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Everything posted by Stressmagnet

  1. My kelpie was like this as s pup. We put up with it fir 3 weeks (ermahgawd no sleep) before I bought a crate and stuck it next to my bed. Problem solved. It's the human company they miss. Also getting up 15 mins before she starts to make a ruckus is GOLD advice. Did this with all my pups - set alarm, take pup out with NO interaction (no cuddles, strokes or talking). Pup toilets, say 'good girl', pop her back into crate and stuck earplugs in. Took all my pups 2-3 days to get the message.
  2. Covered my feet in hot sauce (the stuff that comes in the bottle with the yellow label). I was mean, I encouraged my pup to have a taste. 2 goes and she gave up - and she was a typical stubborn AmStaff.
  3. I on Maxalon for nausea, do give him a go on it. It really works.
  4. $50. Kaching! Do not look at these threads again.
  5. Your neighbour is a buffoon. Obvs thought he was being funny and/or helpful and was neither. My kelpie wouldn't have a bar of BBQ chook. And she didn't need no stinking holes dug for her. I'd have whacked him (neighbour) with the shovel I was supposed to dig with.
  6. I'm with Bow Wow Meow merely for the reasons already mentioned. Pretty sure they are no different but the customer service is excellent. I'd skip the whole thing but I have a labrador - and he's not the first one in my lifetime.
  7. Oh sweetie, I'm so very sorry. You must be in shock. I know it's not much consolation but it's a blessing it happened quickly, rather than a long slow painful process. My heart breaks for you. X
  8. Ok. ONCE I have not picked up. But this is why: Ernie had been in and out of the sea; surfing waves for at least an hour. On our way back; still jumping in the waves, he stopped to do a crap. I had bag already but what came out of him was 100% pure liquid. All I could do is watch helplessly as it poured out into the water. I even looked for chunks to bag up. I ended up swirling the water frantically and hoping that no one let their kids swim in that part of the sea for at least an hour. I repeat - it was entirely liquid and I've never seen anything like it in all my years of owning dogs and taking them to the beach. I made a firm resolve to give him more frequent non-wave breaks so it never ever happens again. And to never let my kids swim in an area where I can see dogs in the surf. Seriously, what else could I have done? Is there a special implement or technique for such an awe inspiring curtain of brown?? Ideas??
  9. Yup. I could care not a fig if you want to have a beach party wedding in an off leash area. If your idea of fun is fending off wet noses and sloppy fur - then you go for it. But if you kvetch about it, then you are a complete ninny and I secretly wish my dog would poop in all your wedding photos.
  10. The offleash dog parks I frequent in Sydney are all fenced and are well signposted as Dog Parks, so majority, if not all the other dog owners frequenting these Dog Parks with their dogs, take exception to non dog owners coming into the Dog Park to have their breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks/drink alcohol and then berating/abusing the owners and their dogs when their dogs happen to go up to the non dog owner eating their food/drinking in a Dog Park full of dogs. Also, in my earlier post where I mentioned the family, who did have a dog with them having a picnic in the dog park was in one of these fenced in Dog Parks and surely commonsense should apply that you don't lay down a blanket and picnic basket in a fenced in Dog Park full of dogs I don't think it is selfish at all that dog owners get peeved at non dog owners frequenting the small amount of offlead beaches and parks that dog owners can take their dogs to when there are so many beaches and parks they can choose from to frequent that don't allow dogs or restrict dogs either to onlead or certain hours. I don't understand why non dog owners want to frequent areas specifically designated for dogs, seems to me they are just looking to cause trouble. Dog owners are entitled to take their dogs to specifically designated offlead beaches and dog parks without been hassled by non dog owners looking to cause trouble. You make some excellent points.
  11. Which is why people without dogs get upset - and justifiably so. I can see both sides. If we as dog owners want off leash areas, then we need to play by the rules. Unfortunately, there is a multitude of d@$kheads who reckon it's ok to exercise their dogs anywhere they please. They also tend to be the ones without poo bags. I think I don't like people very much.
