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Everything posted by Malti
From what I have read there was no witness to the actual incident but one dog is dead and the other is being hidden from view and possibly being adopted out or attempting to rehome her (what happens in that case?), and from the response people have had in attempting to contact this group, it is a case of threats, intimidation and accusations that the person that had the dog in care was at fault. But surely if you take a dog out of a pound as 'rescue' and give it to a person who is suppose to be the 'foster carer' if they do not check that this dog's behaviour towards small dogs (hopefully in the foster carers 'application' they mentioned they had a smaller dog) that is leaving them wide open for legal recourse? They can have one without the other. They can have the ability to,fundraise as a charity and the donations are not tax deductible. (nt a deductible gift recipient)... There are plenty of charities around who can fund raise but it's not a tax deduction... However they must make this very clear in their information to the public.. However it does sound like these are dodgy... You can make a complaint to the ATO, will sort them out quick smart.. The ATO love a good audit... There of plenty of "rescue" groups that operate without ABN'S, 16d's and CFN's So shouldnt all of them be under scrutiny as well as to where monies go? Not saying any of them do anything wrong. They could be bloody brilliant at rescue there is groups that have all of the above and I think are "cowboy's" but sadly if they are breaking no laws what can you do? Report to the DLG??????? From most smaller groups I have seen the dogs they get after out of the pound and updates on them, but from the group I am thinking of, you rarely see anything of the dog once it has left the pound. They advertise they are not rescue but have a 16D, fundraise for vets, transport etc, plus they have now added a foster carer form, they have a small closed group of 'happy endings' which account for only a few dogs they pull. People who have donated ask on their page how did a dog go, and no answer is ever given, it is the same old spiel of 'we can only focus on the next kill list'. It seems they may also be pulling dogs out at a price for people and sending them straight to their 'adoptive home' with no support if it does not work out. Most groups have an openness about them, this group does not, making people look for answers as they have none to give. Most smaller rescues will answer questions, have updates and a certain amount of disclosure of their pages, they inform people of how dogs are going and what is happening, they will be able to answer questions as to the dogs welfare. They will not be trying to ask for money for a dog they are not taking into care (as in they will put a photo up of a dog they intend to take, with no threat of 'donate or we can't save lives'), because they will take on the dog anyway if rescue is needed. Most groups that are reputable know their limits and do not over burden themselves (logic being, the dogs in their care needs to be a the utmost important, and not jeopardising their rescue by over extending themselves on dogs they take in). A lot of what this group does is sealed after the dog is out of the pound, they have been seen to ask for donations for dogs when another rescue is taking the dog, basically use some common sense. People are just getting sucked into guilt trips and emotional blackmail thinking giving them money is the answer.
So are they saying the foster carer is a liar? Because this is where it has actually been talked of by the person who experienced the whole event as their 'foster carer'. They can write all the emails they like, nothing changes that the dog they allowed someone to take on as a foster dog killed the carers dog. If only they risked their own dogs and their own yards with these dangerous dogs they say never did anything. Funny how it always comes down to other people lying when I don't think they could lie straight in bed themselves..... Edited to add, maybe they have such a big problem with DOL because they can't block and delete anything that is negative towards them unlike their social networking site Yes they are saying that she is a liar.& yes they like deleting comments & blocking people I have been waiting for this dog to be advertised as i knew they would not disclose what happened. . They are gathering a huge following & seem to be getting too big to stop now. I shudder to think what the future holds for rescue. I even had one of their supporters posting on my rescue page asking for donations a week ago. Some scam about everyone donating $5 to them to save dogs. I am sick of seeing this crap but it looks like they are here to stay. God help us. That is their usual tactic isn't it just deny and delete and pretend it didn't happen, pity at the end of the day a well meaning person lost their pet and now they go into damage mode and keep their little group only with their followers that do not ask questions and try to intimidate and harass their unsuspecting victims into staying quiet. The real world still exists thankfully and they can delete all they like there is evidence of dodgy dealings all over the place even if they try to hide it. The more people tell their first hand experiences with the group the better and reputable rescues won't deal with them, as they try to palm dogs off to others. Oh and this week you need to forgo Easter eggs and give them the money instead :laugh:
So are they saying the foster carer is a liar? Because this is where it has actually been talked of by the person who experienced the whole event as their 'foster carer'. They can write all the emails they like, nothing changes that the dog they allowed someone to take on as a foster dog killed the carers dog. If only they risked their own dogs and their own yards with these dangerous dogs they say never did anything. Funny how it always comes down to other people lying when I don't think they could lie straight in bed themselves..... Edited to add, maybe they have such a big problem with DOL because they can't block and delete anything that is negative towards them unlike their social networking site
I agree totally Staffyluv, assessment of the dog is evident in the incident, it is scary to think this dog could be adopted out by now and the adoptee is none the wiser and who knows what damage this dog could do. I know this won't make you feel any better, but you are not alone and you are not the first, if this is the 'rescue' I am thinking of. It is not too late to report the incident and follow it through, people who think what this group are doing is fine are often first time foster carers and do not understand how ethical rescues work. How horrible for you Im happy to shout you a foster carers course if you want one. That is an amazing offer Steve, I hope kizzyneo takes the offer up when ready and finds out how good rescues work and the support foster carers are actually given by ethical experienced rescues.
