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Everything posted by Stressmagnet

  1. So some of you may know that I'd decided that since Ernie my Labrador had reached the big boy age of 1 year old, I thought it might be time to start leaving the door to his bedroom crate open at night. I'd really like him to have the run of the place at night - makes the girls and I feel safer knowing there's a dog able to sniff out intruders. (Yes I knows he's a lab so his guard dog capabilities are NIL but I'm not necessarily rational.) The first two nights were great. While the door was open, he stayed curled up quietly and was overjoyed to be able to come out like a big boy and join us all in the preschool hubbub without having to wait to be let out (usually after my coffee). The last 2 nights? Not so good. He'woke me up at 2am, 4am and 5am Sunday night. I took him out for a pee the first time - which he did - but that wasn't really why he woke me up. He's wanting attention and cuddles. The same thing last night (Monday) only I didn't take him out, just calmly put him back to bed with no interaction. Each time he went back into his crate without complaint but a cold wet nose and warm tongue woke me up an hour later. Folks, I'm exhausted. The chemo wears me out at the best of times, but add 28kgs of wiggle bum into my night and yesterday after his walk I 'napped' for 6.5 hours. I love my boy but he cannot keep doing this or I'll be a wreck. So question: How did you transition your dogs from a locked crate to a crate that is merely a bedtime area? And how long did it take? his crate is lovely and comfy (it's been tested by my 12 year old) so it's not that he's cold or not comfy. He just wants attention and loving - and I'm not too loving at 3am. Sleeping in my bed is not an option - I'm in a lot of pain and can't do the extra weight of my boofa on top of me. Look forward to hearing how you all did it. (Note: ok. If he would stay at the foot of the bed and not try to physically lie ON me, I'd consider letting him up on the bed - but Ernie is a snuggly boy and don't think that is in his nature)
  2. Just to add - I DID report the store. RSPCA were supremely uninterested.
  3. Or they buy from BYB so they can say they came from a 'family home'. Makes me sick. One had an American Bulldog pup last weekend in s crate. A CRATE. I know it's bad, but it took all my strength not to buy the pup just so I didn't have the memory of its mournful eyes looking at me as it struggled to turn around. As it was, my girls dragged me out of there when I started to have a full scale rant about the dog to the staff. Then I cried in the car on the way home. The only consolation I had was that if I HAD bought the poor girl, I'd have been putting money in that stores coffers. Still, if she DOES get snapped up - I can bet the type of person who will buy her -- one with ZERO clue on bullies and how to handle them, and it will end up a backyard dog, because 'it pulls' and 'doesn't like other dogs'. Ps. I'm not the perfect dog owner, I know that. I skip walks on the weekends and Ernie digs so I know he gets bored if I leave him outside too long. But at least I TRY to educate myself on his needs and adjust accordingly.
  4. Yay!! I've been following this thread and pulling for the old boy.
  5. What about a Cav? I'm so getting one after Ernie if I live that long. I always thought they were yappy but gosh - the ones I have met recently have me totally in love - and I'm not a small dog person.
  6. I get him antlers already, Powerlegs - and he loves them. Yup a slobbery full toothed Lab grin is what's needed to sell those suckers! Ps. When you get them in, post - I'd rather buy from you.
  7. I guess it was the OP's comment about how she didn't want her pup to rely on her, and how her friends dogs were different... Of course it's s huge learning curve. But if you ask for advice and knock it back then....?
  8. There are two pet shops at Erina Fair, which is one of the largest malls on the Central coast NSW. Both sell puppies. But apparently it's ok because 'they don't buy from pup farms, they buy from breeders', sez my local RSPCA. They sell cross bred dogs for upwards of $1200. I enquired (just out of curiosity) about a cocker/cavalier pup and was told that it was a sought after cross and was $1600. That's more than I paid for Ernie and his breeding is impeccable. I do not know how this still goes on. I despair at the stupidity of people who buy from these shops - both do a roaring trade in crosses of all descriptions. I will admit: they had a purebred black Labrador there two weeks ago and I swore I would buy it before I watched it grow up behind glass in a 1 metre square enclosure but it's disappeared. I guess I'm part of the problem. Just ban the sale of dogs in pet stores. It's not hard - other countries have done it.
  9. I think we can all agree that trainable does NOT necessarily mean intelligent. I think this graph is tongue in cheek. Not to mention there's such a wide variety of temperament within a particular breed. I'd hate to generalise. I think really, it's all about what YOU are looking for in a dog. I asked the breeder of Ernie to give me a calm boring biddable dog - and that's what I've got. He amazes people with how steady he is at such a young age (subtracting the usual puppy foolishness). Other labs we've met are so different in personality that I think it is a huge mistake to make a blanket statement regarding the characteristics of any breed (including labs!).
