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Everything posted by pomchi

  1. wow 3 hours. i don't know if I could make it through that every dinner time :D I feel better knowing that ignoring is the right thing to do though, was beginning to think it was just something i was not doing
  2. We are working on ignoring, she usually barks for about 10 minutes, and she jumps up. if we tell her off for jumping she starts barking again, I can't put her outside as i am still a bit paranoid until she is fully vaccinated, and the laundry is joined to our neighbours so I think they might kill me if I put her in there whilst barking. so I guess we will stick to the playpen and ignoring and hope she catches on soon ( fingers crossed). we don't give her any food either - we definitely don't want to encourage her
  3. Yep, fixed my comment. I'm no great believer that teaching a dog to speak on cue eliminates unwanted barking. My dogs all sit on cue.. it doesnt' mean they don't sit any other time. You have to be absolutely rigorous in ensuring that her attention seeking behaviour is not rewarded... ever. We are doing our best, just thought I would check if there were any other options, or if separating her from us during dinner times etc would work better. other than the attention seeking she is a lil angel, so friendly to everyone and constantly makes me laugh
  4. tell me about it, for such a tiny dog she has a big bark, I am worried if i teach her to speak she might not stop
  5. oh no she is just a pomeranian and too be honest she only barks for attention, not that this is a good thing but she doesnt bark at everything. we just want her to realise that barking won't get her what she wants...... how to do this however is another story
  6. So we have a lil 11 week old puppy and she is finally sleeping at night when we put her to bed but when it comes to getting our attention ( even if we are sitting next to her) and especially during dinner the barking begins, we have tried ignoring her, tiring her out with playtime first, putting her in her playpen or letting her sit with us, but nothing seems to work. how can we stop the constant barking??
  7. yeah I am looking for puppy pre school, just to socialize her with other dogs in a safe environment and teach her a few commands. I have found a few but i thought it would be best to go with one that had some good reviews.
  8. Hi guys just seeing if anyone has completed puppy training in perth, having difficulty getting in contact with RSPCA classses, any other good places I should take my pup too, she is 10 weeks old
  9. Its nearly time for my lil pup to go to puppy kindy, so i am trying to decide where to take her, so I thought I would see if anyone has gone to puppy kindy with the RSPCA. thanks guys
  10. thanks for your help guys, does anyone know of any good puppy pre school places in perth? maybe RSPCA?
  11. she is nearly 10 weeks old, i will try tiring her out first. what age do they go to obedience school? is puppy pre school worth going to aswell? she still has three weeks till she is fully vaccinated
  12. Hi everyone, so my lil puppy is finally sleeping at night ( well most nights) and had her first bath and so i thought it was time to get her to sit, wait and so on. my problem is i can not get her to sit still, in the utube videos all the puppies look quite sedate whilst mine is climbing all over me to get the treat or running in circles.. any ideas on how to get her calm enough to learn to sit???
  13. Koalathebear I know exactly how you feel my nearly nine week old puppy is gorgeous and when she is tired she is an angel, but when she is excited to chews/bites everything.. constantly for hours on end. she prefers biting your finger,toes and pant legs rather than chew toys. saying no stops her for a moment and then it begins again, if i ignore her she starts jumping and barking. It can be extremely frustrating when you just want her to calm down and stop biting. have you found any solutions yet?
  14. pomchi

    Puppy Toys

    My puppy hates/ is afraid of squeaky toys, but loves lil tennis balls, she is very small prob .5kg so i give her kitten toys ( they are the only ones that fit in her mouth
  15. My plan was to let her sleep in our room in a crate, but she has no interest in the crate and if we are in the room she just wants to play.so i set up a play pen for her downstairs and she sleeps in there at night, she is pretty good overnight but during the day if i leave the room, the tantrums begin. I can't believe the amount of energy she has, the only time she sits still is when she is about to fall asleep
  16. wow at 10 weeks thats amazing, I am lucky if link can stay still for a minute let alone getting her to sit she did so well last night went to bed at 11pm and cried for about 20 mins and didnt wake up till 6am. but at the moment i have gone upstairs and left her in her play pen and she has been barking for 45 mins so far, lucky i introduced her to the neighbours yesterday. I hope they are wearing ear plugs at the moment though. it must be links nap time soon.......
  17. oh good to know, i cant believe a lil puppy can bark so much, she is asleep now and looking like the most innocent pup in the world .... phew. fingers crossed for tonight
  18. Hi I have had my new puppy home for two days now, and she has spent every minute with us since she has come home, today i have tried to leave her in her playpen for a few minutes whilst i did some chores upstairs, I knew she would bark the breeder told me she was very vocal :p. But she doesn't stop barking she has water, food, chew toys her bed and blankets but she still cries and barks. I played with her for about 30 mins before leaving her to tire her out but obviously that didn't work. I just dont think i can leaving her barking and whining for so long, but I also want to break the habit because i will be back at work soon and she will be alone for a few hours. any suggestions????
  19. Hi, yes the backyard is puppy proof but I don't like the idea of leaving her out there alone whilst she is still a puppy. eventually I plan to when she is a bit older/bigger ( at the moment she is so small i think a bird could fly away with her . But I would like her to get used to going to the bathroom outside, but whilst she is inside when we are out I want to train her to go on either the pads or the inside dog potty. without confusing her to the point where she may not bother to go outside when given the option. So I guess I am wondering when i get her home should i be on careful watch and rush her outside when she needs to go, or since she will be inside for awhile would it be best to just train her inside first? I hope that makes sense thanks guys
  20. just another question, when I bring puppy home do i leave her crate inside her playpen so she can get used to it. as we will move it for bedtime to next to our bed or better to keep them separate?
  21. Hi I will be bringing home my new Pomeranian puppy this week . But I just have a question about toilet training, we are going to try crate training and taking her outside when she needs to go potty. but when we are not home (although it will only be for a short period at a time). would it be confusing to her if we trained her on one of those inside dog potty's?. any advice would be helpful
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