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Thanks for all the support and best wishes, I really appreciate it, I mean lot. Stuart from underdog training came out and we spent a couple of hours together. Just based on what he saw, playing turning rough and aggressive he was clear on some of the issues. He mentioned she will really never loose her aggressive streak, but we can lower it on her priorities. My plan to help Missy going forward is as follows: 1. I got her a muzzle. Like Stuart said, it wont stop the agro but will control the damage. 2. Work with her on a lead (I usually take the dogs out without leads. Astro is excellent so I extended the same to Missy). 3. Working with Missy on her focus as ME as the reward. Stuart mentioned that her dominance was a reward for her thats why she does it, I need to shift that. I will try these for the next 3 months and focus on discipline for her. Astro will shape up to and they are now like salt and pepper, but still have a scrap now and then. So in summary, she will be muzzled when off lead but on the lead most of the time until I get some confidence she will play nice if ever. I took her to the park tonight (its 3 footy ovals together that are off lead area's). I usually let them run around for 30-45 minutes which puffs them out. I put the muzzle on her, which she hated but we both persisted and it seem to be fine. She did run into another dog (also off lead) , a small terrier type. I didn't realise they were there until Missy made a B Line to them. (working on that too) He was fun. She tried to dominate as usual but he was strong little dog who stood up for himself. She had the muzzle on and was quite fun. No growling just the piecing stare, but the terrier stood his ground and they quickly became friends. I will be working with her on lead, dam she really shits me because she is such a lover to me and people in general. So it proves to me she has a real nice side. I just need to focus on that being the shining trait. Hard work ahead but effort is something I will put in. Thanks once again and I will definitely write back with updates. Mike, Astro and Missy
Im so sorry I missed the note and apologies for not calling you. I managed to call underdog, and scheduled a call (wrote both numbers down and calls the first one I wrote down . I will get back to you should my situation changes. Appreciate your offer. Mike
Hi all, I rang underdog training. I have left a message as the are overseas, back today. I'm trying to get something underway asap. I'll come back post the review from these folks. Thanks again, the comments from everyone have given me great advice and increased my knowledge. I just wish I got another puppy and Astro could have been a mentor of sorts. That said I'm in this spot and I'll try to best to get this sorted. Mike
Sorry bout this, what does DA stand for ? Cheers Mike
I have been meaning too, hes 22Kg I reckon he should be 18Kg. Hes a bit trimmer now though. Mike
Hes great and it keeps him rolling with water bucket over ! My son Finn, Astro really loves him and they are great mates. Hes warming to missy but no doubt he hears what has happened when I discuss the issues with my wife. Cheers Mike
Dam. I just dont have to put to sleep option in me. Apart from that, what else can I do? More than happy to cancel the appointment (save 300) but I feel like I need to try something before ending it. Now Im not sure..... (Pascoe Vale South)
I found Missy via a google search in my local area for Staffy to good home. Maybe that was a mistake but its done. It was a one way deal and really there is no going back. They have moved. (go figure) Here is the website of the recommended fellow: http://www.aussiedogwhisperer.com.au/. Mike
OK, wow a lot to digest and I DO really appreciate the advice so far. Here's what Im going to do, Ill invest in her then see what comes. I spoke to Staffy Rescue in Melbourne and they have advised me to call Aussie Dog Whisperer. Booked in for Thursday 9-1. I am going to give her a chance. Ill come back to the post. Here is the video of the first day they met. I actually forgot I posted this on youtube. I did it for the previous owners. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhRM7jn0VwY Once again, thanks for the advice and I hope a positive comes out of this. Mike
Hi, Scenairo - Astro , 2 year old male 22Kg staffy desexed and the perfect dog, owned since 10 weeks old Missy, 13 months old staffy 13Kg, not desexed (scheduled for this week), owned for 6 weeks, taken on as a friend for Astro. Astro is a great dog, sticks close off lead, gentle and loving, great with dogs cats people and all animals in general. He looks at me as the centre of his universe and it always within 3 metres on me when we are out. Doesn't chase, run off, comes when called, all the normal stuff I assume. For me a perfect companion Introduce Missy. She is a lovable cuddly dog with me. She loves to fight. Always tries to dominate all other dogs, male or female, play fights with Astro and then clicks...turns the play into a full fight. Shes flighty when she see's other dogs, quite agressive all the time regardless of breed or size (even attacked a Alaskan Mally), and especially disklikes female dogs. On Friday at my mates place - he has two heelers (pretty much the last straw) she killed my best mates cat, that should not have been in the backyard, but not the point. Astro has welts all over him, and a few scars on his face. I do spend time with both of them and give the same amount of attention to both. They eat well have a warm place to live, have a big back yard (300 Sq metres) and i walk them every day. They dont fight about food but will about a bone. I went away for the long weekend and would usually take Astro. Due to Missy's behaviour I left them both home (with a Dog minder to walk and feed them). I feel that Astro is missing out due to Missy and I dont want this to happen. So Im at the crossroads and I want two staffy's. Should I rehouse her in a single dog family, and again get another puppy. Or should I persevere give that fact Im in a bit of damage control with the cat issue, and seek help? Im stressed on this as Astro is a great staffy and I can see him taking on her traits a little. I am a dog owner and dog lover. Both dogs are in great condition and I do my best to ensure they have a great life. What I am not good on is training and I guess discipline. I dont hit my dogs at all, but do give stern verbal only. Any advice would be great. At present Astro is becoming a battered dog which I dislike and no doubt he does. He does not deserve it. (The more I write this the more I think she needs to go......) Mike
What great info. I might have a good think about the second staffy and develop my little buddy a bit further. I will keep you updated on his progress and I will surely attach a picture. Thanks for the nice notes. Cheers Mike
Hi all, Thanks for the great forum, great info here. This is my first post and I was hoping for advice. I have a 1 year old English Staffy (Astro) who is our best mate. I have 3 kids, 7yo, 5yo and baby. We treat Astro as part of the family, he spends plenty of time inside, but we class him as an outside dog. I have setup a great environment for him in the double garage we have and he seems really happy. (he come in at 6.30am out at 8.30am and back in a 4pm till 9pm). During the day he's on his own or with my wife. I walk him every second night and he's with us every weekend. He has great manners, extremely friendly to other animals even cats, and loves playing with other dogs - when he can. My question. Given the fact he has chewed everything not bolted down in my backyard (which is very big) should I get another Staffy (female) as a mate. I have asked random people who all say yes - best thing I can do. My only worry is that if I get two will I have double trouble or will they keep each other occupied while we are not there. If the answer is yes, given Astro is 1 year old, very strong (like a tank) I assume a puppy staffy is not the best, I should look for min 6 mths old one? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks Mike