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Everything posted by Stera

  1. Thankyou all for your responses, I shall look into them all!
  2. Hi All, I have a BC that is approaching eight months in age and has been to puppy school for approx. four months before she was desexed. The issue I had at puppy school is the number of dogs in the classes and that all our BC wanted to do was play. The most benefit I got was from some one on one training from time to time. She is very good at sitting, waiting, playing and dropping toys and will recall 50% of the time when at the dog park with other dogs (food or no food). I dont want her to be a lead star and we are both far from the best trainer/student, but I would ultimately like her to heel and recall so that I can run with her off leash in the coming warmer months along the beach, etc. If you have any tips or know how I can get one on one training, that would be fantastic. Once I know how to train her at home, I can - Its being shown how to train or teach her firstly that we need assistance with. We also have a small issue in teaching her where to 'poop' for lack of a better term Started off well, now she does as she pleases. Thankyou.
  3. haha... Its great to see a dog of similar age to our BC Maisie. Elbie has a great deal more tricks up his sleeve, but they are on par for detroying bedding!
  4. Ensure that your words are different too! I have 'sit' followed by 'waaaaiiit'... She does it everytime now without fail! I can even distract her with a toy and she will not move... Thats with food! Without food isnt as successful!! ha! Best of luck, seems he is doing alot of other 'tricks' well! I cant get drop, give or puddles on command yet... Thats next goal!
  5. Sounds like some exciting times ahead! When we picked up our little pup we stopped after approx. 30 mins at an oval for a 'puddles' stop... Nothing happened, but it was a good spot for us to stretch and pup to run around for 15 minutes. Slept for the next 2 hours on the drive home! Take a blanket and a toy (maybe dish for water - but that will encourage puddles) and you should be ok! Good luck!
  6. Sorry to hijack thread, But our pup wont go either on a walk and I think it is WONDERFUL - For now! What does get me is how to solve the little yellow patches on the grass. Can you eliminate them or mix her water with something? The other things is when and WHERE she poos (for lack of a better term)! She poos in one spot ALL THE TIME that we dont want her to!! We try to catch her and run her to the spot we want her to, but during the day its hard. Dont want to tell her off when she's in the wrong spot and have her think not to poo! We praise her when she goes 'puddles', but not on que yet! Should it take long? Border Collie pup - Picked up sit, come, wait very easily! Any suggestions would be appreciated!
  7. We just received a pup ourselves and have maintained weetbix for breakfast and Coles Puppy for tea (only two meals) as the breeder was providing. Have found that there are a few things to pick up in the afternoon, but they appear all good. Will make the change to something like Purina slowly shortly, just for the quality and see if there is a difference in coat and number of things to pick up. Not sure about the science in food, I gather its like humans, if you eat well you feel well - The old you are what you eat! I found a website that said if you change food, its best to do it over a 2 month process if you can, not just for the pups tastebuds, but their stomaches as they can be a bit weak. Thats why scraps tend not to be the best either! Hope that helps!!
  8. Hi All, It was the oddest occurance when the older dog latched on... She just went SNAP without warning! I have been with an older dog correcting a pup and that was a GO AWAY - This latch was pretty serious and Im thinking they wont be friends. Its sad as whilst we dont live together, we are a few streets away and would be a good dog sitting arrangement for both parties! When the "latch on" (!!) occured, both dogs were on the leash in a public park. The pup wanted to play and was rolling on the ground and the older dog just snapped! The pup cried and cried... We managed to get them apart and the pup hid behind us for a while and we walked away... A little while later we came together again and the pup tried to crawl closer and the older dog would ignore and then growl with teeth showing... I dont have high hopes sadly!
  9. Hi GG85, Thankyou for your response! All interactions have been on the lead, but no the older dog is pampered and is the boss of the owner (imo) and pretty much does what it likes. So no, it hasnt been trained to gentle command. We thought it could be jealousy between the dogs, as my partners and her Mum lived together and the older dog was theirs, maybe its jealous, or trying to protect them - Or just nasty??!!
  10. Hi Team, My partner and I have recently had a little Border Collie pup join our family, which has been very enjoyable (and challenging)!! My partners Mother has an older Border Collie also and upon getting the two together, our pup wants to play, but the older dog will just growl and bite (latched on today and wouldnt let go). Our pup is quite social, but the other dog isnt overly and the other dog is treated like a child and is a bit naughty and undisciplined. Is there any tips for what we can do to help make the two friends? A few bites hasnt put out pup off playing, but the older dog doesnt want a bar!!
  11. Hi KTB, I am far from a trainer, but I simply actually used food to teach my little Border Collie. I let her smell the treat, I say sit. I then hold my palm out and say wait... Take a few steps back and then say come. I have managed to do this for meals and treats and can hold my hand on the ground and she will GENERALLY wait for the come call. Worked for me! All the best! I have noticed, that if you keep it short, follow up with a play and a few more sits and stays thrown in, its fun for all!
  12. Hi Sideways, Dont quote me, but my understanding of the two item game is you have two exact toys and you throw one... When the pet retrieves the first one, you produce the second, wave it around catching the attention of the dog, dropping the first and you launch the new toy and pick up the first one, repeating the process. Hope that helps!
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