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Everything posted by Earthdog

  1. OFFS I asked because the dog apparently has an injury to its head. Sorry I didn't explain it to YOU, didn't realise someone had died and put you in charge.
  2. It seems from what I read, that NSW and Qld are the only states where you don't have to be a vet or vet nurse.
  3. I just spent some time looking at the puppy listings. I could buy a black brindle puppy for $700 but a blue with white paws would set me back $2800... do they shit gold?
  4. Find a microchipping course. Try TAFEs where they have Animal Studies. The course I did was one day but some are spread over two. We then had a quota of animals, both dog and cat, to chip. Anyone can be a microchipper.
  5. Have had dog's teeth removed. No biggie.
  6. Blubbing away here at work, thanks goodness it's winter and it can be put down to a cold. RIP Old Ray
  7. Oh for pity sake moselle, the horse is dead, stop flogging it.
  8. What breed is Jedi (please excuse ignorance)
  9. Listed in the DOL breed pages for Chihuahua and working line GSD.
  10. Glad the problem wasn't as big as you thought. Great that he responded so quickly to your commands, and the treats. And good on your lamdlord for helping out.
  11. Yes ring and ask and if the first wasn't genuine I'm sure they'd be willing to accept your donation anyway.
  12. Poor bugger, hope she comes good soon.
  13. Defiant because it went via Sydney instead of straight there? Might have to look into this option for food.
  14. Can you have him on a lead when you are out and about on the farm? If he starts to bark he will be right by you and you can correct him right away.
  15. It's unusually quiet here tonight. My big boy is usually barking at the roos or foxes. Must be too cold for them to be out (it's freezing)
  16. I have one dog who does not like coming in the house at all. He's a rescue and have no idea why he is like this.
  17. Thanks jdavis. .So if there is no reward, as in the car ride, it fits the term?
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