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Posts posted by Rottsup

  1. Hi everyone,

    I need to pick the brains of the more experianced breeders out there. :rofl:

    We have never purchased semen before now. ;)

    The breeder we are purchasing from is in Melbourne and the semen is in Adelaide.

    Can someone out there tell me the process when buying semen ie: transfer papers from the breeders name to my name - at what stage does this paper work get filled in and submitted to K9. I am assuming once we pay the breeder for the semen, the breeder will fill out the transfer and submit it to her state K9 and she (the breeder) will pay for the transfer. Are my assumptions correct thus far.

    Then I should move the semen to somewhere under my name???? ;)

    Once I have used some for a mating, can I sign the sire paperwork as the owner of the semen. ;)

    Sorry if this sounds rather nieve, but this is good stuff and has become available unexpectantly before I have had a chance to learn this process.

    ;) Thanks to anyone who can advise of the process

    :( to you all :rofl:

  2. The Biolac manufacturer closes for its summer break between 17 December 2010 and 20 January 2011.

    Biolac customers in Victoria and southern NSW should place their orders (via [email protected] or 0418 175 143) and pay for them by Wednesday 15th December if they want them before late January.

    If you have a bitch pregnant or near-pregnant you should make sure you have some Biolac Blue at hand before the whelping.

    Biolac has a special offer at the moment: "To ensure the pets and infant animals of Australia receive their correct intake of the goodness contained in Biolac Milk supplements during the month of December 2010 each and every 5 kg and 10 kg pack of any of the Biolac range of products will be accompanied by a Culinare set of Diet Scales. Weighing makes cents".



    What is their website address?

    Rottsup :o

  3. This is an interesting topic.

    I am wondering if people could or would post a copy of their sales contract. ;)

    We are expecting our first litter of pedigree pups in Jan and I have a couple of contracts to pick through where I can develop our own but think (after reading this thread) there may be some really good 'other" points to consider when putting ours together.

    If anyone is willing to share their sales contract to be used only as a guide for me, then I would be grateful (PM me if you don't want to place publically) the more I can view for ideas the better my contracts will be for both buyer & us.

    Thanks :)

    Edited for spelling :laugh:

  4. Hi All ;) Well I have now got the problem sorted out with posting on the Forum.

    So just wanted to say thank you to Rottsup for helping me with this.

    Hope January is a good time for all of us who are having litter.

    My first litter is due the 1st Jaunuary it ;) is a fingers crossed litter as she is a very hard girl to mate.

    I am hoping to keep a female pup from this litter, but one never knows with this girl.

    My second litter is due 15th January to my youngest pair this will be there first litter,

    I can not what to see what they have :p

    Glad it all worked out for you zzz Top and I was happy to help where I could. ;)

    Good luck, everything is crossed for your litter due on the 1st and your puupy girl from this litter :)

    Sounds as if you won't need as much luck with litter two but :laugh: for that one too :p


  5. Just jumping in here out of curiousity.... :(

    L2-HGA and HC are the two that can be DNA tested in Staffords.

    What exactly are these tests? :( I think health testing requirements depends entirely on the breed you have. for example we have Rotti's and we need to have hip x-ray reports, eye and teeth/bite certs BUT we all do elbow x-rays too even though we are not required to.

    surely health testing was covered in your prefix exam??

    The OP is from WA and each State/Territory appears to have their own sets of regulations to some degree unless they are a directive from ANKC or your specific breed body nationally.

  6. Litters due in January 2011

    zzz Top - Cocker Spaniels - 1st :(

    nedsur - Shelties - 1st - 4 girls + 1 boy :rofl:

    Durstein - German Shepherds - early Jan

    The Ark - Australian Shepherds - 6th - 1 girl + 4 boys :cry:

    angelsun - German Shepherds - 7th - 4 girls + 4 boys :eek:

    The Ark - Minature Pinschers - 10th - 3 pups born

    nedsur - Shelties - 10th - 1 girl + 3 boys :rofl:

    ophnbark - Schipperke - 12th - 2 girls + 4 Boys :cry:

    BOSSFACE - German Shepherds - 14th

    zzz Top - Cocker Spaniels - 15th - 2 girls + 4 boys :cry:

    Gundogz - Labradors - 19th

    Alpha bet - Australian Shepherds - 21st

    hashi - Border Collies - 22nd

    Hotwyr - GWP - 26th - 8 girls + 1 boy (boy deceased :cry: R.I.P little man :D )

    Paptacular - Papillons - 1 girl + 3 boys :cry:

    Zensu - Pointers - 30th - 2 girls + 6 boys :eek:

    Puglodge - Pugs - 31st - 4 girls + 3 boys :eek:

  7. Yes, she tried many of the amicable ways.....calling on the phone only to be hung up on, emailing - only to recieve a reply "my breeding, my rules", going to her home - only to be told where to go..... you name it, my friend has tried.

