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Everything posted by LDH

  1. If it is the rescue group I am thinking of, they have only recently started up and the consensus is that they are just trying to do too much too quickly. This is certainly not the first questionable scenario I have heard about in relation to this group. I heard of one occasion where someone filled out a general enquiry form re fostering, and the next thing she knew she received a phone call saying someone was on her way to her house with a dog straight from the pound...In almost all cases I think the dogs are going straight from the pound to the foster homes, with no vet check or work done at all. In many instances, the dogs are listed for adoption almost straight away and the first time they see a vet is when the rescue receives an adoption application.... I agree fostering is hard work, and you should only commit to it if you are prepared to take the good with the bad, but ultimately the rescue group has to take responsibility for the welfare of its animals and making sure it’s carers are sufficiently informed about what’s involved. I do hope poor little Huey makes a full recovery. Poppydog, I am sorry this was your first introduction to fostering. I do hope that in time you will consider it again.
  2. Yes, Di is fine ;) Stressful times before Yasi arrived but thankfully Cairns seemed to escape the worst of it in the end. I think her back yard was a mess and they lost power for a few days (back on yesterday I think) but thankfully all is ok otherwise.
  3. I don't know. The vet mentioned the family has at least one other dog, but I am not sure of the breeds. I have not actually spoken with the dog's owner yet. The vet staff just asked if they could pass my number onto the family (as they know I am involved with rescue) so I thought I would get some knowledgeable advice before they called me ;) If they do have another dane, is there possibly more to this story than I have been told? Perhaps PM me if that's the case... Thanks so much otherwise for the replies, I so appreciate it.
  4. My vet contacted me after they were approached by a client who is considering PTS for a 3 year old male (desexed) great dane x. The dog has apparently displayed aggression to a particular neighbour on two separate occasions one of which involved a bite. I really don't know any more about the circumstances than that but the vet is going to suggest they contact me. I am told the dog has never before displayed this sort of behaviour and is reportedly good with all other people and lives with older children and other dogs without issue. I am also assuming the vet has ruled out a medical issue which might be contributing to this behaviour. I am told the family consulted Cam Day who told them he couldn't help and they are now desperate. I'd be grateful for any recommendations as to who I should refer them in Brisbane. Bark Busters? Bonnies? Thanks in advance for any help
  5. Unfortunately the increasingly bad weather has put a halt to our plans for our much anticipated doggy day out A few of us will still be on site, planning to set up at least 1 gazebo for cake sales, but the sausage sizzle etc will not go ahead. We do plan to reschedule though so stay tuned for the new date! Our sincerest thanks again to those who had offered to assist today
  6. Miss B and PS - I have sent you a PM - thanks so much!! GM, thanks to you also for your very kind offer of back-up assistance. We are so grateful for all of your offers to help - it really is sincerely appreciated. Now we just have to pray this rains clears up and the sun comes out tomorrow morning! And yes, just to clarify - these are three of our rescue dogs that are in boarding temporarily pending a foster or adoptive home becoming available :D We are so hoping tomorrow will bring them some very-much needed exposure!
  7. Di is away from home at the moment so has asked me to respond. Thanks so much for your offers of assistance. The dogs are currenlty in boarding at Acacia Ridge Pet Resort, which is located at 102 Sherbrooke Road, Acacia Ridge. They not generally open on Sunday mornings so if we could co-ordinate to collect the dogs at around the same time, that would be very much appreciated by kennel staff. They are open from 2 - 5 for drop-offs that afternoon. We kick off at 8 am at Clayfield, but any time you can get there with the dogs would be great (although we would love them to be there for as long as possible ). PS are you happy to collect Bandit? There will be volunteers who could look after him while you are manning the cake stall etc. Miss B, are you happy to bring Bear and Tiger? If you could let me know what time would suit you to collect the dogs on Sunday morning I can let the kennel staff know. Thanks so much!
  8. My 11 year old BC has been on a strict diet since suffering an acute episode of pancreatitis about 18 months ago when we almost lost her She is on Hills I/D prescription diet and is doing really well on it. The only thing is her teeth are suffering because she can no longer have bones. She has raw carrots now which help a little but I thought chicken necks might be something else I could add to her diet. Of course I just don't want to risk another episode of pancreatitis. Is there much fat in chicken necks? Would they be appropriate for a dog with pancreatitis? If not, does anyone have any other suggestions? Thanks in advance for any advice
  9. No way!!! I wouldn't go back there if someone paid me! I should of realised that it was going to be an interesting experience when I got out the car with Poppy and she said "Oh my, it's only a puppy" all surprised! I had told her on the phone AND via email that Poppy was 8 months old! PoppyDog, are you in Brisbane/Ipswich? Sadly, I suspect I know exactly who you are talking about ;). I took one of my girls to be groomed there and have to admit I also got quite a shock when I got out of the car and saw the numbers of dogs she apparently 'rescues'. Based on what she told me and what I witnessed there, I felt compelled to bring one particular dog to the attention of the RSPCA.