  12. I don't think there's anything wrong with giving poor Danny whatever he wants. He's 16 (possibly) - you aren't sure how many years he has left. I'd give the old boy smoked salmon and caviar if he'd eat it and not lose a minutes sleep. Love you Danny.
  13. There was a purple haze in the Magnet household tonight as the male occupant got given a lamb neck by the neighbour as an early Christmas oresent. The resident females were left to watch TV with blankets over their heads and a can of Glade in one hand. The forecast for tomorrow will be better.
  14. Ernie was terrified ion the vacuum ckeaner. I started off by treating him when he looked at it; them when he nosed it; then when he stood close to it. Then I turnef it on and repeated the process. I'm not sure how this would work with a lawnmower but perhaps treating him for first looking at you when he heard it, then treating him for choosing a toy instead of reacting, then treating him for going in his crate.... And so on. Would this work, do you think?
  15. I guess it's the perception that off leash = dogs only. As a dog owner, I do get cranky when someone who's afraid of dogs is in an off leash area since there ARE so many other places for them to go - while for me, there aren't. The off leash areas in the coast, while appearing plentiful are usually a small section of beach or in an area that is pretty unappealing unless you are desperate (or a dog owner). The beach I was on is a long long stretch - and about 90% is NOT off leash. So I guess I would assume that rather than spoil the off leash beach for dog owners, you'd just move the party up the beach a bit. I dunno. I can see both sides but I think I'm still cranky about what happened.
  16. Agree with the above. SM, I don't think you did any thing wrong either, think you're doing a wonderful job with Ernie and your willingness to learn and improve your training skills and ideas is wonderful, a real credit to you When we encounter people, dogs and people with dogs at the beach we frequent, we use these opportunities as scenarios to proof our dogs' recalls, stays and impulse control. We will and do allow the dogs to approach certain dogs and/or people once we have had time to assess the situation/signals from said people/dogs, if and when our dogs have shown us that they have either come when called or remained by us when cued to. If all participants seem friendly an willing we will then give a cue for our dogs to approach in a calm and friendly fashion. Under no circumstances are they permitted to do so until such time. So basically, social moments are always monitored, controlled and by our say so only. How long did it take for you to get this level of control/bond with your dog? Any tips?
  17. Aw... My little suburb is lovely. :p Point Clare isn't on the Peninsula and yes it was lovely 40 years ago when I went to Point Clare Public School :) You realise this means I have to stalk you. I'll be looking at everyone with a certain type of dog (HAH). I live two streets behind the school on the cliff top. My oldest went to the scho but at the time they had an idiot principal so we left. And yes, back on topic. I have a terrible temper but during what I refer to as the 'cancer years', I've learned to control it - life's too short. But it amazes me the sense of entitlement this group of women showed. I get my dog was in the wrong, but the level of abuse shown was breathtaking. I wasn't even given a chance to apologise. I can only assume that they were, in fact, drunk. And I didn't realise. I would hate for that to be that woman's normal reaction. What if I had 13 items in front of her in the express checkout lane? I still feel very sorry for the woman that Ernie scared. And I don't like the thought that she assumes I didn't care.
  18. Ok folks. Work on reliable recall over the holidays. (Yes I'm looking at YOU Ernie). Avoid people with the signs Mrs Rusty Bucket mentioned. Go to a different beach( thanks HazyWal) Stock up on alcoholic bevvies and don't take myself too seriously.
  19. Yup. Umina. Any other beach suggestions HaxyWal? I was so hoping they weren't locals.
  20. Purdie- totally agree. Anyone got tips on a good dog body language book? Oh wait - need. People. One. Too. I've got so much to work on with Ernie, it's daunting. I guess I'm naive. It never occurred to me folks who didn't like dogs would react this way. And yeah, I think they were drunk. She kept yelling over me so I couldn't explain myself. Sigh. I have a mental image of myself, grinning like a simpleton, with my equally simple dog (Ernie ... Bless) and those women deciding I was a target.
  21. Thanks folks. I was pretty upset, I'm thinking that the suggestion to stop him approaching everyone is a good one. Obviously on lead - that's an easy task. Offers? Not sure how to even begin! JulesP - any tips?
  22. Oh dear. My heart breaks along with yours. Come on Danny, please please eat.
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