No, I believe the onus would be on the rescue organisation for full disclosure - not the foster carer. I feel sorry for the foster carer in this case - it sounds like she was wanting to protect her family from the horror of what had occurred. Personally, much as I love my adopted dog I would not adopt again because of the problems I have been saddled with. Even some of the larger more prominent shelters could do better with their behavioural assessments. What annoys me now looking back is that they made me feel guilty about enquiring about returning the dog, even though I was totally unaware that the dog had separation anxiety. I was made to feel that the problem was now mine. Over a year later and a lot of money spent the problem is ongoing and likely to always be an issue. I absolutely regret not returning the dog after a few weeks on the basis that I did not ask for a problem dog! I feel very sorry for the foster carer as well but she is the one that said she didn't want the information released about the kill so the dog would have a chance of finding a new home - personally I feel this is negligent on the part of the foster carer, even though she asked that it be rehomed without other dogs.. I am also angry with the rescue group for leaving this poor carer like they have... She has paid the ultimate price by losing one of her own dogs... But yes, I agree with you that the rescue group could also be held responsible... If cryptic came up against, threats and abusive messages, I wonder what kizzyneo would have been told by the rescue group, maybe he/she could tell us if the option of put to sleep was even discussed. From talking to a range of rescues, I am not sure the foster carer gets much of a say because at the end of the day the rescue group is responsible for the dog and the ownership. Also maybe a misguided thought under an extremely emotional event could have prompted his/her decision as well, but to save a dog that has killed another is bizarre, was that dog not given a chance? Is it going to take another dog being injured or killed for this dog to be 'assessed' as dangerous?
First off, I get that this must be very hard for you to go through, I don't think anyone on this thread is having a go at you at all, let alone know who you even are, it is more a concern of the rescue group that is handling this dog. I don't know who the rescue group is that you contacted, but am appalled that you were not given help during or after the event and the dog that attacked yours was taken to kennels. To me that is not rescue that is just shit. You state you have not had many rescue dogs, the group should have at least assisted you during that time, with advice and how to introduce the dogs and the caution that needs to be taken on accepting a pound dog and the weeks following. Especially if there is a large size differences of the dogs. The other concern I can see is that this dog is still out there and who knows what is happening to that dog, or if some unsuspecting person goes to adopt this dog with no clue what so ever of the history of this dog and the caution that needs to be taken (if the dog should not be even put to sleep - yes I know a dirty word, but you can not save one dog for that dog to hurt another let alone leave a family without their pet). If my neighbour or family or friend got this dog and it hurt mine, I would be after the rescue group especially if there is a history of the dog killing another dog that was not disclosed. Another wider issue is, that things like this make people run a mile from adopting dogs, this does not just affect one dog or one person, this has a ripple effect through the whole of rescue, a lot of reputable rescue groups work very very hard with the dogs they take on and would not rehome this dog for the safety of other people's dogs and society. Most rescues would not let you apply online and not have a yard inspection, meet in person, quarantine a dog, be available for support, let alone a few days later after applying picking the dog up - what you have described is not rescue it is a farce and a dangerous one at that. That dog that killed yours was given a chance, by you, you paid the ultimate price none of us would want to happen. How dare they say to you to keep it quiet to give the dog a chance. That is saying your dog's death was nothing compared to saving this dog that killed yours. I could keep going but will actually stop here, I am sorry for your loss, I hope no one else goes through that, and hope you follow up on what happened so the next unsuspecting person that applies online does not end up in the same situation as you.
