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Everything posted by HeavyPaws
Are you sure you don't want to join the line? He looks like quite the hunk I'd do it only to live with all those wonderful dogs. Pitbulls everywhere to kiss
I know it's the wrong gender for sympathy, but my brother had a very controlling girlfriend and it was almost impossible to get him out of that relationship. I'd go over and ask if he'd like to go for walk with me, and she'd literally burst into tears to stop him going, and start hitting him. He too had an issue with his dogs, she didn't like his GSD {BSL supporter}, so she actually sold it in the Trading Post while he was at work and staged it to look like it had run away. We all believed Sash had run way, so we were doing the frantic door-to-door, posters everywhere, police notified, ranger notified, calling the shelters everyday, and we were shocked at how nobody had seen this large, furry dog anywhere. so one day he stayed home from work, too miserable to go because he was sure Sash was dead, she went shopping, and who called on the home phone but a man complaining about the dog he'd bought from them on TP, saying she refused to be mated and he wanted his money back. PBF {psycho b*tch face, girlfriend's affectionate nickname to the family} actually claimed it must be someone who stole his dog, demanding a ransom. Really. She truly expected us all to believe that. Anyway, that was the last straw, messing with the dog he'd had for 11 years, and he got Sash back and dumped PBF on the roadside. Happy times all round. Hopefully your daughter comes around and gets rid of this bloke. Let her know all the dangers of buying from BYB, maybe hype it up a little with ravings about parvo-stricken puppies dying all over the place, two little puppies and how they wreck havoc if they're not exercised constantly, offer to help her with the adoption of the other dog in any way she needs. People in controlling relationships, male or female, need support from family members to make a move, or they never will.
In preparation for my dog, I made sure my yard was large and sprawling, with trees and plants, a digging patch, lush grass...a large dog's fantasy. My Dane hates the outdoors so much that when it has been raining, I need to stand behind her and use physical force to make her go outside to go to the toilet. When it's summer and I open the back door, she stand on the threshold, turns her face away from the door and blinks. I've seen the same expression on middle aged women who wake up at 11 to a blazing bright day and don't have any coffee left. Then she does a long, slow yawn, and sllowwwwllyyyy places her front paws on the ground. About 5 minutes later, the hind legs follows, she does her business, then does a slow uncaring circuit of the backyard, and then comes back inside. I used to have fantasies of '101 Dalmations' style romping as I wave the leash above my head, but all I get is an open eyes, a snort, a fart, and then she rolls over. We go for an hour walk a day but it's noticeably faster on the way home.
Remember My Dog Who Is Keen On The Cats?
HeavyPaws replied to Kirty's topic in General Dog Discussion
My step-dad's Dane wasn't keen on cats...actually, he was VERY keen....to eat them My mother found a 16 week old kitten and brought it home to keep until the ranger showed up, as soon as Titan saw the kitten he lunged towards it barking but the kitten ran towards him, not away, clawed it's way up his face and sat on his head screeching in his ears as he ran around the house screaming and shaking his head. When the kitten was finally pulled off, she wriggled free, chased the 80 kilo hulking monster dog into the master bedroom, cornered him and boxed his muzzle with full claws out. Titan ended up under the bed crying and wailing and bleeding, the kitten {still a clawing, spitting mess} was locked in the bathroom and everyone was pretty shaken. My mum decided to keep the kitten when she let it out of the bathroom, it walked right past Titan with tail held high and Titan sank into a submissive down. Oddly enough, after that, it was love. They haven't been seperate since, and they groom each other after baths, purring and love-whining resounding from their shared bed. They won't even eat from seperate dishes and they even share the cat's bouncy feathered mouse toy. Embarrassment for the reputation of that dog -
I wish I knew this one. I was lying on the floor yesterday, and my Dane came over to lick me, and her forehead wrinkled. If only I knew what she was thinking, which now I've read that, was obviously judging how weak I was, and how much effort it would take to attack and kill me in one fell swoop I should be safe if I buy a Maltidoodle, however. Everyone knows designer dogs have the aggression bred out of them
HeavyPaws that is double the normal for a Saint Remarkable effort My Boogie had his tenth birthday 11-03-2010. He is poor of sight and hearing as can be well imagined. but is looking real good and moving around heaps better because he's been getting fresh baby salmon whole for about a month and he just loves them. He's always at the back gate waitng for me to see what he has for tea! This one was fit as a fiddle but died of a brain tumour. "Fit as a fiddle" sounds odd considering the death, but despite being from one of those types of dog-owning families that see vets as a last-minute resource only, it was in great shape. Both eyes were fine, movement was great, joints fine, hearing fine, still ate with appetite, still went for a few hours walk a week and apart from teeth absolutely caked in tartar, was in good shape. Then started having seizures, they waited a year before taking it to the vet, and the vet recommended PTS. It was fitting up to 80 times a day and they took the advice.
