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Everything posted by TUPS

  1. Thanks everyone who has contacted me... I have found the most beautiful german pinscer (sorry about the spelling) and am going to give him a forever home...
  2. Hi, Im new to the agility sport & obedience although I have taken my dogs to puppy training and then taught them all to sit, drop, heal, stay etc and walk on lead & not pull...I am really keen to get into these sports and it's now the right time in my life. I had hoped to get a Dobe (LOVE the breed) but struggling to find one local who is suitable. Soo, I was wondering if anyone has experience with Boxers & agility / obedience training? There is one at a pound who is 18mth-2 yrs and they said that they felt he would be suitable. I have had very little contact with the breed, my nan had them when I was growing up and they were all wonderful dogs but unsure about their suitablity for this type of sport. Would appreciate your thoughts
  3. Was trying to up load a couple of pic's of my Fireax dobe & current ridgeback with my daughter.. Don't think I've done it...
  4. And it's for added reasons such as this "joint development" that I am also looking for an older dobe who needs a new home! Having worked with horses my whole life I am aware that young animals need to develop. I am I guess hoping to cheat and get a dog ready to go on with with rather than a puppy... I am just looking to do this for fun so would commence obedience rather than agility and then go on looking to jumping once the dog is over 2yrs. THis is just something I have always wanted to do for fun and love the dobermann breed and think it's a great time now in our family life to add a new addition.
  5. Wow, ouch.. Cant believe that you would judge me because I made a joke about not wanting to going through the puppy stage, ie. peeing on floor... Commitment, my dogs and cats have all died of old age, or illness, I am VERY committed to a dog, thus the reason I am looking for an older dog rather than a cute puppy!!! In relation to your comment about forming a "deeper bond" there are many working dogs, both in the Defence force, Police Force, Customs etc that are exceptional working dogs with a deep bond with their handler who were obtained from the pound as an older dog!!! And for you to say that just because someone hasn't had their dog from puppyhood wouldn't have as much chance of developing a deep bond with their dog, then really... I do take exception to that. Because I assure you that people who have obtained a dog who wasn't a puppy has exactly the same ability of forming a deep bond than someone who gets a puppy! Sorry but I know I am a great dog owner, who give my dogs everything, they are very much part of my family and I am totally committed to them!
  6. Also just one other thought, there are always plenty of people who are keen to take on a puppy, often it's the older dogs no one seems to want... I am happy to take on a problem dobe, one who may have proved to be a bit much for someone... That's just me, but also having picked up after babies for the past 2 yrs, I am over anyone, or any dog peeing on my floor!!!
  7. Hi, thanks for your reply. I am keen to get started on training hence wanting a dobe 6mths or older. I had a fireax years ago when I was first going to commence obedience training. He was a Xmas Cracker line, I think that's right. He was HUGE and just the most divine dog, great personality, great temp, just the BEST dog ever.... He was bitten by a snake at 14mths old and too this day thinking about him breaks my heart!! So after him, I put my life to the side to raise two little people, and now I am ready to start doing something for me!! Thus I am looking for a dobe who I can begin starting their training. P.S. I have actually email Ella (Fireax) & a few other breeders to put out the word that Im looking for an older dobe (often they return to bred to be rehoused) but thought this great forum would also be a great place to put out the word.. I am more than happy to take on a rescue dobe
  8. Hi, I am looking for a dobermann 6mths or older as I would like to commence obedience and/or agility training (non competative, this is for fun for me to get out and socialise ). I am happy to have either male or female, but the dog will be desexed if not already. She or he would need to be suitable to fit into our family which consists of two young children, 2 & 3yrs (have been raised around large dogs and very respectful of them), a ridgeback 8yr old female (desexed), two cats, and of course my husband ) The dobe will be part of our family, coming away on holiday’s etc, living inside (on designated bed) and just be very loved. I am just starting out on agility training, but have trained dogs and horses and grew up with German Sheppards. I am just looking to do this as a hobby on weekends. If you know of a gorgeous dobe and think it would fit into our family please give me an email or call. Warm Regards Cayce 0422 284 008
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