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Everything posted by Stressmagnet

  1. Lol. THAT'S how I call my kids - Ernie gets the 'sweetie pie' voice ALWAYS. The girls? Not so much.... I naturally have a low husky voice due to my thyroid being taken out - I cannot yell either - my vocal cords are damaged. I must admit, I've often wondered why ANY dog would respond to growled threats across a distance. Ernie never gets an angry frustrated voice for that reason - it's common sense. The kids? Er... Not so much. LOL. Edited because I don't have my old lady glasses on.
  2. Much much better this arvo. I think he saw the training lead and remembered! I've decided to ban the off lead park with the busy road. Too worrisome - and I cannot fully proof him against rabbits or other excitements. We will continue working every time we are out on his recall - both leashed and unleashed. I've discovered he goes mad for these kangaroo and liver treats - so I'll save those for recalls only! Thanks all for your input. You can never learn enough!
  3. If anyone needed evidence that some dogs are just BUILT to run - that last photo proves it. And bless the Basset for giving it a red hot go. I'd enter cos it looks like a hoot but distance and the fact I'd have to tie s lamb chop round a stick to keep ernie moving, deter me.
  4. Thanks for all the great ideas! His sit, drop and wait are immediate. His stay is awesome. He really loves to play stay until I'm far away and then run to me. I know that when their nose is busy, their ears aren't. I guess I need to work on my timing. I really like the idea of reeling him in, then making him spin, or stay or something - he loves loves his tricks! But yeah, this whole 'optional' idea he has right now, Is going to really curtail his fun, as the BEST off leash area I've found that he loves - has that busy road. So: Work on my timing. Reel him in and reward anyway on a long line. Once he gets that -- try him again and clip the lead on when he doesn't come? Or reward and play as if he came of his own accord? The issue is my leg. It's gimpy due to a tumour, so Cheeky Boy will wait till the last second before I reach him - then come wagging like it was his idea. Edited because autocorrect is brain dead and I hate it.
  5. So Bundy's 'Dear' post has me worried. Ernie recall is about 75% there. He checks in constantly when off lead but he's becoming cheeky and when he's sniffing (i.e. Hearing brain 'off') or really really going for a game of chasey - he switches off and won't come to me until he's finished. This has only started happening the last 3-4 times we've been out. Before all this - he was at 100%. I think it's teenage rebellion and the plain simple fact that I am NOT as interesting as dead bat, or horse poo or chasing his best friend. I've gone back to having him on a long line, and stashing high value treats (BBQ chook, cabanossi) but I'm still being ignored. Obviously, I've missed something but I'm scratching my head as to how to make myself THE most interesting thing in the world. I'm looking for advice/suggestions from folks who've been in the same boat or from those of you whose dogs are 100% reliable on recall. One of the place I used to take him off leash to has a busy road at one end - obviously we can't go back there. Note: we missed out on early bonding since I got him at 6 months, so I lost the advantage of those early puppy days. ETA: I'm currently treating 100% of the time when he comes back. In all other areas, his treats are much more random.
  6. Ernie's judgement and greetings are much more intelligent now. When off leash, he will intently study any new dog before he wanders up to say hello. I can only attribute this to the wide variety of dogs he meets on his off leash times. Yes, there has been the odd rude encounter by another dog - but Ernie flatly refuses to engage until said dog learns. Of course, he is a year old now - and not the rude impulsive puppy he was 6 months ago when I first started taking him out.
  7. But... Does cheese make your dogs... er... GASEOUS? Cos I don't think I could cope with more methane in my house.
  8. Ernie pees on himself. Because... Ernie. I buy baby wipes in bulk, and keep some: A) by the back door B) by the front door C) by his crate. If he pongs - a quick once over of the front legs and chest usually does it. Baby wipes are great for a quick all over to get rid of wet Labrador smell and stinking creek water smell. I will say that the pee smell isn't that noticeable, it was slightly worse when he had his balls but not much. I'd suggest a vet check up - and take him stinky so the vet gets what you are talking about. In the meantime - baby wipes RULE.
