Sir Sniffalot
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Everything posted by Sir Sniffalot
Looks like l may not get to choose my ET's this year Werribee Obedience Dog Club don't seem to be holding one, with the first Vic ET being the end of May. Where is the Murray Valley Obedience Dog Club's ET held, l noticed they are offering a Prelim tracking test the following day
l would have been aiming for Sale but like you not sure if it went ahead. l found at the Canberra ET we moved alot faster, there was no time keeper like at Altona the rider at the front set pace. l'm not sure if the judge makes their own course but we circled the horse yards which ment twice we were overtaking the dogs at the end making it abit crazy as it's only a small area plus it was hard for the dogs to stay in rhythm. At the uphill parts some dogs slowed down or their riders did causing a back up everytime. Two dogs had pad injures / blood, part of the course l would not train my dogs on the ground was very rough.
l'll certainly do Alton again, l really liked that course. l'll probably do one at KCC too l am thinking 2 early in the season (with the girls incase anyone comes in season like last year) and then the two boys late in the season that way l get the girls finished and can concentrate on the boys. l won't do Canberra again.
After doing 2 last year l'm addicted and attempting to put 4 cockers thru this year.
Endurance Test 2011 Thread
Sir Sniffalot replied to TerraNik's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
We have already started just a few run's with the bike but the first one up is a pint size cocker so she will have to work harder than the others doing a few km's walking every second day which means 6am starts to avoid the heat atm. l am aiming to do 4 this year M, maybe time to start a 2012 ET thread ? -
Just wondering if other exhibitors have had their cheques cashed, our hasn't and l have left 2 messages for the show sec but her phone just goes to message bank. Am worried we might not be entered.
Twilight Shows - Would You Attend ? Victorian Poll
Sir Sniffalot replied to SwaY's topic in General Dog Discussion
l prefer twilight shows than early starts having a breed that is often on first and living in the middle of no where most shows are a 2-3 am start for me, if shows start earlier it would make it too hard for rural exhibitors. -
We entered but didn't go. It's a five hour trip home, we had put a deposit on accomodation but with dogs and kids it was a no go. We would have been heading home in the heat of the day to the Wimmera which should hit 42 today.
Worst Excuses For Re-homing Or Surrendering A Pet
Sir Sniffalot replied to PeiPei's topic in General Dog Discussion
As a kid mum had a habit of rehoming alot of our pets, l'm sure she was on first name bases at the local RSPCA. l remember when l was about 12 we had 2 fox terriers mum bought from a byb they had a few litters etc etc, one day the male chased the family cat so off he went to the RSPCA because apparently he could not be trusted anymore, the next week the girl went too because she was lonely without him. Present day she is registered breeder but dogs still move thru her place at lightening fast pace -
We had a similar issue with one of our girls from a very young age, we tried so many different things and 3 vets but found nothing that would work, our boys went crazy over her, we even stopped showing her to prevent upsetting other boys at shows. Her first season at 14 months solved the problem.
And then there's some that get approved then some nasty so and so put in an objections and it gets revoked. Still waiting to hear back on my new prefix but the old one is exactly the same as one registered and currently used in the UK for another gundog breed.
Melbourne's temp for Monday is 38 will the show be cancelled.
We have three, Molly has a thing for Care bears, she takes them everywhere even on walks, she will welcome a new Care bear to her collection but will turn her nose up at other stuffed toys. Audrey will spin 3 circles to the left and then 3 to the right when l click her lead on to go for a run with the bike but only when the bike is out. Isaac when he comes in for the night will go straight for his crate if the door is not open he will bark then will sit in there for a few mins (door open) before coming out and joining the family in the lounge for the evening.
Endurance Test 2011 Thread
Sir Sniffalot replied to TerraNik's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
l'm looking forward to doing GSDCV's ET next year again ;) -
for the Schipperke club it's a pitty some obedience clubs won't support it.
Just spoke to the vet and he said you get a good 12 months out of them past their EXP date, not sure how confident l am in that responce. She is happy enough eating, drinking, temp is normal etc etc
Last Thursday we rushed one of our girls off to the vet she had pyometra the vet said we had got onto it early enough and it was open so to first try anti's and then if that did not work we try something else (an abortion drug can't remember the name)feeling confident we had got onto it early enough she has been on Noroclav for 5 days but l have just noticed the exp date on the meds is July 2011. Will they have been any use to her ? l feel like the bonus of getting her to the vet early has all been undone as his meds is past useby
Are there any Rally O comp dates organised yet for Vic or SA ?
Well she lodged it on my birthday she did ring that day to wish me happpy birthday and my son 5 days earlier but mentioned nothing, l had no idea until l got the registered letter from Dogs Vic yesterday.
l dont think she see's the problem it causes not only me but l already have a litter l now need to ask for their peds back and with a litter that is 6 weeks old two of the puppies are off to show homes means if l object this could take weeks and these pups wont have papers and can't show. Understandable the new owners are angry too, having to explain to new owners yes l am still a registered breeder l just dont have a prefix anymore, your puppy will eventually have a name but what and when l dont know. Of course they want to know how and why this happened too.
Two prefixes are Ballymerra and Ballyoran On the upside l'll be keeping the new show suit and matching Glamour show leads l bought her for Christmas
Yeah that is why there was a delay, l feel considering the complaint came from my mother who was aware of my choices before l even submitted them she could have told me at any stage she was going to object she opted to wait the 5 months, the prefix was in Sept gazette the objection was lodged 6 weeks later on my birthday she did ring me to wish me a happy birthday then headed off to lodge the complaint it seems. So disapopointed with the way it has been handled and it seems l have no avenue to object as a decision has been made without me even being aware there was a problem. Troy was even contacted and asked to remove my membership as the prefix has been revoked and l currently have a litter advertised on here. Dogs Vic did point out yesterday that they have noticed l have a litter on DOL and that if l object l will have to explain to the puppy owners why their puppies wont have papers . Bit rude l thought.
It was my 3rd pick too. The first 2 were combinations of my kids names.
After pondering this overnight the similarities are very obvious l just didn't see the issue and feel if it was a issue something could have been said earlier not waiting over 5 months Both prefixes start with Bally........... Same breed Same state and we both have the same lastname The other party is concerned we may be confused, l dont know but l'd say even if my prefix is changed we may still be confused our first names are similar too.