My brother's neighbour's kelpie has been fed from day one on not only homebrand, but in non-english homebrand food. We have no idea what it's called, or what is in it. She buys it from an asian supermarket in the city because it's 20c a can {about the size of a large Pedigree can}. It features Japanese characters, with the only English being a speech bubble coming from the mouth of a dog saying "TRUE FRIEND DOG FOD!" We've figured out the flavours because the cartoon dog on the front wears either a pig snout, cow horns, chicken wings or rabbit ears. The damn dog eats only this food. I've offered free food, we've tried out every can and fresh option avaliable in shops, raw and barf, every dried food in every price range, home cooked meals, human food, even a piece of prime porterhouse steak but nope, it has to be True Friend Dog Fod. It's 6 years old, goes to the vet every year and to date has had nothing wrong with it in the slightest sense, the picture of perfect health with a gorgeous coat, perfect teeth, perfect muscles, barely a scrap of fat spare, energy to burn and fine firm poo.
That if it walks on someone's left side, it's trustworthy, if it's walked on their right side, it's trained to attack. That taking young puppies off their mother bonds them to humans better And my favourite from my breed niche. I was at the park and a guy said to me "Eh, a Great Dane?", I answered, and he goes "Damn Danish. They have to be bigger and better than anyone else" and trailed off into mumbled swearing about how this is why he left England. somehow I sensed he wouldn't take well to the fact that the breed's not actually Danish...
100. I unintentionally cheated, though, I'm beginning training for an assistance dog, so I'm a bit educated already :rolleyes:
But he's a vicious MALE dobie! They should be erecting fortifications around the beach to keep out those horrid, killer, bitey male dobies. It's in their genes, dont'cha know?
Don't quote me, I'm not a Saint expert, but giant breeds can sometimes struggle for 10 years
Great Dane- 3 years. However, I will add that my fiance's Saint Bernard died at 16 years of age.
I'm not a breeder but these were some of the questions I was asked {some are direct copy pastas from email transactions}: * What would you do if you had little income and your dog was seriously ill? * Can you see yourself spending at least two hours daily with your dog? * Why does this breed appeal to you? * Are you prepared for the fact that puppies do grow up into dogs and live for a long time? * If you were struggling to meet your dog's needs, what would be your course of action re re-homing? * Are you prepared to work through behaviour problems? I was also asked questions about my income {no personal pressing questions, only can I make a budget for dog supplies in my current income}, my house and backyard size, my experience with puppy and dog training, if I had plans for future children and how would the dog fit into those plans...etc, plus some unexpected questions that I didn't think of, but on reflection make sense, like * Do the children in your family have any experience with dogs and puppies? * Do you know what chemicals and plants are dangerous for dogs and know they're not in easy reach? Plus what I call 'pop quiz' questions, like "so how would you stop a puppy from biting?" They were very through and I was under the impression that they cared very deeply about not only what homes their puppies were going to, but what type of adult dog they would turn out to be, which is important to me.
I'm so smitten by her that I immediately want one, despite knowing this, and only this, about the breed: * Working dog * Somehow connected to the Mal, possibly being that they're sortof the same foundation....breed...stock...stuff....I'm going to stop typing now before a Mal owner attacks me and sets my facts straight... It will take immense self-control not to keep deluding myself that I could handle that amount of energy
Pet Shop Made Me Cranky Today - Grrrrrr!
