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Everything posted by Xyz

  1. Well done to you and Dallas! Sounds like a good descision, and thank you for the update!
  2. He sounds like a really lucky dog to have found you! Good luck post op, it's really not that bad as long as they are crate trained :)
  3. I also wasn't meaning a debate, sorry if you took it like that!!! I work for specialist surgeons and see the difference in immediate recovery and long term prognosis from dogs that have surgery quite soon post rupture, vs dogs that owners have tried conservative treatment. My own lab had 1 episode of lameness over a weekend, followed by a day of not quite walking right, I suspected CCL rupture, (albeit very early!), GA xrays and straight to surgery (TTA) on the Monday! No lameness notable by Wednesday, -despite a RJ bandage, 6 weeks modified exercise (10 minute walks 3x daily, increasing to 30 mins 3x daily by 5 weeks and physio, and crated or tied at other times), then just 2-3 weeks of no rough play or jumping/twisting and was back at obedience at 8 weeks post op, and back in the show ring 11 weeks post op and a 100% leg!!( only slightly still visable shaved patch was epidural area, black dog and hair grew back really quickly!!!). Hard with 4 other dogs but quite manageable! Good luck with your consult, and good on you for getting all the information for your boy :)
  4. You really have nothing to loose by doing the biopsies (except an emptier wallet!). Endoscopic exam and biopsies are fairly benign procedure, and at the worst you will get no new information, and have ruled out some of the more easily diagnosed problems.
  5. I would seriously think about going straight to surgery, in a young healthy dog like a 7yo lab if he has the correct surgery (TTA etc) he will be almost back to normal in 6 weeks, and lead a normal pain free life. The longer you wait the more damage will be done within the joint. Follow up physio with Kristine would be great.
  6. I'm so sorry to hear about Rocky, such a nasty cancer. If he continues to be in good spirits I would continue with the macrolone, spoil him rotten and await your visiting vet in a few days. The steroids will be doing more good than bad, and whilst the hge is unpleasant if he is well within himself stick it out. Stopping steroids suddenly can have some nasty effects on the body. Take care of yourself and him at this sad time.
  7. There are also some quite successful surgeries that can be done to extend the ear canal opening, therefore removing anywhere for the yeast/bacteria to settle. Dogs with chromic ears are reported to have 'a new lease of llfe' following these surgeries. I would certainly see a specialist surgeon about this option before euthanasia.
  8. And what was SASH's response when you discussed it with them?
  9. I work for orthopedic specialists and we frequently have referrals for dogs that have 2 cruciates requiring repair. We either do them both at once (preferable for smaller <15kg) dogs or where finances would simply not allow the second surgery, or 3 weeks apart by preference. It really shortens the recovery time (6 weeks crate rest with on leash walking only per leg, ie down to 9 weeks if done 3 weeks apart). We though only do TTA surgeries not de angelis repairs which it seems your boy had. Ask your surgeons opinion!!
  10. My labs have them about once a week with no ill effects, but they do only last about 15-20 mins! For us nothing beats a big solid bone.
  11. I'd be thinking Giardia??? Could explain why you are I'll as well! A faecal float will determine.
  12. Also I believe they have now changed some of the 1 year limits, yet to read the updated paperwork that came with last months renewal (which had NOT increased!!)
  13. I am with PIA and very happy, claims always paid promptly (5 days from submitting paperwork to $$ appearing in my account.
  14. Is he actually constipated?, or just hasn't 'been'? If he's showing no signs of constipation I wouldn't be concerned, he will go when he is ready!. If he is straining and not passing anything I would suggest contacting his surgeon, occasionally they need a 'microlax' type enema to get things moving. Good luck with the recovery period :)
  15. Great news Benz! The older tests for parvo that were run on faeces could give a false positive, the newer tests run on blood can not! So yay for you and your pup, good on you for doing what was needed for him! Hopefully all will be fine now the medication is on board.
  16. Sorry cavnrott, I meant dogs with FCE show no ongoing pain past the initial 'episode'. Dogs with IVVD will have ongoing pain, due to the compression, but will sometimes loose 'deep pain' past the affected disc. They will stil be painful.
  17. FCE is not a a painful condition, and this is often how it is differentiated from a disc. If she cannot afford to do a Myelogram, and the dog is not painful, I would wait and see. Dogs with FCE do recover, with most leading absolutely normal lives, though it can take weeks to months, so nursing considerations are important. Good luck and let us know how he gets on.
  18. I set an automatic tap timer to turn a sprinkler on every few hours in the hot weather for mine to play under!!! :)
  19. Checking in to see how Feather is feeling. Hugs to you both.????
  20. They just may feel he's best kept there to stay still and quiet. Getting in/out, in/out of the car, and the excitement of being home is not always in the dogs best interests, also he may require ongoing intravenous fluids and pain management. I'm sure they will only recommend what is best for Boof! Enjoy your time off with him!
  21. Thinking of you and Boof today. My girl continues to amaze everyone 18 months after her splenectomy for hemangiosarcoma. Still on chemo with no side effects except very occasional day off food or vomit!
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