    Anyway I just thought there may have been some hope for her apart from ending up in court which is where it will probably end up.

    Thanks ellz, you have the knowledge, that's why I thought I would ask. :laugh:

  8. For hips & elbows in Perth we paid about $180 for our 42kg bitch a year ago and this year we paid just over $200 for 50kg dog. Apparently you are charged by the weight of your dog as more anesthetic is needed for heavier weight.

    Plus Wyburns costs.

    I think you're right Trina....wine prices have increased in Margeret River :laugh: and I'm surprised he can still see the xrays clearly enough to see and read millimeters :p

  9. A dog being on LR is only a deterrent to honest would-be breeders. They cannot register the progeny but it won't stop them from breeding from the dog if they wanted to.

    A spey/neuter agreement will again only deter the honest people. If somebody wanted to get really bolshy, they could refuse to honour the agreement and the breeder wouldn't have a leg to stand on because legally, a contract has to be fair to all parties. And basically, once a person has sold something, they have no further right to it, agreement or no agreement.

    For example, if I purchase a fridge from Harvey Norman, they can't force me to not put bacon or ham in it once I get it home. By law, the shop offered the item for sale for a certain price. I agreed to pay that price and if they agree to me paying it, then we have an agreement and I can take it home with me. They can't then stop me from putting whatever I like in it, even if I have signed a piece of paper to say that they'd rather I didn't. After all, I have the fridge and how are they to know what I do with it?

    Yeah, I get what you're saying ellz and it does sound rather simple when you put it into a fridge situation, but does that mean my friend could breed with her bitch and register the litter because the breeders non breeding contract means nothing? Will the local canine actually register the litter?

    As you said in an earlier post (and I agree) who would want to breed just for the pet people when you wish to breed for your own new stock and the betterment of the breed standard in general.

  10. Hi all,

    This has been interesting reading. I just a question or 3 after reading through this thread....

    If the breeder has sold her pups on a LR and a non breeding contract, dosn't the local Canine control the "non breeding" part? eg: the puppy buyer can not register a litter from a bitch purchased on a non breeding contract. Therefore when some of you mention the contract is not worth the paper it's written on and it is merely a deterant... does that mean the puppy buyer can register her litter from the bitch who was sold "under a non breeding contract" or are you saying that these people have a litter anyway, just not a registered litter?

    I am also aware that the back of the pedigree papers now have a tick box thing with common clauses. The seller/breeder just ticks a box to say "non breeding" or whatever clauses the breeder wishes to add and no contract is required as it is part of the transfer.

    My friend who is a breeder and has been for many years, has a bitch (no need to tell breed) who was sold to her on the MR but with a breeders clause for the bitch to go back to the breeder for a litter. The breeder and my friend fell out before the bitch was 12 months old. My friend would love to breed with her as she is a very good example of the breed and was titled quite young. She is now almost 2 1/2 years old and has her CH & ET titles. Due to the contract/s she is saddened to not use this bitch in her breeding program and has offered her back to the breeder for a litter but the breeder refuses to discuss the bitch. Sad situation. :p

    I hope I haven't confused :laugh: anyone as I think I am starting to confuse myself.



  11. You are all doing a fantastic job and believe me, the soldiers & their dogs will appreciate your efforts in more ways than one could imagine.

    When my OH was over there recently his first top 7 choices for every care package were;

    Coffee, Flavoured Teas like Chai, Vegemite, packet soups - in winter, packet drinks like tang & refresh, Allens snakes and peppermints.

    So these 7 things went in almost every package but I did have to buy him minus 15deg socks to keep feet warm in the extreme cold conditions over winter.

    Usually the blokes (and girls) will open their packages then share everything in them with each other.

    Another exciting thing you could send is a recent Australian newspaper so they can catch up on news from home... many soldiers whose families do not send anything, love to read a news article from home. Although on saying this, most have access to computers so they read news on there.

    Edited to add from OH - M&M's & can openers are issued in ration packs, but he says ANZAC bickies (or any bickies for that matter) are popular as they share them with each other over a coffee and potatoe chips are also popular as they can only get American Pringles which he says are not the same as chips from home.

    From a soldiers wife to you all, THANK YOU! :thumbsup:


    i sent over anzac biscuits in all 3 of my boxes plus tang satches, among other things, so am glad these things are very welcome,

    are we able to send these packages all yr round or can we only do it at christmas???

    Hi MacKenzie11,

    People can do this all year round, to the same address's. I think it is extra special at Christmans as this is when most really miss their families.



    I would love to do the same thing but live in New Zealand! How do i go about checking to see if there are any dogs/handlers from New Zealand on duty over there? :rasberry: If theres not I would love to send one for the Australian troops lol I live in N.Z but was born in Aussie

    Hi kemah,

    You sure do have kiwi dog handlers over there (well you did last year) and you also have the free postal service to your troops the same as Australia (just not sure what weight you are limited to in NZ) I know this as my nephew was in Iraq over Xmas last year and some of my family live in NZ who sent him a parcel often.