HeavyPaws replied to westielover's topic in General Dog Discussion
Microchipped? If they escaped, how in the hell could anyone catch one of the little sh*ts in order to microchip the bugger?! I like squirrels, wish I could have some, but have no desire to own a palm squirrel -
I went to Borders today, because I like to cruise the dog books, see what I can find. I picked out a book on first-time puppy owning, a book on puppy training and training extensions into adult life, and a book on training a puppy for dog sports. I'm not getting a puppy anytime soon, but I like learning new things, and puppy dog sport training is one of those things. The first two books were so disgusting I half had a mind to rip them to shreds or poke them under the book shelves so nobody would happen upon them and take their advice. First book: Had a section on breeds with information about each one. I skipped right to the Great Dane, it says that steep stairs are perfectly ok to run your puppy up, as they build up the joints and help the dog grow into it's tall frame. I'm sorry, that just sounds stupid as hell. The page before it was on the Dobermann, so I read it coz the pup in the picture was all like "Love me!". A passage said they have a rightful reputation as vicious biters, and the author even said don't get a male, as they're the ones that grow up to be biters, but females are ok. THEN the ridiculous moron said that Dobermanns were the first designer breed, and shows that designer dogs can become a sturdy breed, and it had a little humour-fail with "But we can expect much better things from a labradoodle than a Dobermann!" . It had a long section dedicated to how fantastic cross breds were, "breed" profiles on the Maltidoodle, Labradoodle, Cavoodle, Puggle, Goldenweiler, etc etc, with actual statistics saying how this or that breed is exactly this high, weighs this much, has this coat or this set or ears and I was like "RUBBISH!". When breeding designer mutts, you have no idea what the puppies will turn out to be like. The pups from two different breeds do not combine to make a flawlessly followed breed standard. And it had the usual section of "research shows that designer dogs are better than purebreds. They cost less, don't shed, eat less, have less energy, are tempermentally sound, live longer, are easier to train, have no genetic diseases and are far more intelligent" What? What?! WHAT?! Then it said my ultimate atrocity, that pet shops aren't "that bad" and "in this modern world, don't source their pups from anything but the highest quality breeders" and are "a better option cost wise and let you past the snobbish world of the pure-bred" I stopped reading that one and shoved it binder-first into the bottom shelf of the Humour section. Judge that action as you will, but I'm not having that thing on the dog shelves where poor naive puppy owners can buy it. Second book: Huge page on how socialisation is over-rated and all your puppy needs to see for the first eight weeks home is you, and you alone, and when it finally meets new people it shouldn't learn that they're fun treat machines if it behaves, but are instead dangerous, and the puppy should use you as it's replacement mother and hide behind you, and sharp corrections should be given if it behaves with friendliness towards anyone else. Oh, yeah, I'm seeing how that would totally work for a bull breed puppy This one went binder-first into the computer section. My god, people actually read these books, and take their advice! Do authors now just ask their bogan mates for dog advice, and put it into a book? And these authors both had 'DR.' before their names. Where did they get their qualifications? Out of a cornflake box?! I'm not a vet, a trainer, a breeder, a canine specialist or anything important, but I knew more than these two bumbling idiots. I'm in half a mind to write a book myself with the help of people who know dogs, not "DR's" with no more idea of dog training than a retarded furseal does. Can I just let out a huge, resounding 'GRRRR'?!
Do You Walk Your Dog No Matter What The Weather ?
