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Posts posted by jazzygirl

  1. Thankyou guys and I understand what you are saying. I don't think I explain quite right in my last post after coming home from the vet. She was more interested in us passing on "other smells" while doing bed changes etc. She did say however not to handle them alot as this may be upsetting Jazz :)

    We done hourly watch last night and all throughout today and Jazz has been fine with Indie and no attempts to move her again. we have also been sitting with Jazz and pups every 2 to 3 hours to be sure that Indie is getting enough milk and so far all has been great.

    I appreciate everything you guys have told me, it means alot, I am going to handle the pups as you guys have suggested and see what happenes. Still a bit confused as to the "don't handle them alot" as the vet suggested. Unless I didn't understand her, but I'm sure I did. Maybe I need a second opinion.

  2. Thankyou all so much. We couldn't wait until tomorrow and we called the vet and she was fantastic, seeing us late on a sunday. Indie has been fully checked and vet tells us all is normal and she is a healthy girl :thumbsup: While she is smaller, she is doing well.

    The vet told us there could be many reasons Jazz decided to move the pup. Then she went on to ask how often we handle them or do we handle Indie more than the others. as the smells we pass on could upset Jazz. We informed her that we only handle the pups 1 a day to do a bed change and check the pups. We now have a couple of pairs of cotton gloves to wear when doing this. We have been told to watch her over the next 48 hours and if needed, we may have to sup feed little Indie, but not just yet. I will do whatever it takes to help little Indie through this if Jazz can't.

    Yes persephone, they were checkde by the same vet the day they were born and all given a clean bill of health. (Apart from the 1 male we lost at birth :cry:

    THANKYOU all so much for your advice, my mind is at ease. I just hope Jazz doesn't sense anything the vet can't seem find. Like you say, mother knows best.

  3. Just needing a little advice please guys. As you know we have had our first litter of pups, all has been great until today. Jazz has decided to TRY and keep moving the runt of the litter out and into the next kennel (both our kennels are big apple crate's, fully lined. We keep seeing her do this and it was only today that it started. :)

    We have now closed the other kennel off so she can't move little Indie. Has anyone experienced this before and why might she be only the 1 pup? We know it's only the one pup because we watched her after she had moved Indie for the next 20 minutes and she didn't attempt to move any other pups :)

    And advice/ help would be much appreciated.

  4. Hi Cario1 :rofl: Wow small world hey. Yep gorgeous riding tracks around here. You can still go up Maudsleys road and ride / walk to the back of Nierrina Road in margate, it is just stunning and I used to train for Endurance on those tracks along with the great ride over Kaoota road and down to woodstock :rofl:

    FANTASTIC, I shall pm you now :D

  5. LOL LDR :D I will be sure to put some more up tomorrow. I have been working on my webpage, I would appreciate some feedback if you guys would like to take a look, because this is all very new to me. www.rajaro-kelpies.webs.com

    I am hoping I am on the right track, I need to get some better photos of my dogs and I am hoping for fine weather to do this over the weekend. My chances down here in Tassie, well, who knows :rofl: :rofl:

  6. I have been on the kelpie thread ILK, taken me 2 days to get through it, but boy, worth every minute :thumbsup:

    Hi percyk and thankyou very much, this is a very exciting time for us at Rajaro Kelpies (pending) with our first litter :( We have 5 acres and we keep the dogs active although they are not working dogs, they have great öff switches" too, lol. Soccer balls and quad bikes do the trick and in the future we are looking forward to getting into agility. Kelpies are so versatile and yes, if you have the room, they are the BEST dog, although I may be bias :eek:

  7. This is an interesting topic for myself as my bitch has a litter of 9 pups and this is our first ever litter. I have had great support from both breeders of my bitch and the sire which has helped me so very much.

    Personally though and with the advice of my dogs breeders, I would prefer to speak to the potential buyer. All well and good if they want to have a knowledgable friend with them to help with asking questions, but like angelsun said,

    Part of the talking is me sorting out the potential owner to see if they are suitable for one of my pups. I can't do that through a third party
  8. Welcome to Dogzonline Hayley ;) I am only new myself and wow what a great place to be ;)

    I have Kelpies and have had for the past 5 years now. Why a Kelpie, well they are my all time fave breed :rofl: I remember going to my great grandfaters dairy farm and watching his dogs work and was so amazed by how smart they were, this is a wonderful childhood memory. The look, the temperment, trainability, loyalty and love they show is amazing. My dogs are of course active but they also love to come inside and chill with the family, all round a great dog :rofl:

    We have 5 acres now and have had for nearly 6 years so when we had the room to move, Kelpies were very high on the list. So now, I am living my dream and only 9 days ago our first litter was born :rofl:

  9. We recently done just this :) We went back to Jazz's breeders and purchase a male. I can see the same temperment, easy going, trainablility and looks, but at the same time they are total individual's, which is just fine with us :o

    I do like sas 's reply, ask the breeder to help you select which pup would be right for your lifestyle etc.

    I wouldn't expect two dogs, even with the same parentage to be "everything the same"

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