Hawkesbury Urgent Pound Listings
Malti replied to AWDRI's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
Really? The staff are blind now too? PCC 197 BORDER COLLIE MALE 2YRS and "kenny" aka mislableled dog in question Not so incorrect after all and the dog was on the urgent list.................... As you said kidspirit and innocent accident, but that does not seem to be the thoughts of AWDRI which is a shame. Really over all the bullshit that seems to go on with HP threads these days, if the photo's can't be used by a specific rescue group - accusations of PL is not thinking of the dogs, stop the thread to have a break and gather themselves - again accusations of not thinking of the dogs, get an incorrect Imp number on a photo - the entire thread from here on in being pointless (God forbid a human makes an error, I wish some people see what goes into the personalisation of a thread, with temp notes and photo's other than the ones provided on another thread which seems a bit fruitless as the HP website has the same information directly available in the same form), I have seen errors on the HP website with Imp numbers before, thankfully AWDRI did not use that site as a source of information on pound dogs, imagine the abuse they would have gotten. Can't win in any direction taken and see why the thread comes and goes, personally I wouldn't come back and do another thread waiting for more shit to hit the fan. -
Hawkesbury Urgent Pound Listings
Malti replied to AWDRI's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
lucky the delete button is so easy to use :rolleyes: -
Hawkesbury Urgent Pound Listings
Malti replied to AWDRI's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
I have been thinking about that lately and think you are right, it is so much easier to ensure you do not receive any negative feedback, on DOL is not so easy to hide or erase because it may not have such a biased reason for existing. Yes, funny how quickly the story about the Pound Rounds dog attacking a child disappeared. In a blurb I read of theirs the other day they say the pound staff are responsible for testing the dogs and knowing what they are like. Hmmmmmmmmm, does that mean they then take no responsibility for the things that happen after the dog gets out of the pound? and the dog stolen on its way to its owner.... -
Hawkesbury Urgent Pound Listings
Malti replied to AWDRI's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
I have been thinking about that lately and think you are right, it is so much easier to ensure you do not receive any negative feedback, on DOL is not so easy to hide or erase because it may not have such a biased reason for existing. -
Hawkesbury Urgent Pound Listings
Malti replied to AWDRI's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
Since late last year the traditional Hawkesbury thread has been published some weeks and not in others. To fill the gap I post a thread each week setting out the impound numbers, basic details and one photo of all the candidates for the coming week's kill list. If the finalised kill list ends up in my inbox I trim the entries accordingly. Sometimes I have access to more photos of the dogs and temp notes, and I add them to the thread. But at the moment I have no source for such extras. The primary aim is to make the dogs visible to busy rescuers who just want to scan a list for their preferred dog types. It looks as though you need to continue doing so BL, Kelscats has said she is ceasing the thread again, and can see why, there is now never ending shit going around with it and no one is ever happy with what happens. Blacktown List I would really love an answer on how closely related you are to pound rounds now, I have seen your thread and the clips used are pound rounds ones, I know it has been venomously denied in the past, but the continuing link is overwhelming and sick of the same questions being ignored, but then expect nothing less these days. Good luck with the HP thread. -
Hawkesbury Urgent Pound Listings
Malti replied to AWDRI's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
Every one of us is a volunteer and as such processes are always open to scrutiny and review. This particular instance was caused by a volunteer being given only the impound number of the dog she was collecting and the breed mix which was kelpie x. Both dogs listed as PCC216 had this impound number and breed mix so there was no reason for her to suspect she was given the wrong dog. From looking at the DOL pictures and the HP website, my guess would be the dog was actually PCC197 and according to pound rounds social networking site he is safe with AWDRI ;) You are incorrect. PCC197 was a red/chocolate BC x Kelpie and in no way resembled either of these dogs. PCC197 was collected by AWDRI and is safe with our organisation. The dog shown in the photos attached and listed as PCC216 is not recognised by pound staff at all. From looking at the DOL pictures and the