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Everything posted by haylz27

  1. Thought I'd post a fun little survey here because I haven't really posted any topics lately. So can you tell me about your favourite breed(s)? How much do you know about them? Answer the questions below. I'm interested to learn about any breeds; Post even if someone has covered the breed already. Breed name: Breed Group (gun dogs, working dogs ect): Average life expectancy: Height/Weight: Exercise requirements: Health problems: Grooming: Origin: What were they breed for (to work live stock..ect): Why you love the breed: Any dislikes about the breed?: 5 words to describe the breed: Temperament: Accepted coat colours: Do you own the breed?: Any photos you'd like to share: Feel free to share any other information about the breed! I've probably forgotten to add some things.
  2. I like the name Skipper for a dalmatian.. I don't know why. Can't wait to see pics of him.
  3. I definitely rolled my eyes at a few things. The lady sounded like a moron. OH NO, IF THIS PUPPY HAS PITBULL IN IT, IT IS GUARANTEED TO ATTACK MY KIDS. I've noticed that they usually only make a big deal out of dog bites/attacks when it is from a pitbull-type of dog. The only good thing about the episode was the cute little lamb. ETA: Indi was laying on the bed watching the tv out of the corner of her eyes when the dog was whining.
  4. Nice job, it feels good to help people out. Yes, beagles can be hard to train.. Well my beagle x is. She is very stubborn, and gets bored with training easily. She's lazy though, and not really destructive. That only happens when she gets new toys. Nothing lasts at our house for very long.
  5. I have just heard about this now, they are going to be talking about it on the 7PM project. I hope this little guy is found safe and sound. I can't believe some of the people out there.
  6. Heavy gloves do sound like a good idea if you're scared of it biting you. At the start of the year one of my dogs kept hanging around a certain spot in the garden and digging. We found out why! There was a frog that had been "living" in the dirt and Indi was trying to play with him. So dad caught it and put it in our front garden with a bit of water. He must have hopped a long way from the river down the road! We found another frog about a week later and dad picked it up and released it back into the creek. So yeah, I think moving the blue tongue is the best idea.
  7. Ewwww! LOL. Maybe I shouldn't be reading this thread while I'm eating tea.
  8. Ohh that's horrible!! Hope he has a speedy recovery.
  9. Our JRT x changed when we first got our second dog. She didn't like Indi at all... She growled at her all the time, and pretty much avoided her until she was out of her "puppy" stage. Even though she still kind of acts like one at nearly 2 years of age... I don't know why, but she absolutely LOVES my mum now, ever since we got Indi. Both of my dogs are best friends now though. Although Coco does prefer her space. I don't think they could live without each other now. ;) So yeah, not that many noticeable changes.. just minor ones.
  10. No, I wouldn't let my dog lick my wounds... The saying that a dog's mouth is cleaner then a humans isn't necessarily even true. They have all kinds of nasty bacterias, just like us. Put some antiseptic cream on your graze instead.
  11. Well let's see. We had a red heeler x BC named Pepsi when I was little. She was brought from a pet shop for $40. She lived until a ripe old age. She was no doubt, the best dog I have ever owned. My parents, right up until this day didn't know about "reputable breeders". They still don't really know exactly what they are. Another childhood dog, BC x Kelpie was obviously not from a reputable breeder but she lived until 18 years old. Our next dog, we got when I was 10(ish), and she was supposed to be a purebred pomeranian, brought from a petshop. We didn't know any better, hell, I thought it was normal to buy from pet shops or anyone who had a dog with pups. She died at... 9 months. We think she got bitten by a spider or poisoned by something. Now onto our current dogs. Coco, JRT x fox terrier. She was from a lady who lived on a farm which had a litter of pups. Obviously a byb. She's 7 years old now, completely healthy and I wouldn't trade her for anything. Indi, beagle x cocker spaniel, was from a lady that my brother's girlfriend knew. I remember I was sooo excited to get a new puppy after so many years of just having one dog. She the cutest thing that I'd ever seen. So tiny and cuddly with her big floppy ears. I barely knew anything about reputable breeders, but I did know of the term "backyard breeder". It didn't bother me at the time. She's perfectly healthy, but she does have flaky skin... and scratches a lot. I wouldn't trade her for the world either. :p BUT, now that I've learnt more, and done the research I definitely plan to get my next dog (Aussie!) from a reputable breeder. I can't wait. My friends look at me stupid when I try to explain to them the differences between reputable and unreputable breeders. I don't really bother trying to convince them not to buy from bad breeders, they don't listen anyway. Edit: Wow, I seriously have too much time on my hands... at 4:30 am!
