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kyxen kennels

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Everything posted by kyxen kennels

  1. at first it was because he wanted to see the dog when he was a year old to make sure he was to standard. then he just out right refused to change him after we sent him pictures and got judges to look at him ect not sure on the reason i think he just wanted to control the breed ect. there are several breeders that he told of this arangement but now says we never told him we had intentions of breeding or showing. which is a lie coz we already had 4 other dogs at the time and we had another pup we were interested in as well but he said he would change the dog off LR otherwise we wouldnt have got the pup in the first place. Well, my experience tells me that there are always three sides to every story. But given what you have said here, I'm afraid you must accept at least 75% of the "blame" in this case. Why ANYBODY who already breeds and shows dogs would knowingly accept a dog on LR with those conditions is absolutely beyond me. I'm sorry, but NO puppy is good enough to gamble on in this way. If you can't buy the dog on Main Register to do with what you will, or at the least in a partnership with the terms and conditions clearly laid out IN ADVANCE, then the fact is....you walk away. as i said at the start of the forum. when we accepted this puppy. we unfortunatly didnt know there were breeders out there like the one we encountered. we were always planning to show and breed however we had a business at the time and didnt think it was fair on the dogs to go in when we werent ready to fully comit to it. yes we accept that we were stupid and realise that there were agreements in place to stop this from happening. also we are doing everything possible to fix this. and if worst comes to worst and he doesnt get moved of LR he is still apart of our family and not just breeding stock. so he will still stay with us and be desexed. we are responsible breeders and have much more knowledge now and only wish we had back when this all happend. So i dont beleive your comment was fair at all Kyxen Kennells. Why, if you own registered dogs why would you purchase a dog on the limited register is beyond belief. As I have said previously, the breeder is under no obligation to up grade the dog if the breeder feels it is an inferior specimen of the breed. because we didnt know at the time that LR was a big deal and thought it was just to make sure the pup grew into a nice dog which is understandable. also the dog is not an inferior specimen we have had him looked at by several judges who said he would be an asset to the show ring. if they said he was no good then we wouldn't have a problem not showing him and would be fine leaving him on the LR. and the breeder wouldn't even know if he was inferior because we had taken the dog to see him and he flat at refused to even look at the dog. look i started this topic to get everyones thoughts on the matter. not to be abused by someone that doesn't even know the whole story.
  2. at first it was because he wanted to see the dog when he was a year old to make sure he was to standard. then he just out right refused to change him after we sent him pictures and got judges to look at him ect not sure on the reason i think he just wanted to control the breed ect. there are several breeders that he told of this arangement but now says we never told him we had intentions of breeding or showing. which is a lie coz we already had 4 other dogs at the time and we had another pup we were interested in as well but he said he would change the dog off LR otherwise we wouldnt have got the pup in the first place. Well, my experience tells me that there are always three sides to every story. But given what you have said here, I'm afraid you must accept at least 75% of the "blame" in this case. Why ANYBODY who already breeds and shows dogs would knowingly accept a dog on LR with those conditions is absolutely beyond me. I'm sorry, but NO puppy is good enough to gamble on in this way. If you can't buy the dog on Main Register to do with what you will, or at the least in a partnership with the terms and conditions clearly laid out IN ADVANCE, then the fact is....you walk away. as i said at the start of the forum. when we accepted this puppy. we unfortunatly didnt know there were breeders out there like the one we encountered. we were always planning to show and breed however we had a business at the time and didnt think it was fair on the dogs to go in when we werent ready to fully comit to it. yes we accept that we were stupid and realise that there were agreements in place to stop this from happening. also we are doing everything possible to fix this. and if worst comes to worst and he doesnt get moved of LR he is still apart of our family and not just breeding stock. so he will still stay with us and be desexed. we are responsible breeders and have much more knowledge now and only wish we had back when this all happend. So i dont beleive your comment was fair at all
  3. With our pups they are all sold on main register. Unless there is a major fault with them that calls for it to be put on LR. We have extensive disscussions with all potential buyers of our pups as we want them to go to great homes. we have turned down many people wanting to buy a pup from us as we didnt beleive they were going to be suitable for a pup. in doing this we have great owners of our pups that we keep in contact with on a regular basis. they love sending us pics updating us on their progress. we even introduced one to showing. they didnt stick with it however they were still a great home for the pup and is part of their family. i think if everyone did this then there wouldn't be a problem with people abusing the LR
  4. at first it was because he wanted to see the dog when he was a year old to make sure he was to standard. then he just out right refused to change him after we sent him pictures and got judges to look at him ect not sure on the reason i think he just wanted to control the breed ect. there are several breeders that he told of this arangement but now says we never told him we had intentions of breeding or showing. which is a lie coz we already had 4 other dogs at the time and we had another pup we were interested in as well but he said he would change the dog off LR otherwise we wouldnt have got the pup in the first place.
  5. they paid $2500 for a staffy pup and told the breeder that they told the breeder they didnt know if they would but maybe in a year or two. after 6 months they decided to show and went to do it but got told they cant because its on LR they went to the breeder who said i only sell pups to pet homes. the owners of the staffy didnt know that they wouldnt be allowed to show. if they knew that they would of gone to a different breeder. Is the Stafford 'blue' in colour by any chance? :D i have no idea. they now own 2 staffys ones the one i was talking about and the other is a petshop one they bought for $500 dont know the colours sorry
  6. yes well we have def learnt our lesson. we only have emails to the breeder as he lives in another state. but emails dont hold up in court.
  7. they paid $2500 for a staffy pup and told the breeder that they told the breeder they didnt know if they would but maybe in a year or two. after 6 months they decided to show and went to do it but got told they cant because its on LR they went to the breeder who said i only sell pups to pet homes. the owners of the staffy didnt know that they wouldnt be allowed to show. if they knew that they would of gone to a different breeder.
  8. when we got the dog we were only starting out in the show ring so we didnt no that there was a contract. it was a verbal contract. we have had the dog looked at by many judges and they all said he was a great represtation of the breed. yes he is nearly three and the cut off it at 3yrs. the breeder is a real w**ker and has gone back on his word. we even drove to nsw to see him in person and he wouldnt even look and the dog he bred. weve been to the canine control council qld and they cant do anything coz he lives in nsw and nsw wont do anything coz we live in qld. its a no win situation and unfortunaly we have this beautiful dog that we cant do anything with and he is a family member so we cant even rehome him
  9. i think that the limited register is a great idea but i think it is being abused im hearing more and more stories of people paying alot of money for pups and then they find out its on limited register. these are people who dont know any better and dont know to check. iv met a few people that wanted to start showing and bought a dog and then find out they cant show it because of limited register. and now they are put off by the whole situation their not interested in showing anymore. and we wonder why people are buying these stupid laboodles and "disigner breeds". it because of these bad experiences they get from us breeders
  10. go the norwegian elkhounds they a GREAT! i will always own one of them
  11. Hi guys just curious about your thoughts on limited register. we have had issues with this as we bought a dog on the limited register and the breeder gave us his word that he would change him to the main when he was a year old to make sure everything was ok with him. so we could then show and breed from him. this of course never happend and he is now nearly 3 and theres not much time to fight him on it. we have tried every avenue. cccq and nsw and they wont do anything about it. we have countless emails regarding the agreement but it wont stand up in court. what are your thoughts on limited register. should pups be put on there just to stop people showing and breeding from them. or should there be a ligitamite reason they are on there (like major faults with the breed)
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