HP website, my guess would be the dog was actually PCC197 and according to pound rounds social networking site he is safe with AWDRI ;) So it all becomes clearer now. Pathetic. And from what pedestal do you stand and call us pathetic? Get your facts right before you start throwing stones. DOL from a rescue perspective is obsolete and despite the hours of manpower put in by the volunteers who update the threads here (and we do recognise and acknowledge that fact) it is being replaced by social networking and hence for whatever reason is no longer a reliable source. Rescue is filled with enough infighting and bitching and backstabbing without it being done on yet another forum so AWDRI is out of here. AWDRI you have been using many different internet sources to get your dogs from, 'only using DOL' and now never again, what a load of rubbish. Pity an apology about the mix up is not what you were after as that was given long ago in this thread. You are trying to make a point I am guessing but who knows what that point is, except you are accusing others of the exact thing you are being, dramatic and bitchy. If you find social networking site more accurate go right ahead, I hope pound rounds give you the money they were collecting on the dog you took. Maybe look into your internal workings and think giving a breed cross to someone who is picking a dog up for you as inadequate and maybe some of the fault is actually yours as well for the above reason. But no it is the sole fault of DOL Poundlist and any work they are attempting to do is now pointless due to one stuff up..........bit over dramatic don't you think and a massive lack of acknowledgement that the thread has actually had on the HP dogs being seen As for the pound not knowing what dog that was WTH what is PCC 197 then?? -
Hawkesbury Urgent Pound Listings
Malti replied to AWDRI's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
From looking at the DOL pictures and the HP website, my guess would be the dog was actually PCC197 and according to pound rounds social networking site he is safe with AWDRI ;) -
Hawkesbury Urgent Pound Listings
Malti replied to AWDRI's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
Have a few problems with this, if you sent someone to collect the dog for you and the dog was suppose to be 2yrs old (which you would think you would give the volunteer the photo of the dog from either the HP website or DOL or other photo's on the internet to use as a guide) and looked like a ten yr old, which 'Duke' seems to be the one you got, why on earth would a red flag not have gone up on the the person collecting him?? I also thought AWDRI had pound dogs put through their website not DOL searches?? If I had noticed two dogs with the same impound number and relied solely on Poundlists DOL thread. I would have asked for clarification rather than waiting until after everything was all said and done. -
No, it is believed a group have appointed themselves to be in the middle as point of contact. That still remains an issue, and one that has been stated over and over again as not being the pounds control. This issue is on going and I believe a few have stated this concern and in no way is that resolved or been seen as anything different. Also stated they have misinformed people with pts lists and putting dogs up that are no longer needing rescue, that remains to be the case and proven by the current list they still have up. I believe certain volunteers are getting confused from what information is being given and what they see on a social networking site. I believe it to be the one you have wanted to put up but are unable to do so as you claim it is a banning offence. I think this thread has made the point over and over that the best and only way at this point is to contact the pound directly. I think you need to look back and see new threads have been started since the using of photographs and as Kelscats stated there were no dogs on pts list that were not safe and Nic B has also stated why she is not currently attending the pound that are not consistent with your 'allegation'. I truly hope you do fill the gap, it is becoming impossible to know what dogs need rescue or adoption from any other way than going to the pound and that is not possible for some. I wait with anticipation for the thread to be up to date and able to answer questions people have. How many times does it have to be said. The pound is not being blamed. There has been questions about the pound which I think have been sufficiently answered (almost to the point of monotony). It seems clear that the pound is aware of issues beyond their control and are sympathetic and wanting like any pound staff do for the animals to get out of the pound safely. Thank you Judge Blacktown List Will end it here as all that seems to be happening is answering the same questions over and over, but when questions have been asked to you Blacktownlist you have successfully ignored those.