  12. Sounds really stressful indigirl, I hope you get it sorted. Dogs usually dig when they are bored... Maybe you could find things to distract her from digging? What about kongs, bones, new exciting toys... ect. I noticed that it is your birthday as well; Happy birthday, I hope you have a great, stress-free day!
  13. I've never actually thought about this at all, being only 20 (as of today!) but if something were to happen to me then I'm sure my family would continue to look after the dogs. But then again, you said if there was no family... I don't know.
  14. What a great story. I'm sure Dimples will have a wonderful life with that man. We would love to see some photos. I immediately thought of this video that I saw the other day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZE-ZMN93Rc It's a video of a soldier returning home who gets greeted by his dog... It's so cute.
  15. "Hey mum, this is what I think of you. *hands over the 'gift'*"
  16. Ahhh looks like you bet me to it, I was about to make a topic like this sometime today because I'm veeery puppy clucky at the moment. I was watching videos that I found of my dog when she was a puppy which just make me want another. The day when I get my next puppy can't come quick enough.
  17. Chum... My mum bought a can of that the other day for our dogs and one of them threw it up everywhere. No wonder we never buy it! I can recall our kelpie x border collie that we had when I was a kid. She lived until the ripe age of almost 18. My nan's blue heeler lived until he was 17. Both were fed on normal dog food (probably like chum..) and no high quality foods. I guess it really depends on the individual dog though.
  18. The only one that springs to mind is when I saw a Pharoah Hound walking a few months ago. He was gorgeous.
  19. I've never seen a BMD but I'd LOVE to. They are gorgeous dogs. Oh and Newfies..
  20. Today looks like it's going to be a nice day and I would be out taking Indi for a walk and working on a bit of training but we have to go out. ;) Are you going to do anything with your dogs today? Training, walks, ect. Or are they just going to be sitting around lazing in the sun like my two? If you're not doing anything with them what are you plans for the weekend? Random question before I leave.
  21. LOL!! Can't wait to see the pics!
  22. That's not surprising really. But our local pet shops don't sell puppies anymore. I was talking with the lady there a while ago and she said that they had all been moved to another store and that they were no longer selling puppies...? I haven't been past there in a month or so so idk if this is the case still.
  23. My Aussie Millie did what you described about 1 minute ago. I said; go to bed and wait, and she grumbled and jumped on her bed. She wants to go out for a wee but I need to find my dressing gown first. :D Generally she will whine at the door or ring her bell at the door. All our dogs know the bell = outside. Haha! One of my dogs is actually asleep ON my dressing gown which is on my bed... there's no blankets to keep her warm because I have them all wrapped around me. It's so cold tonight. Maybe I should go to bed... I don't know why I'm up this late lurking around the forums. ;) tell me about it. I have a 10 apointment with the motorbike shop and the bf has to get up for work at 5am... here I am at 3 am bored out of my mind pllaying facebook games and lurking DOL. Me too... I'm playing FB games as well. *sigh* I'm not even tired.
  24. My Aussie Millie did what you described about 1 minute ago. I said; go to bed and wait, and she grumbled and jumped on her bed. She wants to go out for a wee but I need to find my dressing gown first. :D Generally she will whine at the door or ring her bell at the door. All our dogs know the bell = outside. Haha! One of my dogs is actually asleep ON my dressing gown which is on my bed... there's no blankets to keep her warm because I have them all wrapped around me. It's so cold tonight. Maybe I should go to bed... I don't know why I'm up this late lurking around the forums.
  25. I noticed my dog has this new thing where she puts her paws up on the computer desk while I'm sitting here, and she paws me on the arm and if I look away after looking at her, she does it again until I get up. It's usually when she wants to go out for a wee or wants food. My other dog just stands there with her tail wagging and gets all excited. What about your dogs? Do they get your attention somehow? eg: by barking?
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