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Everything posted by Stressmagnet

  1. Yup. I'm on her mailing list to be notified - just wanted to make sure that I hadn't missed anywhere -- and I figured if I HAD, you folks would know. Patience is not one of my virtues.
  2. I have scoured the internet and cannot find what I want. I'm hoping someone here knows of a store I've missed or someone who does custom work. I'd like to buy a black leather dog lead with some turquoise 'bling' in it for Ernie. Short of paying $170 PLUS shipping from the US, I'm stuck. Georgia, my previous dog, had a lovely tan leather one with a few pink crystals set into it - sounds awful but, really, it looked great. The manufacturer's name wore off over the years or I'd try them again. It's a great lead, strong enough to hold an excited muscular dog -- I've been using it for Ernie the Idiot but I'd like to get him one of his own. I'm pretty sure I've checked all the stores that come up on Mr. Google and I'm wasting far too much time on this, I think. I just want a nice black leather lead with some tasteful bling. Is that too much to ask? Ps. I even checked the old threads here - I'm hoping someone, somewhere has started something new. Thanks folks, and forgive me if this sort if thing has been asked a kajillion times before.
  3. Checking in to see how things are going. You're in my thoughts.
  4. I bought this: Dog Travel Bowl I know it's not exactly what you are looking for, but it does not leak], which the fabric ones do. I simply clip it to my treat bag with a carabiner and Ernie and I share water from my bottle. As I said, it's not ideal, but it's the best collapsible water bowl I've found yet.
  5. SA, I am very happy with Bow Wow, their customer service has been terrific. I think it's more that when I see everything laid out like that, I worry that maybe there was a better one, for cheaper. Like always.
  6. So sad for you. They leave such a gaping hole in our hearts. Sending you a gentle hug.
  7. I rescued twice, 'shopped' once. I'm fine with that.
  8. The youngest diva likes to send me dog videos. She's dog mad, like me. She thought I needed a giggle today:
  9. OFF TOPIC SORT OF I've been looking at boarding kennels for Ernie. One of the ones I've been looking at (Janarlee Lodge) has a complete explanation of their Fire Safety Precautions on their About page. It certainly makes me feel more inclined to board my Ernie there.
  10. Interesting replies, thank you. Ernie will love on everyone in the house, but will obey me without asking twice. That's about the only indication I've got that he respects me, and probably figures I'm the 'pack leader'. Is that s sign of love? Not sure though that if I believe that dogs DO feel love as we define it. They may be engaging in these behaviours (cuddles, kisses) because they are self rewarding. If I give her a lick, my tummy gets rubbed. If I drop immediately, she rubs my ears. Do you see where I'm going with this? I'd like to believe he loves me, but unlike a human, he can't verbalise his feelings. So back to my original question - do you reckon dogs actually LOVE or is it more a pack survival/reward based thing?
  11. Yeah. What ^ they said. I desexed Ernie but it wasn't simething I felt I HAD to do. I'm a responsible owner who would have kept him secure and away from entire bitches. That said, the dog on the other side of me is an entire bitch. Since I wasn't going to breed Ernie (I'm NOT a breeder), I had him done - mainly to avoid the chance of unwanted behaviours (marking, and pining over the beauty next door. Anyone want a Huskidor? Anyone?). Ignore your well meaning friends. If they didn't bug you before, they're jyst trumpeting the party line now, because unfortunately, there are a lot of dickheads out there, who WOULD breed a Huskidor.
  12. So as y'all probably know, I've had Ernie since October 1 of last year. He was 6 months old on our 'Gettin' Day'. When do you reckon you change from 'just' the person who feeds, walks and plays with your dog to something more? In short, while we are all madly in love with Ernie - is he in love with us? how do you know that they are madly in love with YOU? Is it a thing that develops slowly over years or is it something that we project onto our animals?