Dismissive remarks make it that much harder, can you not see that. "gossip and scandal" it isn't just gossip and scandal. The fact the pound knows of the issue and it is not a secret, then why act like you didn't know why it was stopped? Yes, pounds are busy and cannot deal with the issues going on, but pretending to not know (your quote "Talk the truth there is no DOL thread due to politics") so I say to you, talk the truth.... There has been a whole lot of stress and negativity brought on since the photo and temp issue, people didn't stop the HP DOL thread because they wanted to, they just didn't want to be associated with Pound Rounds and keep it unbiased I suggest you have a talk with the people involved and hear what they have been through due to this, that is where my sympathy lies, and with the dogs and cats that have been affected. The blame has not been put on the pound but the people who do not want to work with pound rounds in any way shape or form. As if that is a crime, as if that is unmanageable. It is relatively bloody simple, yet because this group have a self entitled movement they disrespect anyone else's opinions or rights to not want to work with them. As Blacktown List has suggested HP website is not up to date, take from that what you will (am not saying it is true or not I have no clue) but if that is the case this going to make things difficult and a lot of unnecessary calls being made. DOL was a good way to keep up with what dogs were needing help, between the pound and the volunteers it worked well. At this point it sounds like contacting the pound is the best option. This was the list of dogs I saw needed rescue by the 16th of Feb on their social networking site "HAWKESBURY POUND KILL LIST THURSDAY 16 FEBRUARY 2012 PLEASE EMAIL URGENTLY (deleted the email address) PCC 118 male JRT x cattle dog 1 yr PCC 152 female greyhound 1.5 yrs, surrendered PCC 151 female rottweiler 4yrs, desexed HCC 112 male staffy 5 months HCC 118 female JRT 5 years PCC 127 white maltese x - RESCUE ONLY Please help with donations - we need support to save these babies today." No there have since been threads up and going on HP dogs this year, did you know of the photo issue? If so who would have brought that to the pounds attention? I am guessing there has been no thread as dogs are safe, maybe you could shed some light on if there has been dogs pts (because the only way I have been able to follow any dogs from HP was on the social networking site and they are a bit dramatic and no real follow up on what happens to dogs is known - as in if any were pts etc). It was not put onto HP staff about the photo's, it was about what happened this week I only just mentioned the photo's in my last post!! I hardly know the position of HP on any of what has been going on, (one would hope it was impartial), so I am unable to say what (if any) position HP plays in this so unable to cut anything off nor speak for them. You seem to be able to do that as you work there, I don't and have no idea of the internal politics of a pound nor is it my problem. From what I see It has been said that there is a monopolisation of a pound to one group of people. That has not been said that is the pounds fault. It has been directed by Blacktown List that there was 5 issues and 3 & 4 caused issue 5 wish they would clear some things up. Wish people would start realising people are actually truly confused to what is going on and answers are hard to come by these days. EDITED TO ADD - I do know of one dog pts this year thanks to the social networking site and I am sure they took the photo of the dog off DOL and blamed them not having photo's to share from DOL that the dog was pts - talking of blame - it would actually be nice for it being stopped being put on volunteers that go and do their best to then see crap like that, just because they do not want a group profiteering from their photo's and changing temp notes What dog ? PCC1029 I can send you the lovely photo put up by Melanie Norman with her accusations of Poundlist DOL being at fault if needed. You wonder why it has gotten this bad, and you feel the need to defend HP and their staff, imagine how it feels after years of volunteering and doing a DOL thread trying to help the dogs and cats to then start getting the crap she has been writing about others - all because of not wanting to associate with her group, it would wear you down and everyone that volunteers any time to pounds and photo's etc have lives too that need time spent on it and do their bloody best to do things they way they feel is along the lines with their morals and ethics only to be repetitively get public and private attacks by a group of people who are upset over not wanting them to use the photo's and notes provided on DOL as an independent group. People give up and find other ways to help sometimes and I fear that eventually it will lead to a permanent state because people can only take so much abuse. Such a mountain over a mole hill if only they could accept the word 'no'! EDITED TO ADD - they have now copyrighted their photo's just to throw in a bit of irony for you Yet again you post like the staff at hawkesbury have something to do with these issues and you know that this is just not the truth I asked you to speak up about why the thread has been disrupted and you did Then you seem offended that I stuck up for myself( as I am staff ) and somehow think That made me responsible and one of the baddies Then . Say I don't know what people on here have gone through did you read the bit when I said nic and Kel are amongst my dearest friends ? So forgive my sarcasime but I do know very bloody well how much heart break it bought So yet again I must say the staff have not caused these problems and remain completely impartial So any information that you need about any dog ring the shelter direct to get the best up to date accurate information And avoid any confusion This is just getting childish. Please show me where I have said in that last post it was the pound staffs fault. I have been answering your questions or attempting to show you what has been happening, really simple, it shows how this issue has snowballed and become so difficult and how people ceasing to do the thread have been given a lot of grief from one particular group. Since you are aware of that, you would know I am not saying the grief came from the pound. So stop trying to say everyone is having a dig at HP staff. You have clarified HP staffs stance on the matter numerous times. I am pretty sure I acknowledged that a while back. I hope there is a way forward for a DOL HP thread, it seems Blacktown list is having a go at it, maybe that will give time for things to settle down. Will add a disclaimer in here - in no way am I suggesting the above information is accusing HP staff of having a hand in the issues that are on going.
Just to answer them putting up their own photo's and temp notes, they delete their old photo and temp notes especially the ones used from DOL, am more than happy to send you those as well to show they have continually used temp notes and photo's when asked not to.