    A great thing to do!



  12. You are all doing a fantastic job and believe me, the soldiers & their dogs will appreciate your efforts in more ways than one could imagine.

    When my OH was over there recently his first top 7 choices for every care package were;

    Coffee, Flavoured Teas like Chai, Vegemite, packet soups - in winter, packet drinks like tang & refresh, Allens snakes and peppermints.

    So these 7 things went in almost every package but I did have to buy him minus 15deg socks to keep feet warm in the extreme cold conditions over winter.

    Usually the blokes (and girls) will open their packages then share everything in them with each other.

    Another exciting thing you could send is a recent Australian newspaper so they can catch up on news from home... many soldiers whose families do not send anything, love to read a news article from home. Although on saying this, most have access to computers so they read news on there.

    Edited to add from OH - M&M's & can openers are issued in ration packs, but he says ANZAC bickies (or any bickies for that matter) are popular as they share them with each other over a coffee and potatoe chips are also popular as they can only get American Pringles which he says are not the same as chips from home.

    From a soldiers wife to you all, THANK YOU! :p


  13. What a fantastic post rep628. I have certainly learnt a whole lot of information that I wasn't aware of and now it makes much more sense to me about all 3 of these breeds.

    In the past I would say "it's an Amstaff or Pit Bull or I don't know, one of those breeds" Now I see they are all the same.

    It also makes sense when that poor dog was in a kennel in NSW for a couple of years and the owners lived in Qld as the Qld authorities (court judge) would not allow this breed into the state and DNA testing showed the dog to have the exact same DNA as an Amstaff, Pit Bull or Staffy (as we know them) therefore ruled that the dog could not enter Queensland. I felt for the poor dog though, living in a boarding kennel for that long and for all I know he is still there....what a life NOT!!

    Thanks again for your very informative post!



  14. Those entered in the Royal......

    Keep a close eye on your pooches, particularly if they are small enough to fit under someones jacket. We don't want any dogs stolen from our Royal Show. Apparently the one stolen from Adelaide Royal has still not been found, even with a $5K reward being offered.

    Good Luck everyone who is entered.

  15. Recently at a few shows I have witnessed a entrant/handler go into the show ring prior to his/her dog/s going in and giving the Judge & Stewards morning tea (ie: scones & cream / muffins & cream) while the judge is judging other breeds. The handler does not offer this to the judges/stewards in the other rings, just the ring he/she is entered into.

    I dont think there is any regulation against doing this. Do you think this is appropriate for the Judge and or Stewards to accept?? :rolleyes:

  16. I made my dogs cooling mats, they are quite easy to make if you're a novice sewer. However, when I tried them out, neither of them would have a bar of them. I put them in the bottom of the crate, they dug them aside and lay on the base of the crate. I tried them on the floor at home and told them to "Lay on the rug" and they each put a paw on it and decided they'd rather disobey me.

    The mats I made don't feel wet to touch, even though they are soaked in water, but there was something about them that the dogs didn't like and they ended up being a waste of time and money.

    I made two cool coats for our dogs :swing: I made them out of chamois which are much cheaper to buy on Ebay from Japan. I think I paid about $40 (delivered to my door) for four large chamois (needed 2 chamois per coat for 2 large Rotti's)

    I sewed two together, then cut out my pattern, and sewed binding tape around the edges and down the sewn seam in the middle to give a nice finish. Webbing straps with a plastic clip type buckle around the chest and another under the belly (like the buckles on bum bags) or you could use velcro.

    When we expect a hot day at the show I just wet them and put them in a ziplock plastic bag & into our esky...ready to go if & when needed, they great and keep the dogs nice & cool :o

    They are really easy to make but fidley and quite time consuming (for me) Many other Rotti people have asked me to make some :happydance: for their dogs :p but I have chosen to make two more only (for other people) as I just don't have the time to spend at the sewing machine to make the number I have been asked for.

  17. Sweet potato's are VERY high in calories... where is her RED meaty bones??? How old is she?

    Just give red meaty bones with no or very minimal fat for a few weeks (pure protein) Kangaroo tails are great as no colestrol or fat and the thick end has heaps of meat, plus a small amount of her cauliflower/mixed vegie mix you already feed her but no starch or carbohydrate vegies ie: pumpkin, potato, sweet potato etc and watch her drop the kilos and get fit with the walks every day.

    Give her a small meaty bone in the morning and two for dinner with her veg and see how she goes...this was my vets recommendation last year when I was trying to shead 2kg in a week from our Rotti girl.... we didn't realise she had put on the 2 kgs until a friend mentioned she looked a little on the tubby side and we weighed her one week before a Royal Show :):cry: :cry: :laugh:

    Good Luck!!

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