  10. Just wanted to say... Ernie is totally fine with being outside for 4-5 hours on occasion. He gets a huge walk in the morning where he sniffs and jumps into the creek and races around with his dog buddies. But he's outside while I do housework and grocery shopping and anything else I need to do without a 27 kg shadow. But he knows he will be coming in to hang out with me once that's done. I don't think he would be happy on his own 8 hours a day no matter how many toys I leave him. I've trained him to come in and go to his place (his dog mat) where he's got his chewies. It really wasn't hard to train him to hang out on his mat when he's inside. Bless him, he's even taught himself to go into his crate as soon as dinner is being served -- as we are a terrible family and eat on our knees in front on the telly. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you set your pup up right in the early days, you will have a buddy that is happy just to share your space without necessarily getting underfoot, if that is your concern. In the morning, he's happy just to watch and hear my teen girls get ready for school, he just wants to be in the same space - he doesn't get underfoot or demand attention. But he IS. A valued member of our family and as such, his needs are taken into account. Shutting him away from all the hub Bub would make him miserable - especially since he's been so willing to learn to hang out where he's told. If you don't want him following you around all the time (and some people don't), just set up a safe area inside where he can feel part of the family but you can get things done. Labradors are pack animals to the extreme, I've learned. Ernie just wants to be around his people - he sits his mat and watches the chaos and loves just being around. He will go outside and hang there for a while when needs be -- but if I'm home and not vacuuming, he comes in, goes to his place and lies there happily just being part of the household. That's a Labrador. My kelpie would have broken the door down to get back outside to chase birds and destroy sticks. Ernie? It's all about his people.
  11. Given the weather is getting colder, could you re-do the walk so the handsome Ernie bypasses the creek? Mind I know Pong of Vizsla very well. Herbert is having a love affair with the lagoon in the back paddock. He is on full ban from getting near the car until the warmer weather if he presents 'damp' AND 'pongy'. Bless you VM. Ernie could find water in a desert. He's been know to lie IN his water bowl if nothing else is available. Avoid the creek? All the dog areas around have access to some form of water. So that's not going to happen. I WILL take the dog mat out of the back and hose it down again but I'm thinking a crate may be the go. I THINK I can fit a crate in the boot. Of the clown car. Oh my.
  12. I have an awful feeling we've scared her off.
  13. Yes.^^ No one is trying to be mean. This is the most knowledgeable group of dog owners around - and I DONT mean ME. Just take the advice. It's better than a Yahoo question or your friends with outside dogs, I promise. You WILL be able to leave him outside on his own, you just have to get through the hard few months. Puppies are like babies, and I'll be the first to put my hand up and say that we have ALL wondered with one puppy (or baby!) - what the HECK have we got ourselves into? It doesn't last forever. I've already forgotten Ernie's first few days, when I swore I'd never get a puppy again. He's now 1 year old, still an idiot but he's outside now, happily and QUIETLY wreaking havoc.
  14. If I could afford the interstate transport, I'd get him. It doesn't say if he's DA tho, and having admired these dogs for years - I know what a handful they can be. Ironically, I'm much more experienced with this type of dog than I am with my soft biddable boofa.
  15. Labradors love people and want to be with them - it's why they are great family dogs. You want affection, devotion and willingness to please - this is the dog for you. You want independence and an outside dog that is happy to see you whenever?? NOT the dog for you. I'm trying hard to be supportive but seriously, any research you would have done would have told you this. Your friends dogs?? Pffft. I don't believe they are "happy" unless they are a different breed of dog. Lecture over. As I see it you have 2 problems: 1. You have a needy baby puppy who has been taken away from all that's familiar. It is your duty as a new owner of a living thing to find out what will comfort and help him through this. It's not an option, he's not a new couch or car - he's an animal that is totally dependent on you for everything. Suck it up and be an adult. 2. You need sleep. You have a life outside this dog and you cannot function or make good decisions when you are sleep deprived due to a pup crying for its mother. So do what we've ALL TOLD YOU and move the damn crate into your bedroom. Toilet training will be easier (unless he's to be totally outside dog in which case I'm wondering why you got a labrador in the first place). You will get So much more sleep and will be less resentful of the puppy's demands. Move the crate out in a couple of months and see if he's ready to be in his own. If yes -- great! If not, grit your teeth and move it back. A dog is a 15 year commitment. Like others here, I'm beginning to wonder just how much research you did. Any info on Labradors will tell you that they are incredibly people focussed dogs - it's why they do so well at being Guide a Dogs and Assistance Dogs. People focussed means THEY WANT TO BE WITH YOU. Any research on puppies would have told you what to expect. You want him to sleep all alone? Fine. Get ear plugs, prepare to harden your heart and once again SUCK IT UP. You want a companion and best mate? The fact that you are so adamant that you won't bend on your bedroom rule, and that you don't want the dog to rely on you -- tells me you want a dog for different reasons than you admit. A Labrador will be the best mate you have ever had - but not without trust and affection and the feeling that it's wanted. So you have a choice to make: Do some REAL research into Labradors. Do some REAL research into how to raise a pup into a best mate. Or Take the poor thing back. You aren't ready for a dog. You DEFINITELY aren't ready for a soft tempered dog like a Labrador. But I really really hope you take the excellent advice offered by the smart experienced folks here and MOVE THE CRATE INTO YOUR ROOM. And get a puppy pen as well so you can get things done and he doesn't feel alone. Or Get a goldfish.