Thanks Justin
Dismissive remarks make it that much harder, can you not see that. "gossip and scandal" it isn't just gossip and scandal. The fact the pound knows of the issue and it is not a secret, then why act like you didn't know why it was stopped? Yes, pounds are busy and cannot deal with the issues going on, but pretending to not know (your quote "Talk the truth there is no DOL thread due to politics") so I say to you, talk the truth.... There has been a whole lot of stress and negativity brought on since the photo and temp issue, people didn't stop the HP DOL thread because they wanted to, they just didn't want to be associated with Pound Rounds and keep it unbiased I suggest you have a talk with the people involved and hear what they have been through due to this, that is where my sympathy lies, and with the dogs and cats that have been affected. The blame has not been put on the pound but the people who do not want to work with pound rounds in any way shape or form. As if that is a crime, as if that is unmanageable. It is relatively bloody simple, yet because this group have a self entitled movement they disrespect anyone else's opinions or rights to not want to work with them. As Blacktown List has suggested HP website is not up to date, take from that what you will (am not saying it is true or not I have no clue) but if that is the case this going to make things difficult and a lot of unnecessary calls being made. DOL was a good way to keep up with what dogs were needing help, between the pound and the volunteers it worked well. At this point it sounds like contacting the pound is the best option. This was the list of dogs I saw needed rescue by the 16th of Feb on their social networking site "HAWKESBURY POUND KILL LIST THURSDAY 16 FEBRUARY 2012 PLEASE EMAIL URGENTLY (deleted the email address) PCC 118 male JRT x cattle dog 1 yr PCC 152 female greyhound 1.5 yrs, surrendered PCC 151 female rottweiler 4yrs, desexed HCC 112 male staffy 5 months HCC 118 female JRT 5 years PCC 127 white maltese x - RESCUE ONLY Please help with donations - we need support to save these babies today." No there have since been threads up and going on HP dogs this year, did you know of the photo issue? If so who would have brought that to the pounds attention? I am guessing there has been no thread as dogs are safe, maybe you could shed some light on if there has been dogs pts (because the only way I have been able to follow any dogs from HP was on the social networking site and they are a bit dramatic and no real follow up on what happens to dogs is known - as in if any were pts etc). It was not put onto HP staff about the photo's, it was about what happened this week I only just mentioned the photo's in my last post!! I hardly know the position of HP on any of what has been going on, (one would hope it was impartial), so I am unable to say what (if any) position HP plays in this so unable to cut anything off nor speak for them. You seem to be able to do that as you work there, I don't and have no idea of the internal politics of a pound nor is it my problem. From what I see It has been said that there is a monopolisation of a pound to one group of people. That has not been said that is the pounds fault. It has been directed by Blacktown List that there was 5 issues and 3 & 4 caused issue 5 wish they would clear some things up. Wish people would start realising people are actually truly confused to what is going on and answers are hard to come by these days. EDITED TO ADD - I do know of one dog pts this year thanks to the social networking site and I am sure they took the photo of the dog off DOL and blamed them not having photo's to share from DOL that the dog was pts - talking of blame - it would actually be nice for it being stopped being put on volunteers that go and do their best to then see crap like that, just because they do not want a group profiteering from their photo's and changing temp notes What dog ? PCC1029 I can send you the lovely photo put up by Melanie Norman with her accusations of Poundlist DOL being at fault if needed. You wonder why it has gotten this bad, and you feel the need to defend HP and their staff, imagine how it feels after years of volunteering and doing a DOL thread trying to help the dogs and cats to then start getting the crap she has been writing about others - all because of not wanting to associate with her group, it would wear you down and everyone that volunteers any time to pounds and photo's etc have lives too that need time spent on it and do their bloody best to do things they way they feel is along the lines with their morals and ethics only to be repetitively get public and private attacks by a group of people who are upset over not wanting them to use the photo's and notes provided on DOL as an independent group. People give up and find other ways to help sometimes and I fear that eventually it will lead to a permanent state because people can only take so much abuse. Such a mountain over a mole hill if only they could accept the word 'no'! EDITED TO ADD - they have now copyrighted their photo's just to throw in a bit of irony for you
No there have since been threads up and going on HP dogs this year, did you know of the photo issue? If so who would have brought that to the pounds attention? I am guessing there has been no thread as dogs are safe, maybe you could shed some light on if there has been dogs pts (because the only way I have been able to follow any dogs from HP was on the social networking site and they are a bit dramatic and no real follow up on what happens to dogs is known - as in if any were pts etc). It was not put onto HP staff about the photo's, it was about what happened this week I only just mentioned the photo's in my last post!! I hardly know the position of HP on any of what has been going on, (one would hope it was impartial), so I am unable to say what (if any) position HP plays in this so unable to cut anything off nor speak for them. You seem to be able to do that as you work there, I don't and have no idea of the internal politics of a pound nor is it my problem. From what I see It has been said that there is a monopolisation of a pound to one group of people. That has not been said that is the pounds fault. It has been directed by Blacktown List that there was 5 issues and 3 & 4 caused issue 5 wish they would clear some things up. Wish people would start realising people are actually truly confused to what is going on and answers are hard to come by these days. EDITED TO ADD - I do know of one dog pts this year thanks to the social networking site and I am sure they took the photo of the dog off DOL and blamed them not having photo's to share from DOL that the dog was pts - talking of blame - it would actually be nice for it being stopped being put on volunteers that go and do their best to then see crap like that, just because they do not want a group profiteering from their photo's and changing temp notes