  13. I'm just waiting for Ernie to grow up a little, he's still too young. Then I plan to do this with him. In the meantime, I'm trying to encourage gentle calm behaviour. :D
  14. Thanks Emy. Ernie's coat has a line of coarse full hair along his spine - the rest of his coat is soft and shiny. Brushing seems to help but then a day later, it's back again. It's very harsh to the feel and appears split and dry. I was even thinking coconut oil treatment until I read this thread. I shall try and find some calendula tea (?) anyway for me as the info around on cancer seems promising, and perhaps just give him a rinse with either my leftovers or make up some to use when I rinse him off once a week. Since he's a lab, we don't bathe him unless he's stinky. Would that help or should I give him some in his dinner when I'm having some?
  15. I so wish I had something useful to add, but I dont - sending you love and support.
  16. Curious to know how tonight went. Niote that it's 2am and I'm awake. Ernie however is in his crate snoring loud enough to make the windows rattle and reminding me uncomfortably of my FEX.
  17. DDD - the vet was 'tetchy'?! I'd get a bit 'tetchy' with her next time you see her, perhaps gently remind her that she is providing a PAID service and, er... she might like to remember you can always take your annoying questions and your poor sick revenue stream of a dog elsewhere if the questions are too much for her. Perhaps next time, you have a vomit-fest, carefully collect a nice large sample and ask her to go through each chunk and mucus ball. Make sure you ask LOTS of questions. 'Tetchy' indeed.
  18. Yup! Invest in earplugs and a Kindle. Also, that's why I insist that his 'special' toys are just for the crate. Makes him feel like it's a treat to be in there. But in the beginning, he did complain, but lights off and I turned to stone. Because of chemotherapy, my sleep is rotten and I need to know that once I've settled down, I won't be awakened by anything less than Freddy Krueger. So once you've worked out her toileting schedule (and I'm bad, I used to push it later by 30 minutes each week), then once she's in, she is in for the night bar toileting. Good luck, and post your progress.
  19. Ok, I've read this thread and I'm interested for two reasons: 1. Ernie's coat could be shinier. No matter that he gets fish oil and sardines 3x a week, it still looks dull in places. I'm thinking cheap kibble in puppyhood may be to blame . 2. There's been some early research into calendula for it's anti cancer properties. I'm thinking I could make up a big batch and give some to Ernie and some to me. What do you think?
  20. Yup. Sounds mean but dogs don't need an all day buffet. I'd experiment with finding something tasty sure - but in our house, food goes down for 15 mins then it's up. Mind you, this time round I have a lab, so I'd be seriously worried if he turned up his noise, :D
  21. This is how I crate trained: Get a couple of 'special' toys that pup only can have in the crate - no where else. Start off by throwing the yummiest treats in the crate and leaving the door open so pup can come and go. Feed pup in the crate. Don't close pup in until she is freely going in and out. At bedtime. Say 'crate' or 'bedtime' (or whatever) and chuck a small amount of treats in there. I also make sure they have a cuddly toy to cuddle. Then I close the door, switch off the light and IGNORE. Lack of stimulus + treat + cuddly thing = sleep. It may take a couple of nights but they usually catch on quick. In the day, the crate is left open, we practice going in and out but otherwise don't make a big deal about whether they are in or out -- with the exception of the SPECIAL toys which are NOT allowed out of the crate at all. Ernie has a pig which he keeps trying sneak out of his crate but NO WAY BUDDY. Ernie has 2 crates - one in the lounge room when we are going out for a while and want him safe. He gets the TV on Animal Planet and his toys. We say .'crate', in he goes. Also useful when he's behaving like a pork chop and I need a break from bouncy labrador. The other is in my bedroom. I say 'bed' and in he goes. He gets a treat for going in, and another because he's so darn handsome. He usually flops down and crashes but if he's huffing and puffing and sighing like an old man, he stops when I say 'sleepy time' and switch the light off. I've partially covered the back ½ of his crates to make them a bit more den like. He loves them both. And when he's tired in the evening, he starts staring at me with those big golden eyes, and races to bed when it's time. Crate training is the best thing ever,
  22. Ah yes. None of my dogs got water after 8pm. Ernie is awesome at holding his bladder but I don't want him uncomfortable or getting a bladder infection.
  23. Really helpful. I wish I'd had before I signed with Bow Wow Meow but upon reading this; they aren't too bad. I opted for Comprehensive with Routine Cover. I have a lab, after all. :D
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