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Everything posted by Stressmagnet

  1. Dammit! If only i was quicker to see and enable you! Oh well- next time :D And I bought a dog towel as well. *rins away, weeping in shame*
  2. Powerlegs, my first thought was 'hoarding' as well. Not all the people charged, of course - but I strongly suspect one or two have hoarding issues. Thanks for the read.
  3. Hoping all is good today for little Mac...
  4. Dammit, like the Houndbag one; bought the Doog one in grey. WHY MUST I LATE NIGHT SHOP ON THE iNTERWEBZ????
  5. I went back on the Doog site (enablers!!) and saw this one: Doog Walkie Purse Thingy I'm tempted. Not in this colour - leaning towards the khaki.
  6. I hear you, Mrs RB... Ernie is like glue on my heels if he sees the reward, but forget it if he doesn't. I'm just hoping enough repetitions will do the trick. And I'm not out of the habit of rewarding him EVERY time he comes when off lead - whether just 'checking in' or responding to a command. Argh. Kids are easier sometimes!!
  7. I've got one. I like it. Just fits my iPhone with a Speck case on it - so I'm thinking it would not suit you. I do enjoy clipping my keys; carrying my phone, treats, poo bags and wet wipes all in one place instead of scattered in various pockets.
  8. Ernie wants a 'Piggy Oinker'! What is it and where can he get one??
  9. Ok. I took Ernie to the off leash park today with some CHEESE. Every time he circled back to check in with me, I said 'here' as he was on his way - and gave him a tiny cube of cheese. I only did it about 3 times and he came back the last 2 times to the word 'here'. But, obviously, I haven't followed the steps - it was more an experiment to see how quickly I could get him to associate the word 'here' with this new unbearably yummy treat he'd never had before. So tomorrow is a new day. I've got the ebook and I'm gonna try the program. I'll continue taking him to safe off leads, and use 'come' when I just want him to follow me and save 'here' for the programme. I'm quite looking forward to this.
  10. Awesome! Thanks RB! I can easily add this to his nighttime training routine - I use the ads on the telly to time my training with him. And since 'come' is broken, (for now), I'll find a new word. He'll love the newness of a new 'trick', I think.
  11. Thanks HazyWal. I saw this on the page. I'm dropping Oldest off at work at 2:30 but that location and time is def doable in the future. Just need to get myself into the info loop earlier. Much appreciated. Edited because, autocorrect is stupid.
  12. Um yes that's correct it's a thread asking about recall training, my breed is greyhound, I didn't realise we were excluded from the discussion. You're not. But neither is it a thread debating whether greys can be trained to recall and then arguing back and forth. Happy to have your input, just don't see the need for arguments taking over the thread. Apologies if I worded it badly or excluded you. I shouldn't have been so blunt.
  13. Or come when I say 'cheese'? I definitely want to have something which motivates Ernie to come instantly. And I'm not going to give up.
  14. Hey folks: 1. This isn't another greyhound thread. It's a thread asking about 100% reliable recall training. 2. Thank you for letting me know that there's no such thing, and for the tips and ideas. I'm finding them helpful, and I'm sure other owners who have pups will find them helpful too. 3. Can this NOT turn into another bun fight thread?
  15. I've been following that page as that's where the local lab group meets every fortnight. It will turn into a bogan shit fight as even when we go for the lab meet up - we have people who choose to ignore the almost empty section and stick their precious snowflake dog who can't handle boisterous dogs in with 20 Labradors. Or we have the the guy who thinks it's cool to let his pittie mix with the Labradors and see if it can handle rude manners. *sigh* Anyway, I'm posting everywhere in FB but there's no real information on a local walking group. I'd love to find out more about the rumoured one at Point Clare. I may have to start my own, but I'm really not into organising stuff since chemo makes it hard to be consistent. I'd really just like company once a week. Edited to add: I've joined the Meetup group but it's all Newcastle based. Way too far for a casual walk!
  16. Um, before this escalates, I'd like to thank everyone for their input. I don't have a DVD player (gasp!) so I'll have to miss out on what seems to be an excellent resource. However, you've given me some great ideas. I'm going to head out with Ernie this arvo with a pocket full of cheese and train him to come to the 'cheese' command. He's already figured out I cannot chase him with my knee - so 'come' has already become ingrained in his wily head as 'come if you want a treat'. In other words, optional. I really like the idea of making the command so hard wired that he salivates. So cheese it is.
  17. What a handsome majestic looking boy. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  18. I've joined them, but despite their name - all the meet ups are in Newcastle. Sad face here.
  19. Again, up the coast - I can highly recommend Janarlee Lodge. Ernie had so much fun he didn't want to leave. Edited cos I hit the submit button with my obviously fat fingers.
  20. It's not looking good... I may in fact BE too odd. Or a serial axe murderer. Or something. Maybe my posts have scared decent folks off. Lol. Ah well, I shall return to being a social dog walker of one.
  21. Hands up for someone who washed a lab in tomato juice. Same dog also had porcupine quills removed his muzzle. Loved that dog but he had an instinct for animals who did not want to play.
  22. Hey While I walk Ernie (slmost( every day, sometimes it gets a bit lonely for us. I get bored just talking to the dog about the news, and while he is VERY understanding when I bag out my family -- I sense he's getting a bit tired of my stories. I'm wondering iff there are any Central Coasties who would like to meet up once a week for a social dog walk. It can be a chance to practice leash manners, a way to socialise our dogs to new dogs and a chance for their humans to meet new people in a way that doesn't make you feel all shy and awkward cos the focus is on the dogs. Personally, I find as a stay at home mum with school age children, I'm a bit lonely sometimes. I don't do coffee mornings with other parents well as I'm too odd for the mothers and could care less about bragging about my girls or slagging off some other kid. I think that a once a week meet up where I can ooh and ahhh over other dogs, talk dog to other owners and get some fresh air would be good for me (and Ernie). I'd also I've to find new dog walking places. Anyone around that's interested? Or am I too weird?
  23. I'm filling in holes as fast as Ernie can dig them - give him 20 minutes outside - there's a hole. I always need an excuse to use a shovel. Post pics when your puppy arruves. I'm sure he will provide you with heaps of laughs and landscaping opportunities. Ernie is a year old and the giddiest sweetest thing ever.
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