? I'll give it a try... Dogs are judged in age classes according to their gender. So boy baby puppies (3 to 6 months) in the same breed are all in a class together and so on. Dogs are judged as to how well they match up with the standard for their breed - see here: ANKC Breeds So the one from the age class that the judge considers the best representative of the breed standard is the winner. The winner of a class will go on to compete against the winner of the same age class of the opposite sex - ie winning male of age group against winning female in same age group. Also of all the males and all the females in a breed (over six months) the best male and the best female will be awarded a "challenge certifcate" which gives them points towards a Championship title. The best male and female of a breed will compete for best of breed. If for example the male wins the runner up male gets a chance to compete for runner up of breed, the winning female doesn't get it automatically. All best of breeds from a particular Group - eg the "Toy Group" - compete for the award of Best in Group. Then the Best in Group winners (there are seven groups) all compete for Best in Show which is the highest award at an individual show. The winners for particular age classes also get to compete against the winners from other breeds, then other groups as well. Shows are advertised online or in your State Gazette which is mailed to you when you're a member of your State governing body - eg. Dogs NSW etc. Entries are sent in the mail or completed online a few weeks before the show date. All as clear as mud?? Edit - too late for accurate spelling! Not really what i was looking for what i was hopeing for was some information in what you have to do in a dog show also does ur dog have to be purebred and what is the main register??????
  7. I agree Also Depending on your age Junior handlers is a great way to learn and I am always happy to lend one of my dogs. Thanks for all your thoughts. What is actualy involved in a dog show??????
  8. My puppy is a pure bred poodle she is not x bred but i will wait a few months because as you say all dogs are different. you first post does say toy X mini poodle.... Yes it does say Toy X Mini poodle but she is still purebred and no she is a small dog. Sounds like a behavioural problem which needs to be corrected, however I would also suggest a vet check to make sure her mouth/gums are healthy. What is her weight like? Is it possible she's slower to eat because she's just not as hungry? How much exercise does she get daily? She is about 3.5kg and i dont think it is because she will eat soft things fast but hard thinks like dry food she is like really slow and only eats one at a time. she gets a reasonable amount of exercise daily (Examples) I play fetch with her every night and she runs all day with our other dog (Max). they chase each other all day everyday. and maybe every second or third night i take her for a walk around the block.
  9. Standards, miniatures and toys are each a breed in their own right. eta they have different breed standards(albeit different sizes) but they are judged as separate breeds. If you have a toy x mini then you do not have a purebred. But the problem is her teeth!!!!!!!!!! And so long as you dont intend to breed from her and I am presuming she does not have papers???? then no problem!!!??? NO they are all still poodles there are just different types they are still purebreds and No she doesnt have papers but that doesnt mean anything. She is also desexed. (SHE IS STILL A PUREBRED.)
  10. If your girl is already 12 months old, why will you wait a few more months???? For what??? If she has retained a baby tooth then it needs taking out. She could have gingavitous(sp)infection of the gums or a rotten tooth can cause some serious problems as well. Well firstly i am not 100% sure that her tooth is retained. secondly i am going to wait to see if it fall's out and thirdly i know that all them diesese's are life thretning if they dont get treated!!!!!
  11. My puppy is a pure bred poodle she is not x bred but i will wait a few months because as you say all dogs are different. you first post does say toy X mini poodle.... Yes it does say Toy X Mini poodle but she is still purebred and no she is a small dog. Sounds like a behavioural problem which needs to be corrected, however I would also suggest a vet check to make sure her mouth/gums are healthy. What is her weight like? Is it possible she's slower to eat because she's just not as hungry? How much exercise does she get daily?
  12. When you say she is still teething, do you mean that she has some baby teeth that have not fallen out as her adult teeth have come through? No by teething it is like all she wants to do is chew on solid objects and she seems to be really slow eating compared to what she use to eat like. Have you had a good look in her mouth to see if she has not got retained baby teeth giving her trouble, sometimes they can make the dogs mouth sore, have you checked to see if she has something stuck in between her teeth or in her gum line that may be making it uncomfortable for her to eat. Does her breath smell fresh? She may simply be chewing objects for fun and our of boredom, and her slower eating could simply be a case of her maturing and not feeling so hungry all the time. If you are really concerned after you have checked her mouth out maybe a visit to your vet could be in order. i havent looked as yet but no her breath doesnt smell fresh at all and i have thought about her just being bored but its not that she is just chewing on things it is like she is chewing sideways if you get what I mean. I am planing in the next day or so to get either some denta bones or a nylon bone.. I have just had a look in her mouth and i was wondering how do you tell if r=she has a retained baby tooth??? She does have a baby tooth but i am not sure if it is retained???
  13. When you say she is still teething, do you mean that she has some baby teeth that have not fallen out as her adult teeth have come through? No by teething it is like all she wants to do is chew on solid objects and she seems to be really slow eating compared to what she use to eat like. Have you had a good look in her mouth to see if she has not got retained baby teeth giving her trouble, sometimes they can make the dogs mouth sore, have you checked to see if she has something stuck in between her teeth or in her gum line that may be making it uncomfortable for her to eat. Does her breath smell fresh? She may simply be chewing objects for fun and our of boredom, and her slower eating could simply be a case of her maturing and not feeling so hungry all the time. If you are really concerned after you have checked her mouth out maybe a visit to your vet could be in order. i havent looked as yet but no her breath doesnt smell fresh at all and i have thought about her just being bored but its not that she is just chewing on things it is like she is chewing sideways if you get what I mean. I am planing in the next day or so to get either some denta bones or a nylon bone..
  14. My puppy is a pure bred poodle she is not x bred but i will wait a few months because as you say all dogs are different.
  15. Thanks for all your thoughts I have thought about joining a club but the problem is that my dog that likes to jump and weeve but doesnt walk off lead because he just runs away!! I also have a female puupy, what age should you start agility training.
  16. What age do you have to be to show your dogs? How do you go about starting when you have never done It before? Does your dog have to have certain qualitys?how old does your dog have to be?
  17. When you say she is still teething, do you mean that she has some baby teeth that have not fallen out as her adult teeth have come through? No by teething it is like all she wants to do is chew on solid objects and she seems to be really slow eating compared to what she use to eat like.
  18. I have a toy X mini poodle that has just turned 1 and she is still teething. I am not sure if it is normal for this to be happening.
  19. I am after some tips to do some agility training at home (low cost) without joining a club or that. Plz tell Me your suggestions.
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