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Everything posted by Charli

  1. Thank you all for your responses, I realise this topic has been done alot. After reading your posts I feel alot more positive. Hopefully we will be able to manage him without putting him through an operation. I will look into gold bead therapy as what i have read so far looks quite good. Unfortuantley swimming is out of the question during winter as his coat will take too long to dry but definatley something we will persue in the summer! Is there any benefit in feeding cod liver oil and if so can you feed it with Joint Guard?
  2. thanks magthedog, It's good to know that it can be managed without an operation as, as i've said i really don't want to go down that path! How old is Maggie now?
  3. Thanks again Miranda I'm really hoping that we won't have to operate as my other dog had 2 operations on her knee (luxating patella?) when she was young and i know how hard it can be on a dog. Especially one so big.
  4. We have only had him for one month, friends gave him to us as they couldn't look after him anymore. I noticed on the night that we got him that he looked a bit funny in the hindquarters but we took him to the vet and he said he looked fine but it was hard to tell cause he was a bit excited. I took him back to get microchipped and the vet had another look and said that there was a bit of pain when extended and best get x-rays done. He is limps slightly when he walks and he is quite stiff after lying down at the moment ! He is very happy in himself though, still plays with our other dog and is quite the smoocher.
  5. Thanks Miranda The vet said his hips weren't terrible, the right side is worse than the left. They haven't been scored but he has sent the x-rays to a specialist and we will hear back in a week or so. It's not the news i wanted to hear but at least now we know and can try and ease his discomfort.
  6. Hi My 7 month old Mal x husky was diagnosed with hip dysplasia in both hips yesterday (confirmed by X-ray) :p , we have been given a few treatment options, i.e. hip replacement, food additives. Has anyone experienced HD in a dog this young? Any advice? I've been reading a few posts and it seems Joint Guard is a popular additive, has anyone heard of or used Cortaflex? Thanks in advance
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