  10. Thanks so much for your responses. Yes, my first thought was that it was environmental because she does react (mostly during Spring/Summer) to plants etc. But in this case she scratching her back and in between her toes (where she normally would not have any reactions). Her eyes have also become quite weepy. The only thing I can think of which has changed is the food. I appreciate the advice that she may just be getting used to the new food - I didn't think of that but it does make sense. My concern is she really is scratching quite badly and now with her eyes, I hate to see her in so much discomfort. The thing is I can't see much of anything on her skin, except some redness from the scratching. Normally with her other reactions to plants etc she develops little red welts which can then become infected. Should I maybe persist with the food then and couple it with some antihistamines? thanks so much for your help!
  11. My 4 year-old border collie cross has had issues with allergies since I got her 2 years ago. Mostly it seems to be a contact issue (ie a red rash flares up on her stomach and ears and is particularly bad in Summer - so seems to be triggered by grasses etc). Generally it is brought back under control by a short course of cortisone tablets and occasionally anti-biotics. I have always fed her Advance Chicken & Rice but recently changed her over to Holistic Anchovy, Sardine & Salmon Meal because I liked the idea of it being more 'natural'. I chose this particular blend becuase it seemed to be specifially designed for more sensitive dogs. However, she now seems to have developed a generalised itch all over her body - I can't see any redness or anything but she is constantly scratching. The only variable which has changed recenltly has been her food. Could the Holistic perhaps be worse for her than Advance?? Or could it be the fish she is reacting to, so perhaps I should try the Holistic Chicken meal and rice formula? Would be grateful for any advice. I know the itching could be due to so many things but at the moment her change in diet is the only thing I can think of (given we have not changed anything else in her environment). Thanks in advance for any advice ;)
  12. Samford Pet Resort is fantastic, although you may want somewhere a bit further north than that. I'd highly recommend them though if you're happy to travel down to them. They also do offer a pick up service from a number of vets on the north side I think.
  13. I use boarding kennels on about 3 - 4 occasions a year. For one of my girls, I do worry about the noise and stress from being around unfamiliar dogs, and so I am prepared to pay a little extra for the VIP or executive suites. As someone else has mentioned, Samford Pet Resort offers this facility as does Brookfield Pet Chalet (which may be a little closer to you). I'd highly recommend either of these places. The suites are air-conditioned rooms with single beds and most have a TV . The dogs are let out into an outside play area 3 - 4 times a day for a play and cuddles You do pay for the service though - around $50 per day (as opposed to around $25 for standard boarding). The plus side is you don't have to pay any extra for the playtime
  14. Samford Pet Resort and The Pet Chalet at Brookfield also get my vote - my dogs stay at both and I am always impressed.
  15. I'm no expert at all, just speaking from an experience I had with my border collie. The vomiting and going off food can be signs of pancreatitis, as can pain in the abdomen area. The other classic sign of this is drinking excessively - you didn't mention your little one doing this so hopefully it's not quite as serious as pancreatitis. I know when I took my girl in with those symptoms they tested her on the spot for pancreatitis and she was admitted to intensive care straight away. Hope your little one is ok.
  16. Sorry, I should have included a bit more information. My girl is 11 and this is the first time ever I have had any problems of this sort. I took her to the vet about 3 weeks ago after a couple of days of noticing her 'scooting' and licking in the area. The right anal gland was considerably enlarged (and apparently oddly shaped) and the vet could not express anything from it. Because of its size the vet was concerned it may actually be a growth surrounding the gland but we tried anti biotics to start with. After 2 weeks she appeared to be responding to the anti biotics and by last Friday the gland was almost back to normal size. However I took her back to the vet this morning after noticing the same symptoms were back last night - apparently the gland is now back up to being very enlarged. Apparently because it has become inflamed again so quickly the vet is thinking it is more like an infection / inflammation rather than cancer or something similar. However because it has become inflamed again so soon after the first time (ie less than 3 weeks later) I've been advised the best option is to have at least that gland removed (and ideally both). Each time I have visited the vet they have not been able to properly express the gland. My initial reaction was that surgery seemed quite an extreme option now given it's only been a problem for a couple of weeks but the vet said it's likely to keep recurring now given the second infection has happened so soon after the first. Ideally I'd like to wait but at the same time I don't want her to be continually going through this discomfort.
  17. My BC girl has had two chronic infections in her anal glands within the space of 2 weeks. Still considering options but one option recommended is to remove the entire glands. Assuming I did go with this option, I have been given a quote of around $1200 - $1500 to surgically remove one gland and $2000 to remove both. I don't really have anything to compare to, but this seems quite high to me. Of course, I don't want to compromise on the quality of care so if this is what I need to pay, then I will. Just wondering if anyone can offer any views regarding the prices I have been quoted and/or recommendations for vet specialists in Brisbane to do the surgery. Thanks in advance
  18. Thanks so much for all your helpful advice and supportive comments - it is very much appreciated. Sounds like I just need to stick with what I am doing.
  19. My 11 year old border collie suffered an episode of acute pancreatitis in February last year and ended up spending several days in intensive care before thankfully recovering. At the time it was recommended that I transfer to a prescription diet. I initially started with Royal Canin Low Digestive but found that Hills I/D suited her better. I have since fed her solely this - a combination of tin food and dry food. Is this ok to continue feeding her on a long-term basis, my main concern being that she gets all her nutrional needs met and of course has no more bouts of pancreatitis. I am happy to keep her on this food as she seems to now be healty and we have had no further episodes of pancreatitis. I just want to make sure she is getting the nutrion she needs. I would be grateful for any advice and comments.
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