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Everything posted by korbin13

  1. It's lucky the owner lives in a big house!
  2. Are there any good videos on how to deliver a correction properly on the check chain?
  3. Our old Jack Russell occasionally had something similar but were black so I am not sure if they are the same thing. They used to fall off by themselves. We were living extremely remote and had no regular access to a vet back then or else I think that I would prefer to have it taken off and analysed. If it proves to be nothing and then she gets another one you can leave it. But better to be safe than sorry.
  4. My mixed breed mutt has this, well it looks the same. The vet said it is canine acne. It comes every now and then and goes by itself, we don't treat it as it doesn't appear to annoy her.
  5. I have seen an approximately 7 year old boy take a dump in a doorway of an unused shop in the Hay St Mall Mum was holding his arms to steady him! I would hazard at a guess that the person who wrote that note didn't leave any baits at all. They are probably using it as a scare tactic.
  6. Will we ever see people with 'munchausen' type syndromes with their pets? With them putting their dogs through procedure after procedure? Especially as some vets are happy to operate at the drop of a hat.
  7. good question! im sure most of them are registred as amstaff X's and staffy X's. Probably because that's what most of them are! I would say that there are more cross breeds out there than APBT's. It would be interesting to have the numbers but I can't seem to find how many restricted breeds and declared dangerous dogs there are and the shires that they are in. What I would like to see is owners of dogs who are involved in attacks undertake compulsory training. We know of people who had a dog attack another, they were given the choice to PTS or declare the dog dangerous. They had the dog PTS and then went out and bought another dog and have just put in the backyard like the other one, no socialisation, basically left by itself other than feeding and the occasional social activity in the backyard from 8 weeks old. Now this new dog will more than likely never do anything but they don't accept that their actions contributed to the attack. The dog was just 'bad'. Interesting to see in this article the opposition has concerns and the acknowledgement that most pet owners do the right thing. And that the Victorian legislation hasn't stopped dog attacks. Like ncarter, I wish that someone would point out that if the current laws were enforced it would be just as effective. http://www.smh.com.au/wa-news/new-dog-laws-could-mean-long-jail-sentences-20120815-247wf.html
  8. How many registered restricted breed dogs are there in WA?
  9. Restricted breeds are supposed to be sterilised but there are no restrictions on breeding. The new legislation makes it an offence to breed restricted breeds. And yes, WA councils already have the power to declare any dog dangerous under a set of guidelines. Just a lot of fluffy vote grabbing rubbish that doesn't address any real issues. I have added a link if you want a better look at the changes, I have only had a glance. Good to see they are going down the path of allowing racing greyhounds to go through a training program so that they can be walked without a muzzle. http://www.parliament.wa.gov.au/Parliament/bills.nsf/4798E38D89B9F49A48257A5A001491FD/$File/EM%2B292-1B.pdf
  10. To be fair, the AVA put the report on their website but didn't start the media campaign until today.
  11. Not answering your question sorry but do dogs even convert sunlight into vitamin d like we do? Eggs and sardines are good sources of vitamin d.
  12. Agree 100%. But it isn't just bull breeds that have a tendency do attack when in a pack. That is why I support an all breed based legislation.
  13. Some people want to be educated, others don't. Some people will do want they want irrespective of what the law is. They're generally called criminal. The proposal does not address this. The threat of the death penalty doesn't seem to stop some Australians smuggling drugs to Bali. Really, you can't control everybody and everything. That's why we have crowding in prisons. The AVA proposal is definitely a sensible step, hopefully the state governments look over it with some consideration.
  14. There are already restricted breed laws, and have been for some time. The link that melzawelza posted to the report from the AVA actually states that history shows that the popularity of breeds of dogs changes and as the popularity rises the incidences of that breed in dog bites increases with it. You take out one 'tough' breed and the next one takes it's place. I think that most sensible people just want to see sensible laws that allow people to enjoy their dogs. Shouldn't be based on breed. And they won't be 100% effective, just like drink driving laws aren't 100% effective.
  15. Just to clarify, dangerous dogs and restricted breeds are two entirely different things. You can't stop people owning dangerous dogs unless you ban every dog. And to put it into a bit of perspective, Australia has approximately 4 million dogs (majority of those would be cross bred mutts). Most of them live without ever harming a single person or thing. If the current laws we have were monitored and obeyed, the chances of anything like this happening would be slim. I am all for stronger penalties for people who do the wrong thing and leave the people who do the right thing alone. RIP Matilda
  16. http://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/article/2012/08/10/522251_latest-news.html Why aren't these people named? Other people who commit lesser crimes can be named?
  17. What a grand lady! My thoughts are with her, you and her family, hoping for positive news.
  18. The ANKC is opposed to breed specific legislation. http://www.ankc.org.au/About-ANKC/DANGEROUS-DOGS-CONTROL-LEGISLATION.aspx The AVA opposes BSL. http://www.ava.com.au/mediarelease/vets-say-banning-breeds-not-solution Almost every organisation that has anything to do with dogs has opposed BSL. Not sure why the Victorian government chose to ignore the experts? Maybe they were vote counting rather than trying to out a sensible solution.
  19. We looked at artificial turf for certain areas of our yard but decided against it when we almost scorched the bottom of our feet on some. It was like walking on pavement and we worried about the dogs needing to go out and do their business and burning their paws. So we persist with lawn, we have buffalo and it is quite tough. I even poisoned it one year and it still grew back. It isn't fairing so well with a SBT who thinks she is a miner
  20. We always grew up with the inside dogs and the outside dogs. The outside dogs had a better life in my opinion, they went everywhere that we went and went to work with my dad. The inside dogs were small dogs and went on the occasional drive into town but spent most of their time inside or in the house yard. Obviously we weren't in a suburban setting. My own dogs are outside when we are at work and come inside after we have eaten dinner. Like a lot of these type of things it is a personal choice and everyone has different circumstances. I do however get annoyed when people assume that because dogs are kept outside they are neglected. Yes, some are but there are lot that aren't.
  21. http://oz.dogs.net.au/nbtca/uploads/documents/Spin_Out_Bark_Feb08.pdf Really interesting article by Dr Sophia Yin on the National Bull Terrier Council. She also mentions Funniest Home Video and the hind leg biting, seems it is related.
  22. I am not sure if this is a myth or not but I have always been led to believe that Bull Terriers can have a tendency to do this. I was always told that there was cases bad enough that the dog had to be PTS. Whether this is true or not, I have always redirected any dog I have seen doing this, simply on this belief, myth or not. The ones I have seen doing it were puppies, so it could be just a play thing? Off to google!
  23. Nat Geo Wild. Next episode is tomorrow at 930am. On record. Thanks
  24. Pets Providore have them. http://www.petsprovidore.com.au/Springer-Bike-Attachment.html
  25. What channel is it on? I haven't heard of it but it sounds like my kind of show.
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