  9. Before I got Ernie I spent SIX MONTHS applying for dogs. At home mum, older children, 1000 m sq foot 6ft colour bond fences, experienced owner, blah blah blah. I lost out on rescuing an 8 month old kelpie to a very elderly retired couple. In six months, that was the only response I got and I filled out all their forms. All but the kelpie went into a black hole of no return. Even voice mails went unreturned. So I went back to the breeder who I'd been speaking to about chocolate labs, and lucky me -- the pick of the litter was now available. I love Ernie too bits but I really wish I'd had a chance to give a rescue dog the great life Ernie has now. I don't read the rescue pages anymore. Ps. I was not picky about breed either - just medium size. ETA because autocorrect knows best. Not.
  10. I think this is very generalised.... there are many many dogs and people who go to off leash areas and have a great time... you might have seen shit happen, but I have observed loads of dogs enjoying themselves... Just one example last October: At the opening of the Craigieburn Off Leash Park there would have been easily over 300 dogs there over the three hours of the opening... and no problems.... this was not a huge area and at one point the Craigieburn Dog Club was staging their demo within the park.... they had their dogs onlead and running thru heeling patterns and there were perhaps 60 other dogs in the area and none bothered the training group... I have seen the same at various beaches and other parks... lots of people and their dogs enjoying the open space and the dogs meeting some new friends. We run our own private off leash training park here and specialise in teaching the families how to get the best out of off leash social... also how to deal with the occassions when things are not so good. With backyards becoming so small people need places where they can give their dogs a chance to stretch their legs and to interact.... If you don't like the parks... don't go.... I don't go, because the 2 times I have been to 2 different parks there has been fights. Too dangerous and not for me I wish more owners knew their dogs so well.
  11. I think most curly crosses are owned by first time owners who think 'ooh LABRADOR' and think their dog will be wonderful without any work. I can tell you (as can more experienced labrador owners here) Labs need the same amount of work - if not more due to their social tendencies - than any other dog. I work hard on training Ernie's on leash doggy manners so his OFF leash manners are as good. I spend endless games of LAT so I can call him off a greeting if need be. But I still think off leash areas are a great way for a dog with a limited or small back yard to meet and learn from other dogs. While I'm at home most of the day and happily (well most times) take him out - there are owners who think their dog doesn't need a walk or provide woefully inadequate ones. Case in point: the labradodle across the street gets 1 20 minute 5am Jog with her owner. No time to meet other dogs or sniff or roll in disgusting things or race around like a loon. Then she's in the backyard all day, barking at cars. She dragged her owner across a driveway and two raised flower beds to meet Ernie, who promptly got behind me and watched her from between my knees. The dog has been to ALL the classes but that was years ago. I suggested we take our dogs on a communal walk and was told 'she gets a walk'. ?? So. No new dogs for Coco the Oodle. I too, hate hate gate crowding and tend not to take Ernie to places that are fenced in with a gate. Stupid owners don't want to control their dogs - it's as if just because it's a dog park - they don't have to watch their dog. I take Ernie to an off leash reserve, usually with a friend who has her own dogs. We usually, but not always, have the place to ourselves but there are regulars who Ernie has met and with whom he interacts differently depending on their relationship. I think no matter how big my backyard is, or how much he likes to simply hang out with me -- this is a great part of his being a dog.
  12. On leash areas should not be filled with off leash dogs - I am just as annoyed as anyone else. I may or may not want Ernie to meet other dogs while on leash - currently, I do NOT. You will never erase idiot owners but if you are in an OFF LEASH area, it's reasonable to expect dogs on the loose, running around - and some without much manners because they dont see other dogs that often.
