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Everything posted by haylz27

  1. You need to find a carer to take them in for that time. Which area does she live in? Maybe a fellow DOLer can help put you in touch with someone who can help.
  2. I am so sorry for your loss. What a horrible shock. Unfortunately this did happen to one of my childhood dogs. The vet did an autopsy on her and couldn't find the cause either. It was devastating. My thoughts are with you.
  3. That is hilarious, dogs definitely know how to surprise us.
  4. Yes, maltese x teddy bear sounds very likely. He's adorable!
  5. Hi guys! I'm happy to make some banners. Here's a few I have made recently: -----> XoloAus and Please PM me with your pictures if you would like one.
  6. I have no idea how to teach a dog to howl. My dogs never have unfortunately. But this video came to mind: hahah.
  7. That is great! I love seeing assistance dogs. I don't see many, but I did see one the other day when we were out shopping. It was directing his/her owner to a table in the food court!
  8. Wow, that is definitely a scary situation. I'm just glad your dog wasn't hurt and that your neighbour was kind enough to catch him. For all you know, it could have been someone that was trying to steal him. It might not have been your landlord so I definitely think you should find out to be on the safe side. And yes... Paddocks sound like a great idea. Our gate is locked so no one can get in, it's almost impossible to open.
  9. Sure! The link is fine. They are so adorable. But which one is Bubby and which one is Bitty?
  10. Oh sorry, I didn't see it. :D I'll leave this thread up until I log on tomorrow and then head on over to the other one. :rolleyes:
  11. Hey guys! How are all you DOLers going tonight? I'm just sitting here bored and watching House lol. So to relieve my boredom I thought I'd take some banner/signature requests. :rolleyes: Do any of you want me to make you one of your dogs? ➜ Post/or message me a couple of pictures (preferably large-sized if you can but it doesn't matter) of your dogs ➜ Include their names ➜ Any other specifics, like if you want me to make it a specific colour, width, or if you want a fancy, or plain one I'd be more then happy to try and make them. I made my one (below) but it was just a quick 5 minute one, not to mention the colours are probably awful. :D Question: Where are your dogs currently/what are they doing? Both of mine are in the loungeroom with my dad in front of the warm heater.
  12. That is so horrible! I'm glad that they didn't harm the dogs or do even more damage though. I would have freaked out! No one can get near my house without my two dogs going completely mental. It's funny though, my Jack Russell (below) has a really scary bark. They are great guard dogs. But if someone broke into the yard, they would probably move away to a safe distance and continue barking. I hope the police find the idiots who did this to you though. :rolleyes:
  13. I forgot to mention, she has been clicker trained before. Except she tends to ignore the click when she's over-excited. I haven't tried a whistle. Maybe that could work.
  14. Yes, I have done this a few times but I usually use verbal commands/treats. She is usually so focused on getting out the front as soon as her leash goes on. This is great advice, thank you!
  15. She's actually quiet lazy and happy to lay around all day, until the food comes out. Same as our JRT, she's always been a quiet lazy dog too haha. I guess I need advice on how to get her motivated/to stay motivated enough to train with me. I was thinking about obedience classes, but she knows everything in the basics class /except/ for loose leash walking. Would it be worth it? I would love to do agility; we've done some jumps before which was great but she quickly lost focus. :S She sleeps in the laundry on her dog bed. Yes, she's allowed on my bed but usually not for long. She eats after we finish our dinner usually.
  16. I know exactly how you feel huski. I have tried many times to convince various people in my family to not buy from petshops or bybs. Not one person in my family has a dog from a reputable breeder. ;) I've found that they don't really care, and just think "Aww, look! Puppies! Only $250 and so cute!!! I must get one." This hasn't stopped me from trying to educate them though and it shouldn't stop you either. Keep sharing your knowledge, someone will eventually appreciate it. Not sure if you've seen the thread about DD names, but I posted about how one of my cousins "breed" "Rustydoodles" (jrt x poodles) and don't give a shit about what anyone says to them. Their poor dog has had 4 litters. Try not to let it get to you, it is THEM that has to live with this dog.. not you. Pooteaser!!
  17. I love my dogs to death but I do not think they are smarter then humans. People don't realise that dogs have a "here and now" mindset. They don't have the ability to sit there and think about things in the past; It's hard to explain... Do you know what I mean?
  18. Hey guys, I need your advice about something. I have a beagle x cocker spaniel (20 months) who is a great dog. The only thing is she won't LISTEN to me sometimes. You could call her name a million times but she just does not find me interesting unless I have treats or food. Then she listens almost 100% of the time (inside our house/outside). I must admit that this is probably my own fault for not knowing enough or not training her right... She's been like this from the day we got her. She gets so excited the moment the leash comes out. She gets so stimulated that she doesn't listen to a word I say on walks, it's gotten to the point where I just exercise her in the backyard. She ignores treats, toys, ect as well. I've tried the "tree" method, where you stop as soon as the dog pulls, or when you turn around as soon as she pulls. That didn't work at all. She just whines as soon as we stop. I'm getting so frustrated. She pulled me that hard today that my wrist almost had pins and needles. This is pretty much the only thing that I have a problem with. I have only started learning about training throughout the past year and a bit and want to get better. She knows heaps of things, such as sit, stay, down, roll over, cross paws, high5, spin, beg... ect. I guess it's my own fault, but I am getting really annoyed. How can I get her to listen to me, especially when we are in an exciting environment? Even 5m out the door is exciting for her. Also, how can I teach her to stop getting so excited while outside? Plus her recall is terrible, not gonna lie. Any advice? I'm sorry if this sounds stupid... It's so embarrassing.
  19. Let's see... I started to fall in love with Australian Shepherds over 2 years ago now. I didn't know much about them back then but wanted one. My family ended up getting another dog, so it had to be put off for a while. Now I am absolutely set on getting an Aussie after many months of research. A blue merle male most likely.. I have even started writing a list of possible names for him. Mind you, I won't be getting one for a while considering I am jobless, broke and can't afford $1000 plus all the other little necessities. I can't wait though... This will be my "first" dog. Hopefully we will get into agility or maybe some other sport. I can't help but think about it every day, and when that day comes.. I'll be over the moon.
  20. Well, of course you don't because he is a purebred Beaker. no no she's a Cockerbea.
  21. Oh My God Gayle....that is possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen I second this. I can't wait til you finally get to bring him home!
  22. Gorgeous dogs everyone! I love the funny stories that some of you include.
  23. I thought that was one of the funniest ones that I've heard in a while. :rolleyes: Why do all designer names sound so vulgar haha! BullShiht, Cockapoo, Chiweenie..... LOL.
  24. My dog had a similar one and pulled the rope off within days. :rolleyes: We still have the ball that she rolls around occasionally but I wouldn't buy another one for her to wreck. But yes, you can get them from Pets Paradise (where i got mine), Petstock or Best Friends Pets. I paid $12 for mine but it was half price.
  25. I am so sorry, I hope your girl has a safe and speedy recovery. Thank goodness the vet nurse picked her up.
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