  16. Lisa - going to Dusk today so if you can post a pic or get the actual name -- WINNING.
  17. Guys the problem with a raincoat is that we off leash every morning and he ends up in the creek. I'll certainly get one for our onlead walks but I take him off leash every morning and his dunks in the creek are what's smelly. His afternoon onlead walk will be raincoated - awesome idea. I never reckoned a water dog would need one. But the morning? He runs and sniffs and flings himself into the creek. I towel him off and into the boot he goes. As does the stink...
  18. Ps. If you decide you don't want him, I'll take him.
  19. Whoa. Just because he's inside your bedroom at night doesn't mean you won't be able to leave him alone when he's older. Ok, you don't want him in your room as a permanent thing -- it doesn't have to be. I've transitioned ALL my dogs to sleeping on their own. Just not as babies. Basically, you either put up with the lack of sleep or do it my way -- move him into your room until he gets some confidence and learns to bond and trust you. Then you move the crate to the next room, and the next until you've got him where you want him. But you are now this dog's entire WORLD. Be kind. All the playing will tire him out but not if he's scared and anxious. You need him to trust you before he can take big boy steps. Have you children? Because the principle is the same when you are getting a child to learn to sleep alone. You start off having them with you, then you slowly teach them it's ok to be on their own by sleeping further away. I do not believe you can spoil him by having him near you for the first couple of months. And it means YOU get a decent night's sleep and toilet training is easier. The main thing you need to foster in this little guy is trust that you will be there for him. That's how you get a good companion dog - which is what I'm assuming you want. If you don't want him in your room (and many folks don't), that's ok - but you need to build up to that. My other dogs were close to a year before they slept in another part of the house. And to be honest, if you can't do this for him, you may be right - you're not cut out for a dog. A cat might be better as its naturally more independent. And if so, best take him back to the breeder now while he's still cute and easily rehomable.
  20. I agree. My Amstaff was a smart dog though a pain to train. She wasn't food motivated and was picky about who she got her cuddle rewards from (not that she wouldn't adore affection from people but was discerning). I could see her mind working out the bare minimum she could do in order to finish training and go back to whatever SHE wanted to do. Ernie on the other hand would sell his chocolate soul for an extra piece of kibble so will work his butt off learning anything that requires a good reward. A layman would say he's smarter. Having lived with Georgia for 6 years before she passed - I know which dog I think is/was smarter, and it's not my loveable boof boy. Katie the Kelpie could escape from anywhere. I once hid and watched her vault into the BBQ, leap into the fork of a tree and then climb back down the other side of our 6' fence. She would then canvas the neighbourhood for treats and then wait at the door for us to come home. She also would escape to make her way down to the girls primary school at quitting time - so she could meet them coming out. She'd never been taken there on purpose in her life. Now that's a smart dog.
  21. Hey - see my other post. I'm sort of by myself (as long as you don't count my two daughters) so my bedroom is all mine. See what you think of my other comments - give the crate in your bedroom a try. It makes the night time toilet breaks SO much easier and you might find you like the company. A crate in your room doesn't mean a dog on your bed. I've been leaving Ernie's crate open for the past 2 nights and he hasn't ventured out once on his own.
  22. So walking Ernie in the rain is just fine - I don't mind it. What I DO mind is the ever permeating miasma that has seeped into every nook and cranny of the Clown Car, no matter how well I towel him off (got a dog shammy and a big bath towel in the car at all times). This is what I have in the car: Febreeze Airwick spray A freshener thing from my rear view mirror An airwick car vent freshener -- Seriously, it's embarrassing, not to mention it smells like a million farts with a side of stink bombs. Does anyone have any solutions that have worked short of shampooing the upholstery every time? I'd like to be able to pick up my friends without madly spraying constantly. And Ernie smells just lovely when he's dry - so it's not a medical issue. I've sniffed every inch of him and i mean, every inch.
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