and I corrected myself and rephrased it ;) It is not my place to say a lot of it unfortunately, trust me, if it was I would put it out here that is for sure. I am sick of the crap that keeps getting circled around. But again not my place. What I will say though is that Pound Rounds have come onto the scene and used DOL photo's of volunteers who do not want to be associated with them. Under the photo's donation requests have been put, the HP on DOL was not run by one group or one person but independent and did not want to be associated with any group especially one sourcing donations from photo's used by volunteers, temp notes were changed by Pound Rounds on the photo's and notes take from DOL. (Happy to send you the link to the thread but will not put it up here again as I know people got a lot of grief for writing what they chose what was right for them) If Nic and Kel have no problem it would be great if a DOL HP could continue but from just before Christmas it has become a major issue. Call it what you like but it is a shame for HP dogs and rescues that help the dogs in the pound and a thread that has been helping dogs for years.
Talking of dramatics, please read your post!! "Run out of the shelter" now I do know I didn't write that. One person posted the grey was nearly missed, and JRT had confusion surrounding it. I never said no one could not go to HP and volunteer nor did I state HP were to blame but it was suggested it be taken up with the pound with the on going issues. As for politics, what politics would that be?
That is very sad. We are always ready and able to list immediately with at least a mug shot or even better, one of Kel's pics and notes. I'm sorry but with so many other obligations, battling to get information when it's not forthcoming is tiresome. Did you ring the pound for a list ? Who would you like the list sent to ? Just ring and ask it is forthcoming but cannot be just sent out into cyberspace Or if you cannot call the pound ask Kelscats she will gladly give it to you I was being emailed the list every week. And have never been able to get one over the phone. :) This week apparently all the dogs were safe by the time Kel got there. Ok, fine that's great, nobody is complaining. The confusion is that a list was being posted on facebook stating several dogs were not and needed rescue or adoption. So which is it? Perhaps Facebook didn't ring for updates That is not my concern I am offended by the insinuation that staff are with holding information when nothing is further from the truth Also when was the last time anyone from DOL photograph or temp test any hawkesbury dogs ? So if there is no thread on here what will a list achieve ? But if you want a list again just ring and you will be emailed one Staff have not been involved in the politics between DOL and FB we just keep chipping away at the list however we can and it is unjust to pull us into it . every dog there is important to us and we do everything we can to get them the best possible chance But sometimes it's toooooo hard to keep my mouth shut and I have managed up until now but this thread is a direct attack on (I feel ) ME So before anyone else postes about the staff make sure you know what your taking about because I can answer correctly So why was Kelscats get send home with the information that no dog needed rescue or adoption this week, when at least 2 dogs were unconfirmed. Where in here did you read 2 dogs were unconfirmed ? You say kelscats was sent home ! She was not ! Unfortunately DOL is starting to read like a trashy gossip magazine Maybe try to keep it about the dogs and cats Okay I will rephrase that - why was Kelscats given the information that she was given and why is it different on the social networking site and them fundraising to save two dogs from HP that were or were not safe depending on who you ask? Kelscats sounds like she was at the pound and that was not enough to stop the confusion, as you have said the social networking site may not have used the phone, but Kelscats was there in person. I am glad you have come forward and now people that have questions about any of the dogs at Hawkesbury can ask you if they are concerned. DOL is starting to have threads of concern of what is going on and who to ask or what is happening, like a social networking site but concentrated on dogs, not a broad spectrum of things where people have come for years to view pound dogs needing help. Am tired of the statement of people trying to create drama and not concentrating on the dogs or cats. Maybe it is actually because no one to date can find out what is going on and conflicting information is coming from all directions and trying to find out the information impossible unless physically at the pound, making it hard for people unable to get there, let alone the need to go there everyday to check up. It is very sad that the volunteers that went to HP and were able to do a thread on DOL with no drama and little to no confusion are unable to do that any more. That is not dramatic that is just how it is. One thing it is reflective of is that some thing has shifted in the way things are being done and until people can know what is going on it just seems to cause concern that dogs and/or cats could fall through the cracks - funny how that is actually showing concern for the dogs and cats not people. As for the dogs that seem to have been of concern if you read the posts in this thread some have stated a JRT and Greyhound.
