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Everything posted by ravenau1

  1. He certainly is a handsome guy! Yay for the drugs working!! We are sending all our good vibes your way
  2. That sounds really encouraging, you must be pleased Do you have any pics of him? :D
  3. Glad to hear he is eating well! ~more Dobie hugs~ How is he doing today?
  4. Good news, am very happy to hear it Pls keep us posted!
  5. My understanding is that at the moment the breed is 'restricted' rather than 'banned', I presume that a ban would entail the seizure and euthanising of any dog deemed to be a 'pitbull' (or just a pitbull type perhaps. Once all the 'pitbulls' are eradicated and dog attacks still occur, what then? Then another breed is demonised then banned? Then another? ETA: I know this dog wasn't a pitbull, but the media and general public don't seem to care!
  6. But what happens when it doesn't work? Do they rescind the bans on specific breeds, or do they start adding more breeds to the list?
  7. Anyone who thinks that BSL won't eventually affect them and their dog, regardless of breed, is kidding themselves.
  8. Anyone have any idea where I can get a copy of the Karen Delise book Poodlefan mentioned? In Aust anyway as I can only find copies in the US at US$100+. She has another book called 'The Pitbull Placebo' which is a free download that I already nabbed as it looks interesting.
  9. My Dobe's main means of communication is the whine :D She hasn't grown out of it yet!
  10. I don't have any advice to offer, I just wanted to send some Dober-hugs to you and Kaiser
  11. What a fantastic outcome Seems you and Bo were meant to be together
  12. I would be very careful. A substance called Pastuerella (or something like that ) found in dog saliva can be fatal to birds I would contact an avian vet to get some advice! ETA: Yay for your puppy Basset puppies are SO cute! It's been a while since I had birds, but the Wattle Grove vets used to be great.
  13. My first dog that wasn't a family dog was an Alaskan Malamute. We had a GSD, a Keeshond and a Mini Schnauzer when I was growing up but I didn't really have anything do to with their training etc so it was certainly a baptism of fire! I have a Dobe now, and while challenging at times, she's nowhere near as much hard work as he was!
  14. It's in our wills that Astrid goes back to her breeder.
  15. Join a dog training club. Safe playmates are one of the side benefits. We have done obedience in the past, but ran into a couple of problems and our behaviourist/trainer recommended we stop for the time being. Hoping to get back to it soon though though play wasn't really encouraged. But I guess it's up to me to make some friends there for doggie playmates
  16. I would love it if we knew more people with 'safe' dogs so Astrid could play with dogs more.
  17. When my girl was in season recently she was never in the yard unsupervised. If a dog got to her I would consider it my fault.
  18. My Grandfather had a Mini Dachshund called Monty. It was only when I was in my mid 20's that I realised that there were three Montys! One passed away when I was a toddler, one when I was in my teens (I didn't know at the time) and then one in my 20's. Though it seems I was the only one that didn't know that they were Monty I, II and III
  19. If that was my dog, and two other dogs came onto my property and harassed my dog, I'd probably shoot them myself. Well, probably not because I don't own a gun, but I'd at least be out there trying to fend them off my dog! I can say that they don't look very threatening, but I am not a professional and certainly can't rely on my own two second temperament assessment. It would be safer for me to assume that they could indeed hurt my dog.
  20. I have a Dobe with a tail, I really like it I've only had one person say that they didn't like the look of it. My OH is from the USA and he prefers the look of docked tails and cropped ears.
  21. I'm with you, Max! I'm starting to wonder about this 'calm' thing too Haha Astrid is currently running zoomies from me to the front room with her teddy in her mouth, stopping intermittently to 'kill' him, on every lap I get a 'poke' with soggy ted then she takes off again. She's not asking me to play as such, just 'including' me I think lol. This is pretty standard whenever I am on the computer
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