HeavyPaws replied to mrs tornsocks's topic in General Dog Discussion
I could certainly try to take her for a walk in the rain. But somehow I predict I'll be leaving the house with a leash, and she'll be inside the house, safe and warm until I return. I really need to buy a Great Dane sized polar fleece jacket, but all the ones I see are tartan or plain navy colour. I want skulls and crossbones, stuff like that. -
Go on Youtube, looks up 'dog howling' and play it loud on speakers. They howl along
Worst Excuses For Re-homing Or Surrendering A Pet
HeavyPaws replied to PeiPei's topic in General Dog Discussion
"He's too bouncy and strong". Their kids were scared of dogs, so to cure the problem....they bought them a 6 week old Stafford from a backyarder, and refused to train it because "everyone we know has a staffy and they're great dogs, born perfect". So the one year old Staff that was confined to the backyard because it was too energetic, and was never walked because it "pulled, even with a choke chain on", was surrended for being it's breed. I tried to point this logic out to them but now they're convinced it "had something wrong with it", and it couldn't possibly be because they bought a bull breed without knowing anything about them, and didn't train it. -
I can't say anything has ever been better than the Ikea kid's toys. My girl has the bulldog, the beagle, a few rats, a horse, a hippo, a TRex wearing a top hat {???}, a fox and a really big shark. They've lasted two years so far with no rips, and they are very attractive toys; soft, plushy, they even look like the thing they're meant to be. And they're cheap!
Great Dane?! Protect?! She'd be like "Oh gosh this person is very loud, I really don't like this. I'm going home". She warns other dogs away from me though. I patted a Jack Russell once, who bared his teeth at me, and she stepped over him, curled her tail over her back and gave a big deep rumble which made her jowls quiver. No bite, no lunge, just a "Hey, you, don't do that" Luckily the owner wasn't one of those "OMG a big dog! Don't hurt my sweet lil poopikins baby!" and apologised for her dog's behaviour. She said he'd just recovered from an ear infection so he must still be a bit wary of his ears, so I tickled his belly instead, my girl calmed down, and all was well. If someone was coming at me with a machete she'd turn for home, mother or no mother.
And I can't believe I forgot to add my favourite one. My sister left home a few months ago, and she posted pics of her new puppy on FB. Predictably, a petshop puppy. But this one was purebred, she said. I asked what, since it looked like a minature fur seal with leprosy, and she said... ... ... ... ... ... wait for it ... ... ... ... ... ... "a purebred Miks!" Say it out loud, it ups the humour to about 20000 %. Even after talking her through how she was scammed out of $980, she didn't get that 'Miks' sounds an awful lot like 'mix'
Ohhh yes, crossbreds and their lovely names. I have a few amusing examples. Apparently a cross-bred Staffordshire is actually a 'Southern Cross Staffy', the Australian version of the 'english staffy'. I've heard this a few times, at the pet warehouse, at a puppy class, in my family {blush for embarrasment at being related to them}. My protests that 'english staffy' isn't an actual breed, that 'cross' doesn't mean 'a new breed', and that the real name isn't 'staffy', have been greeted with 'proof', such as "you wouldn't know about them, they're a new breed". Also, if you have a boxer X poodle, and you cross it with your friend's poodle X boxer, the offspring are not, under any wild imaginings, to be called purebred Boxers or purebred Poodles. When selling them as either fails, don't sell them as booxpools. Yes, folks, you heard it here first. BOOXPOOLS. Get 'em while they're genetically faulty and tempermentally unstable! And finally, a cocker spaniel x poodle x poodle x dalmation is a purebred cockadallydoodle. Really, this is a true story. It's the catchiest name I've heard yet. And boy the lady sure got snarky when I started the "That's not a real breed..." talk.
How are they for exercise requirements? Every second day I go for an hour/2 hour walk, the other days I'll slowly walk for maybe a half hour {or, in winter, sit on the couch :D } Of course I'd wait until physical maturity to walk for an hour, but would that be sufficient? Or do they need every day long walks? I read that they will go utterly and totally mad and destroy everything in seconds {slight exaggaration} if they don't get at least three days a week off lead running. Is that true, because I don't exactly have any area around here I'd even consider letting a Wolfie go in
Why don't you dye her blue and promote the forgotten fact that men get breast cancer too? That'll knock everyone for a sixer, being told that men's lives matter just as much as women's do. Oops, I shouldn't say that, I'll probably be accused of being sexist