  13. Well I don't care. I let Ernie meet who he wants at on off leash area - unless the dog is leashed. And yes, I have said thank you after another dog corrected my dog and her owner was mortified. Puppy school and Obedience classss are great but they are not for socialising your dog. 6 weeks of puppy kindergarten doesn't last a lifetime either. I live in a street where Ernie is one of three dogs. The other two never get walked. So I walk him and correct his onleash manners and then let him have a play at the off leash park. I met mostly great people who brought their dogs there for a romp and a swim. No one has ever had an issue with me asking if he's allowed to say hello - it's always been yes - but if one day it's no, that's fine. The vast majority of owners who walk their dogs when I walk Ernie are thrilled that their dog gets a chance to meet and perhaps make s new friend. The exceptions? One woman straining to control a 4 year old beagle on a retractable leash because if she let him off 'he wouldn't come back' and the other had a highly dog aggressive staffy. Dunno why you'd walk your dog in an unleashed area where there are bound to be other dogs then. If you don't want your dog to socialise with other dogs - fine. But maybe an unleashed dog park isn't the place for you. Personally, I love the fact that Ernie meets all types of dogs, assertive or timid, big or small. I can see his education growing by leaps and bounds and I've seen other dogs go from timid to actively initiating a game of chasey. His current Wednesday mate is an arthritic old Cav who's gone from hobbling 3 meters behind his owner to eagerly attempting a couple of rounds of chase Ernie's stick. It's your dog, as has been wonderfully put - we will all raise our dogs differently. I think as long as we are all aware of each other's different styles, it's all good.
  14. Just to add: Labs and lab crosses (Oodles) seem to be owned by a LOT of first time dog owners who think, because a labrador is friendly - they don't need to teach it anything. They're just stupid and on behalf of Labradors everywhere, I apologise.
  15. Sorry SG! I noticed in the 6 months of knowing Ernie, he's progressed from being a rude youngster who jumped on other dogs in greeting - to a much more respectful fellow. I attribute that to two things: 1) I refused to let him meet dogs when he behaved like a buffoon. I would simply 'uh-uh' and walk on, letting him turn back mournfully. After a while he got the message - no rude bumpkin behaviour. 2) off leash corrections by other dogs. I've seen him be corrected beautifully by a husky/GSD Cross - she tolerated a bit of sniffing but when he went too far, he got a firm nip on the bum. Treats her with respectful adoration, now. I'm happy for him to get corrected by other dogs when he's an idiot, it's part of how he learns and I cannot teach him that. I've had owners apologise and I've been ok with a growl or a nip on his bum when the play got too rough. He in turn, is teaching his rather rude best mate - an Anerican Cocker whos about his age - the same manners. I read the article on labs and herding dogs and yes, it's true, despite the superior tone. Labs have been bred to be friendly. People arent nervous around then and will happily accept him coming up to say hello, tail wagging furiously. But due to his experiences in off leash areas with GSDs (as an example), he's much more respectful of personal dog space - hence the waiting and watching. Dogs he meets, he waits and studies them, and then goes off for a greet. Unstable dogs are things he stays sways from. I'm totally happy he's that way, and I think most of his learning how to be a proper gentleman has come about through socialising off lead in a dog walk area. It's not like I live in a house with every breed of dog so he can experiment. After owning a dog aggressive breed, this is the dog I chose next. I never ever want to feel that clutch at the back of my throat every time I leash my dog for a walk.
  16. Is this a bad thing? I want Ernie to enjoy other dogs company. He appears to be quite social. Now that he's learned to be polite - why would I deprive him of a spontaneous game of chasey round the oval? I'm not arguing, I'm trying to understand if I'm going about this wrong. Off leash, he stays close unless he's playing - and even then, I've trained him to regularly 'check in' with me - which he does without fail. I can call him out of a game easily so I still I rate higher value then the new dog.
  17. I call Ernie away from leashed dogs in off leashed area. There's usually a very good reason someone keeps their dog leashed in a known off leash park. I will let him decide if he wants to meet other off leash dogs. He's a friendly soul and he's good at polite hellos. It's interesting to watch him check out dogs. His stance and posture can tell me a lot about whether the other dog is stable. There have been times he has chosen to ignore a new dog and I taken that as my cue to move along quick smart and avoid.
  18. Georgia the AmStaff would tolerate my then husband unless he was high. Then she'd shadow the girls and put herself always between him and them. No other time would she do this. And he was much nicer high than straight so she obviously wasn't happy about the drugs.
  19. Good idea. Ernie won't take treats from "the hand that's hekd fhe poo".
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