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Everything posted by ToyLeRouge

  1. Have tried and msg a few but no reply. Anyone in Victoria or Melbourne can help me to do a show cut for my toy poodle ? Will pay for your Time and Service. Contact 0449796767 Cheers
  2. Yeah, I totally agrees with you on that. But I am sure there are pretty much toy poodles exhibitor around in this forum lol (Fingers crossed) I know one of the exhibitor in Sydney who is willing to teach me but she is in Syd..
  3. Hi Everyone, I am looking for someone who can help and teach me in show cut grooming as I am thinking to try and learn to show my dog. I have tried to check out a few groomer in my area but they do not do show cut grooming, I have clip his feet, face and back end of the body. I need someone who is experience who can help me to do the show cut. Here is one of the photo of my Male toy poodle. Anyone can help me or advice me? Thank you for your help in Advance
  4. Try Clipper world http://www.clipperworld.com.au/shop/ or http://www.pupkus.com.au/ I have used them before and they are pretty good. Whoops sorry.. I didnt read the Self Service.
  5. Try Clipper world http://www.clipperworld.com.au/shop/ or http://www.pupkus.com.au/ I have used them before and they are pretty good.
  6. I have used a 350d before but i feel the ISO is not good enough for indoors with puppies.... out of 100 pics i took only 4 to 6 photos are good... even with a tripod.. A friend of mine brought his nikon D700 and took a few photos of my puppies in my house without flash and he set on auto.. his photos turns out to be heaps better than mine and i tried to use his cam to take a few shots, it really turns out very well! (set on auto without flash) but then again, he paid over $8k for his D700 and lens.. lol.. So i am looking to get something better then the 350D but not spending too much for a Cam..
  7. Hi Guys, Just sold my canon eos 350d and going to upgrade to a new DSLR to take photos for puppy and maybe adult dogs. As you all know that puppies move around a lot and i need something good for indoors with very little light or under spot light. Looking at the Canon EOS 450D. Someone told me the Nikon is good for its ISO and indoors photo taking... Anyone suggestions ?? And what kind of lens should I be using for taking puppy photos? Do I need a lighting tent with white or other background? Thanks for the help in advance.
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