That is very sad. We are always ready and able to list immediately with at least a mug shot or even better, one of Kel's pics and notes. I'm sorry but with so many other obligations, battling to get information when it's not forthcoming is tiresome. Did you ring the pound for a list ? Who would you like the list sent to ? Just ring and ask it is forthcoming but cannot be just sent out into cyberspace Or if you cannot call the pound ask Kelscats she will gladly give it to you I was being emailed the list every week. And have never been able to get one over the phone. :) This week apparently all the dogs were safe by the time Kel got there. Ok, fine that's great, nobody is complaining. The confusion is that a list was being posted on facebook stating several dogs were not and needed rescue or adoption. So which is it? Perhaps Facebook didn't ring for updates That is not my concern I am offended by the insinuation that staff are with holding information when nothing is further from the truth Also when was the last time anyone from DOL photograph or temp test any hawkesbury dogs ? So if there is no thread on here what will a list achieve ? But if you want a list again just ring and you will be emailed one Staff have not been involved in the politics between DOL and FB we just keep chipping away at the list however we can and it is unjust to pull us into it . every dog there is important to us and we do everything we can to get them the best possible chance But sometimes it's toooooo hard to keep my mouth shut and I have managed up until now but this thread is a direct attack on (I feel ) ME So before anyone else postes about the staff make sure you know what your taking about because I can answer correctly So why was Kelscats get send home with the information that no dog needed rescue or adoption this week, when at least 2 dogs were unconfirmed.
Why is the list unable to be put up by the volunteers that go to Hawkesbury Pound? Kelscats has said her latest experience and that others know that some dogs were at risk of being put to sleep. Who would you be Blacktown List? Are you a representative of the group on the social networking page, as you seem to be able to get the put to sleep list when others on the ground at Hawkebury pound are no longer allowed to see? What happens when you don't have time to do a Hawkesbury Pound list even though Kelscats states she was at the pound and could have met the dogs? This seems to have happened just before Christmas and now the dogs are the ones that are suffering. Exactly what people were worried about in the first place. Putting a hold on a dog to stop he/she being put to sleep is a risky move by whoever does that, they risk pounds refusing to hold dogs over if not collected before pts time, if their hold continually falls through. I have read and reread Kelscats post and nowhere in it does she say she was unable to see the list or temptest and photograph any dogs It's simply a matter of this week she got the day off because ALL the dogs had adoption or rescue interest Kelscats is the only person doing DOL at the moment and has free access to the whole shelter and the list noone else Has enquired . It would appear that people are looking to create drama where there is none Also staff call directly rescuers when a dog becomes desperate and they are not above begging . With this happening behind the scenes yes people on DOL may not be aware of it but it is happening either by email or directly phoning Staff are well aware of who helps particular breeds ,sizes and types of dogs and lots of rescues are aware of this No one monopolizes dogs or the list just phone and ask Please re-read my post then as it was a question! Blacktown List said the dogs being on that weeks pts list being able to be found on HP council website, where I thought people were able to find out if they went to the pound. Kelscats was told and shown that dogs were safe but then finding on social networking site that dogs were needing rescue or adoption causing even more confusion. No drama wanted, but it is getting frustrating having so many different responses what dogs need rescue or not. But if on the ground ready to do temp tests and photo's but been shown all dogs are safe then finding out otherwise would be bloody horrible. It seems that even people going to HP personally are having a hard time knowing what is going on let alone trying to find out via the internet via DOL, HP website or social networking. Most of the other questions were directed to Blacktown List also....